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Posted (edited)
  S.C.G said:
Which one though? The touch-screen? DS had that years ago or the touch-pads? they're basically just replacements for triggers I'd imagine or the motion sensor? the 3DS has this...


Yes the PSP2 may have superior visuals but that's really all it seems to have over the 3DS as a game system now yes I'm sure the PSP2 will do more but then you could just argue that if you want to do more then there are other devices that already do what it does and more.


The visuals on the 3DS still look impressive even against the PSP2 plus they'll have added depth thanks to the 3D surely? Anyway I'm sticking with the 3DS because I believe that it'll actually be better as a games console.


Seriously, I'm not saying one is better than the other. This is a preference.


I'm talking about the touch pad on the back and from the screenshots, the 3DS doesn't compete with the NGP.


Also, as a PS3 owner I'm also tied into the system already which is a massive appeal. I have Plus, a gamer card (this thing has trophies and I love trophies), way better online infrastructure (and 3G) and it doubles as a mini-tablet (I toyed with the idea of getting a Dell Streak). Not to mention it has all the franchises that I love and I can't help feel encouraged by a lot of the initial developer reaction.


In the past few years, in my eyes, Sony has amassed the best first party studios and games.


This is my preference, though.

Edited by Daft

Of course it's preference and I do think that all three companies have a lot to offer in their own way, Sony have done well in these past couple of years... for me though I only purchase exclusive titles for my PS3 as that's all I'm interested in and I can't see the PSP2 having more titles on it that I want to buy than on the PS3 and being that my collection on that only consists of seven games I just can't see myself buying a PSP2.


I have a PSP and its remained untouched for months as in it's nice... and it complements the PS3 but that's about it, sure the PSP2 will be better but I just can't justify purchasing it as it's just not for me atm. :)


I'm not a PS3 owner, but in many ways the NGP does sound more appealing.


If it wasn't for the fact that on the 3DS, the 3D effect takes up a bunch of the system's power, I'd still like the idea of the 3DS more. When I realised that some games take a huge framerate hit from playing in 3D though or no longer have certain elements, all of a sudden it seemed less appealing, like it makes it seem like the 3D is more of a gimmick that isnt going to be used well if developers have to fight with considering whether to use it or push visual detail instead.


It takes me back to some quote by Iwata or something about how they made the 3DS "powerful" so that developers wouldnt think "I cant make this game on the 3DS". I think that was very naive of them though.

  S.C.G said:
Of course it's preference and I do think that all three companies have a lot to offer in their own way, Sony have done well in these past couple of years... for me though I only purchase exclusive titles for my PS3 as that's all I'm interested in and I can't see the PSP2 having more titles on it that I want to buy than on the PS3 and being that my collection on that only consists of seven games I just can't see myself buying a PSP2.


I have a PSP and its remained untouched for months as in it's nice... and it complements the PS3 but that's about it, sure the PSP2 will be better but I just can't justify purchasing it as it's just not for me atm. :)


Yeah, sure. I definitely get that. My friend was calling me a fanboy for having the audacity to say that there's a place for both the 3DS and the NGP. :indeed:


I jumped from my 360 to my PS3 as soon as I got one because I couldn't justify XBL for how occasionally I played online and I was also tied to an HDD that was way too small. Now, like I said, I'm linked into Playstation.


I borrowed my friend's PSP a month ago. Played it like three times. :heh: I'll be sold on this if it's a sold as the PS3 is in terms of structure and services. I do love me some trophies. :D


The thing that gets me is, 3D without glasses is the main selling point of the 3DS. But I've heard a lot of reports that the 3D isn't even as good as one hoped, it halfs the framerate and resolution of games. It strains your eyes after long play sessions and also when you use motion controlled games you keep going of the "sweet spot" to view it. Oh and it hammers battery life too.


3DS kind of disappointed me, this looks more of a complete package.


Wow, usually I naturally set phasers to 'fanboy' and would be looking for holes in this.. but good lord this looks awesome


EVERYTHING you could hope for in a handheld, and alot more you didn't even realise you wanted.



I mean grats to nintendo they made all the right decisions with 3ds, but dayum.. this is just a whole new level of awesome.


I'd rather buy a PS3 tbh!... which I think I will soon.


Are the analogue sticks pop-up I take it?


Don't like the looks of it, they've got some seriously bad desigers... why even bother with that additional curve on the bottom?


I can't see the sense behind getting this. The iphone... has a phone, on top of the the extras. And the iPad has a far greater range of services, and a the screen size you'd need to apply them all on!

Posted (edited)
  Choze said:
I think its killer that it can run Android apps.


I've seen that posted on forums but nobody seems to be reporting it...


Also: Sony would be bonkers to not sell this through 3 in the UK (and mainly-3G networks in the US) with added call functionality.

Edited by Cube

I like it. I feared it was going to look like the DS clone like prototype images. Thank god it doesn't, i've always liked the PSP design. I've no interest in 3D on a portable screen, so it will be the PSP2 or whatever it's gonna be called for me.










I don't understand where this is placed...


- It's surely too big to be carried around in small pockets... and it has things like the analogue sticks. Thus you would use your smaller DS or iPhone.

- I thought the motion was towards ONE device that you could carry around with you that does everything. Well surely the iPhone still wins out here.

- If it's that bit too big for easy portability and requires a case, well then if you're going to do that why not make it bigger and fully go after the iPad market.


There can be no denying the games will look great... but then wouldn't you want these big budget games on you TV, with the surround sound and better immersive experience... no sat on a vibrating bus.

  Retro_Link said:
I'd rather buy a PS3 tbh!... which I think I will soon.




And the iPad has a far greater range of services, and a the screen size you'd need to apply them all on!




  Choze said:
This will give Nintendo a big headache.


The problem with the 3DS is that outside of the 3D which isnt even very good thanks to its low resolution and last last gen graphics it lacks any other unique features and uses. Nintendo got complacent there hoping 3D will make up for everything( it hsould initially for casuals and moms). Sony have gone all out with controls, to the OLED screen to online functionality. Its also now doing non entertainment stuff as well as being the best media portable on the market.


YES!!!! I miss these comments, been so long since the Nintendo DS and PSP were first shown I just remember those times... 'Nintendo durr hurp they have only touch screen PSP has what everyone wants! Nintendo's going to lose'


I love these times on the internet :D

  Tissue Town said:
From who's point of view?


Well, they gave everybody exactly what they expected of the console;



-Wii level graphics

-Analogue stick

-Friend Code System overhaul

-Functial 3D gimmick

-Great 3rd party support


can you really think of anything else you really wanted from it??


Battery life is going to be an even bigger issue on the NGP than the 3DS, and that's neither companies fault. R&D is going to take atleast another 5 years before we get High Capacity batteries on a commercial scale

Posted (edited)
  S.C.G said:
Anyway I'm sticking with the 3DS because I believe that it'll actually be better as a games console.


I'm in the same boat. Take a dual analog, slap a screen in the middle and make it powerful enough to play PS3 type games and add 3G? Meh. I can just play those games on my PS3 instead.


It's an impressive piece of hardware though and all the people who are adamant, that everything gets better if you stick a second analog stick onto it, should be in handheld heaven with this. Provided the price doesn't make them choke and the games keep coming.


  Daft said:
My friend was calling me a fanboy for having the audacity to say that there's a place for both the 3DS and the NGP. :indeed:


Whose fanboy are you supposed to be then? o.O

Edited by Burny
  Burny said:
I can just play those games on my PS3 instead.


Yeah, I'll likely treat myself to a PS3 when it gets in my console price range (£200).


So the PSP2 is pretty much superior to the 3DS is every way...


3D is just a gimmick, when you think about it... not really gonna do anything to improve the gameplay, is it?


I preffer the DS, just because of all the Nintendo goodness, but it seems the PSP2, unlike the first one, is actually quite a good system. Kudos to Sony, I guess. =)

  Oxigen_Waste said:
So the PSP2 is pretty much superior to the 3DS is every way...


3D is just a gimmick, when you think about it... not really gonna do anything to improve the gameplay, is it?


I preffer the DS, just because of all the Nintendo goodness, but it seems the PSP2, unlike the first one, is actually quite a good system. Kudos to Sony, I guess. =)

Just like the PSP was superior to the DS.


Look how that ended

  Choze said:
Battery life is very good on the NGP. Better minimum by an hour to two than the 3DS for games.


The 3DS battery life is the worst case scenario with everything on. Turn off features like 3D and the constant WiFi and it gets significantly larger very quickly

  Choze said:
I can play 3DS games on either my Wii, PSP, GC and PS2 instead but better ;)

Didn't know that Kid Icarus or a new Pilot Wings are available on either of those systems. What have I missed? ;)


Third party games will usually make the decision easier. So far the PSP2 is in my eyes the superior handheld - the only drawbacks might be the lack of 3D (for some people an advantage), the price and the game library. I guess developers will not spend big parts of their budget on the PSP2 until they know it will return enough. If they 3DS gains a lot of share it will be very hard for Sony to compete - with a slow start in march of the 3DS and a reaonable price of the PSP2 the christmas business will be very exciting.

  Burny said:
Didn't know that Kid Icarus or a new Pilot Wings are available on either of those systems. What have I missed? ;)


duh!? And didn't you know that the GC, Wii, PSP and PS2 had 3D as well.


All hail mighty Sony, for your system is truly blessed, I will now find another job and sell my house to be able to buy the greatest system ever created by God.

Posted (edited)
  Retro_Link said:
I don't understand where this is placed...


- It's surely too big to be carried around in small pockets... and it has things like the analogue sticks. Thus you would use your smaller DS or iPhone.

- I thought the motion was towards ONE device that you could carry around with you that does everything. Well surely the iPhone still wins out here.

- If it's that bit too big for easy portability and requires a case, well then if you're going to do that why not make it bigger and fully go after the iPad market.


There can be no denying the games will look great... but then wouldn't you want these big budget games on you TV, with the surround sound and better immersive experience... no sat on a vibrating bus.


- I carry everything in my bag. I use my pockets for my phone and that's it. I even find the DS too big to carry in my actual pocket. My pockets are tiny (or at least tight and no I don't wear skinny jeans :hehe: ).

- Convergent devices are good and all but they are the jack of all trades and the king of few (obviously the iPhone does best in quite a few areas but the games, as much as I love them...are not stunning by any reach of the imagination. And no buttons).

- It's got a 5" screen. I think it's the perfect size device. I get the iPad, I use my sister's one when I'm round at hers, but I'd love one this size. Like I said, I even looked at the Dell Streak. I love that machine but this definitely more what I want. Just because something doesn't fit in your pocket doesn't mean it isn't portable, if it did, the original Gameboy would be far far from portable.


Also, I don't play games on the go. I play them when I'm at home or when I'm somewhere else. Never in transit...because I cycle. :heh: But there aren't going to be just massive big budget games on this.


It's a high end gaming device and actually, there's nothing else on the market like it.

Edited by Daft
  Choze said:
The 3DS is rather boring though and while friends codes may be an improvement, its back to square one compared to the NGP.


Battery life is very good on the NGP. Better minimum by an hour to two than the 3DS for games.




I completely agree about the 3DS, it is unnappealing to me too. My post was just making the point of Nintendo giving consumers exactly what they wanted out of it, and thus it's not like Nintendo fucked up. It's still a fantastic system, but NGP is essentially perfect from a technical perspective.


And the battery... I've heard they originally expected 6-8 hours, but are now expecting 4-5, so depending on what source for both, they about average out.


Im super happy with the form factor. This could be my first handheld since the GBA.


I havent read up on the fine details yet but i wonder if the sticks have L3, R3 clicking and can i use it as a PS3 controller??

Multiple versions of the NGP will launch from late 2011, each with Wi-Fi capability. Only one, however, will also feature 3G.


"The first thing to clarify, which I'm not sure the presentation did a perfect job of doing today, is that all of the devices will have Wi-Fi capability; a separate SKU will have 3G," House said.




Not having 3G will help cut the price a bit. Good move. Not sure if I'll get the 3G. I'm always near a wifi spot of some kind.

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