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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Upon dwelling on PS Vita TV a fair bit, it's a great concept...but the execution is just dire.


The majority of Vita games won't be compatible due to touch screen and rearpad input requirements.

The lack of 1080p is a massive oversight, especially if you're pushing streaming of the PS4 to another TV (though really, it's just identical to the PS4 -> Vita one, so won't that be at a lower resolution anyway?)

The lack of internal memory and necessity of the expensive memory cards is ridiculous.


Sony, you raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, bravo.

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They must come up with some sort of solution for the touchscreen controls, even if it's something as dire as requiring L2 or R2 to be held down (front and back respectively) and using the two sticks as cursors to simulate the touch controls. So many Vita games require it to be used (often for small things, but things that can't be skipped!), that they can't just leave them to be unplayable.


Even Soul Sacrifice requires it for a couple of context sensitive actions and they actually showed it being played on Vita TV! (unless that was actually SSDelta...)


The current situation here is ridiculous... (The pathetic 1GB of storage is also hilarious and sad, but that's another matter...)

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or is it memory cards too for digital games? because if so, back door psp game support for me!


It comes with an 8GB Memory Card.


I think certain games will come with a patch to make it compatible. Uncharted has some stupid touch controls (as in the ones for melee) and don't need to be there, so it would be nice to sort those out.

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It comes with an 8GB Memory Card.


I think certain games will come with a patch to make it compatible. Uncharted has some stupid touch controls (as in the ones for melee) and don't need to be there, so it would be nice to sort those out.

Not always. Only in one SKU does it, and that SKU is around 5,000 yen more expensive than the base model

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Nevermind, it is compatible with DS4, but not until a future software update.


With the DS4 and remote play features, it also turns it into a remote play PS4 unit, so you can transfer the game to another TV.


Not always. Only in one SKU does it, and that SKU is around 5,000 yen more expensive than the base model


I was pointing out that it will have a memory card slot.

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Guys...it's...it's not a new console. It's barely even there to replace the Vita. It's a really unsubtle challenge to the apple/google TV box market. It's an app box that also slingshots the PS4.


And there are a myriad of games that will work with it without touchscreen issues (like the whole library of PSP games), much more when it's made compatible with the DS4.


It's about getting a cheap foot in the door to the Playstation ecosystem (they will ow how three distinct price points to the 'Playstation'; PSVita TV, the PSVita/PS3 and the PS4). Nintendo literally just pulled a similar tactic with the 2DS. That people can't see that...is only part of why you aren't in charge of anything remotely important...like a global brand like Nintendo or Sony.


It's a great move by Sony if they can nail app support...and that definitely hasn't been their strong point.

Edited by Daft
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That people can't see that...is only part of why you aren't in charge of anything remotely important...like a global brand like Nintendo or Sony.


I can see that. Can I be partly in charge of Sony, now?




I have a Vita, so both the new PSVita and Vita TV don't interest me in the slightest.

But I know two people who are passionate about video games and always wanted to own a Vita but they can't really afford one.

I told them about Vita TV (also about all the 'negative' aspects), and they love it/want to buy it.

I'm sure there are many others who appreciate Sony's move.

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There's a compatibility list up now...




Soul Sacrifice is listed, but stuff like Uncharted GA and Little Big Planet Vita are not...


I get that feeling that they're releasing an update for SS to make the touch controlled stuff optional, rather than including some sort of touch screen substitute...


That's a really small list of games! Can't believe that they're not adding in ANY sort of solution here!

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Even if the device had a touch controller built in, it would be no good for playing touch screen focused games on. I tried playing some iPhone games over airplay before and it just doesn't work. You can't play a touchscreen game without looking where you're touching.


So forget that now and get over it... and see this as a cheap quirky little device that can put some of your non-touch based games on the big screen as well as a few other neat little features like letting you play games on other TVs in the house if your TV is in use and you don't want to move your PS4 or whatever.


There's a compatibility list up now...



By the way if anyone's curious, P4G is on this list (ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン)

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Even if the device had a touch controller built in, it would be no good for playing touch screen focused games on. I tried playing some iPhone games over airplay before and it just doesn't work. You can't use a touchscreen device without looking where you're touching.


So forget that now and get over it... and see this as a cheap quirky little device that can put some of your non-touch based games on the big screen as well as a few other neat little features like letting you play games on other TVs in the house if your TV is in use and you don't want to move your PS4 or whatever.


I'm not saying that it would be any good, I'm thinking more about those games that just use it for silly context sensitive actions or button icons that could be just as easily controlled with buttons, like Uncharted Golden Abyss.


It seems silly to exclude those games that could easily be made to work with the Vita TV, even through a ghetto solution (like the one I mentioned before), cause not all of those games will end up getting updates to make these things controllable with a button (patches aren't free after all, so not everyone is gonna end up doing it).

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Not to mention you could take your PSVita TV to a friend who doesn't have a PS4 and start remote play from your home. Yeah, it might not be 1080p but does that really matter when its that convenient.


Also, are we forgetting the big elephant in the room? Gaikai. This is your Onlive box. This is your streaming library of PS3/PS2/PS1 games. There's every reason to think this is the box before the service.

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Upon dwelling on PS Vita TV a fair bit, it's a great concept...but the execution is just dire.


The majority of Vita games won't be compatible due to touch screen and rearpad input requirements.

The lack of 1080p is a massive oversight, especially if you're pushing streaming of the PS4 to another TV (though really, it's just identical to the PS4 -> Vita one, so won't that be at a lower resolution anyway?)

The lack of internal memory and necessity of the expensive memory cards is ridiculous.


Sony, you raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, bravo.


The vast majority of Vita games have non compulsory touch controls. In terms of games out now that I have, only LittleBigPlanet actually needs touch.

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Not to mention you could take your PSVita TV to a friend who doesn't have a PS4 and start remote play from your home. Yeah, it might not be 1080p but does that really matter when its that convenient.


So is this actual confirmation that the PS4's remote play is not just local WiFi, and that you can play your PS4 games from any fast enough internet connection?

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Aha! Turns out that there IS a rudimentary touch screen control solution!




When you hold down L3 or R3 (presumably that controls each respective touch panel/screen), a pointer appears that controls the touchscreen action.


There we go! That solves the issue for those games that needed at least some rudimentary touch screen actions :) Stuff like Wipeout and Uncharted should be playable on this thing after all.

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