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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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I reckon I'm going to be working all day, so whenever's good for you and I'll have a break.


9.30 ok with you?


Hmmmm looks like I missed you - I sent you invites but you weren't responding. Too bad cos I'm shite at Mortal Kombat!

Edited by Cookyman
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Ugh, at a crossroad. Although there's not many games I'm particularly interested in, the price being offered by Amazon is getting nearer the point where it'd be a sound investment for when I do eventually find some games.


But there's also the possible price cutting of key accessories or maybe even the console over the next few months, me going to Japan and the possibility of some kick ass limited editions would be hard to resist.


Gah..what to do.. Also, has any one else noticed how massive the Vita looks in photos? I've played one multiple times and it's no where near as big as it looks.

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I think it's the analogue sticks that make it look massive.


You might as well just hold off until there's a game you really want. I doubt there'll be a price drop. I see this trending pretty much exactly the same as the PS3.

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Crystal White Vita:




And a special version for Japan:






Blimey black being slimming applies to consoles too....it looks huge in white, really chunky.



Anyway came in here because wanted to post a piece on ign about Zombie Tycoon 2, it's come to PS3 and Vita as a cross play game....the original was a mini and was a bit rough around the edges but was actually a really good game beneath it all;


Up until this point, Frima Studios has been as big as one can be in the realm of PlayStation Mini development. Zombie Tycoon and A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks were both successful Minis, but as Frima executive producer Martin Brouard put it "In terms of sales, it’s not as high as we would have liked." So, Frima is walking away from Mini development for the time being and focusing on its next full PlayStation Network game.


"Minis are not the priority for anyone except maybe the Mini developers," Brouard said. "I think we will reach more people by doing regular PSN titles or retail titles that are actually going to see some marketing."


It's a fair point considering that Minis are out of sight on the PlayStation Store's main page, lack Trophies, and, in large part, are simply ignored by the media, but that's not to say Frima doesn't see a point in the downloads.


“The Minis idea is really good," Brouard said. "I think they should be much more popular than they are. It’s a super good entry point into being able to publish on PlayStation."


Still, Frima and Brouard are moving away from Minis with Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge, a real-time strategy game with full single player and multiplayer modes as well as crossplay between the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Even though that's easier said than done.


"We are in the middle of making this work," Brouard said. "I’m crossing my fingers that it’ll go super smooth, but I think it’s going to be a challenge."


Being a crossplay title, Frima Games has focused on making it accessible for a console audience. The game revolves around you leading a horde of undead into battle for the fate of the universe; IGN didn't see the game in action as it's just a prototype now and scheduled for 2013 release. Zombie Tycoon 2 gameplay will be streamlined so that all of your important positions are on face buttons – one button for your mobile base (if you lose it you lose the game), two for your zombie squads, and one for your hero. You’ll be able to select from four different heroes, and each hero will have different abilities (and thus strategies) to choose from. As Brouard states, “It’s a little bit inspired by [multiplayer online battle arena] titles – we want to use what we like from both [RTS and MOBA]."


When taken into multiplayer, many RTS games are focused on large battles that can last upwards of an hour, but the online here is focused with one on one matches that can be completed within 15 minutes. If you capture a particular point that has unique features -- i.e. a firehouse -- your zombies will take on those features and affect the dynamic of a game -- i.e. zombies who are now immune to fire traps


Though Frima Studios made its name being one of the most successful PlayStation Mini developers, Brouard is ready to move on -- not only because of the technical possibilities but because of the shift in expectations.


"When [Minis first] launched, it was at the same time as the App store started launching a lot of $0.99 games," Brouard said. "And I remember when we launched Zombie Tycoon at $7.99, people were like 'Woah, this is crazy! I should be able to buy all these games for $0.99 cents -- even better, they should all be free.' And that's a little hard; we still have to make money."

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I think it's the analogue sticks that make it look massive.


You might as well just hold off until there's a game you really want. I doubt there'll be a price drop. I see this trending pretty much exactly the same as the PS3.


Yeah, you're probably right about that.


You mean trending the same as in slow start for a couple of years and then a monstrous uptake? Didn't the PS3 have to go through a colossal price drop to get that far? Then again, the Vita can't really get much cheaper without hemorrhaging money, only the memory cards can afford to take the hit.

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I don't know if it'll be a monstrous uptake but it'll gain momentum and I think it'll do that a lot faster than the PS3 did because when the PS3 launched Sony were in a pretty shite state with regards to first party output and they kept banging on about the PS3 being the 'all in one' box as opposed to focusing on games first, which thankfully they realised.

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I'm starting to get the horrible feeling that I bought the Vita way too early.


I paid £227 for Wifi Vita + 8GB Memory Card + Asphalt and now, on Amazon, I could get 3G Vita + 4GB Memory Card + Mortal Kombat for £250.


I still think the best game on it so far is Motorstorm RC. It has such a pick up and play style. The problem is that other than that there hasn't been that many games I want to play over and over.

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Still getting it for Xbox 360 when they get around to finally releasing it... :wink:


The only game for Vita that I'm genuinely looking forward to right now is Gravity Rush as it looks amazingly fresh. :)

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Looks like Amazon has shifted their posturing regarding the Vita, they've put the price of the Wifi model back up by nearly £20 but kept the 3G model at the same price point.


I imagine this is due to E3 being around the corner. I think I said this in the Wii U thread recently but Sony has been far too quiet with Vita promotions except for in Japan, so I imagine something huge is going to be announced that'll shift peoples minds away from wanting a price cut (probably Black Ops 2).


There must be some heavy focus on lobbying developers right now. It's a lot cheaper than reducing the price of the console and it's pretty much required as the poor performance worldwide is definitely going to hampering developer confidence.

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Holy shit! Everybody's Golf Vita, Reality Fighters and Modnation Racers Vita just got reduced to £11.99 on the PSN store!


It must be a cockup surely!? That's a bloody amazing price for EG! (I wouldn't imagine it lasting long!)


It's currently downloading...

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Holy shit! Everybody's Golf Vita, Reality Fighters and Modnation Racers Vita just got reduced to £11.99 on the PSN store!


It must be a cockup surely!? That's a bloody amazing price for EG! (I wouldn't imagine it lasting long!)


It's currently downloading...


If you buy it as a download though do you still get a network pass with it or is that seperate? Because the network pass is £7.99...


Edit - nvm... just checked and it's included :)


Downloading! :D seems like a great deal - get it while it's cheap if it is a mistake! - only takes up just over a gig too so can easily fit on even the smallest capactity memory card, though admitedly I'm gonna now have to think about getting a larger capacity memory card now... after E3 of course. ;)

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