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Game of Thrones


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After watching the Starks make so many dumb decisons throughout episode 1-9, episode 10 is completely validated when Catelyn calmly bashes Jamie's face in with a rock.


Also loved the bit where the witch says ''You will not hear me scream'' followed by massive screaming

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I haven't watched the new episode yet, but I know they have a bigger budget this season, so that's cool.


They've also said that the third book will be split into two seasons.


That's assuming the show isn't canceled before then, but that thought it just too depressing to even consider. :blank:

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Tell that to Deadwood!


And Luck managed to get canceled after the first season after they'd already filmed the first episode of season two, but that was because the horses they used for filming kept dying.


Point taken, though. :p

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So... I've had the DVD boxset of the first season of this since it came out a few weeks ago but I've yet to watch it :red: somebody please tell me that I need to watch this tonight!


For the love of all that is holy watch it all.


I admit I was foolish and waited along time to get the Box set (and hadn't watched it before either)


I got the box set at 3:30pm Friday, Watched 4 episodes that night, then spent my Saturday in bed watching the other 6 episodes.


Do not regret spending my Saturday doing that, it is so epic, I couldn't not watch the next episode.


Real kick in the nuts I can't watch season 2 unless I can find somewhere to 'watch it online'.

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Well that was good. Pretty slow start but that was expected, especially considering how much they expanded the cast and scope of the show. Stanis was a treat to finally see- loved his scene dictating the letter, especially.


highlight for me though was Cersi and Littlefinger.




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So it begins...


Last night I finally started watching season one, ended up watching Episodes 1&2 as I couldn't really watch just one being that there's two on each disc, it would be rude not to :heh: plus it's y'know... 'epic', 'awesome', 'win' and all that shizzle. :D


Sean Bean is of course a legend but then that wasn't ever really in question but he's really fantastic in this as is the rest of the cast, I'm not really that familiar with names at the moment but at least I can now identify all the characters that are depicted on the inside of the box-set rather than opening it and thinking 'who's this guy?' or 'this woman seems... intruiging' I now at least partly appreciate the roles that they play and can't wait to see how these characters develop. :)


The setting seems very well realised for something that's done on I presume a 'reasonable' but not unlimited budget, I can see that a lot of work has clearly gone into almost every detail and I appreciate that; it's also rather... gratuitous in various areas which is also a good thing, I've never read to books but I get the feeling that they're doing this 'right' which means incorporating most of the details - gory or otherwise - so that it makes the fullest transition possible, only perhaps leaving out a small amount that inevitably gets lost in translation otherwise though it feels substantial for what it is. :smile:


I very much enjoyed my first viewing, could have easilly watched the whole season but by the time I'd finished watching the above it was 4am so I figure this is something I'll watch two eps a night of so naturally I can't wait to continue watching this most excellent series and I don't doubt that I'll come away from it anxiously awaiting the release of the second season on DVD... I realise even now that I'll be letting myself in for a rather painful wait but I'm so assured by the quality of just the first couple of episodes of the first season that it will most definitely be worth it. : peace:

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So it begins...


Last night I finally started watching season one, ended up watching Episodes 1&2 as I couldn't really watch just one being that there's two on each disc, it would be rude not to :heh: plus it's y'know... 'epic', 'awesome', 'win' and all that shizzle. :D




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Well that was good. Pretty slow start but that was expected, especially considering how much they expanded the cast and scope of the show. Stanis was a treat to finally see- loved his scene dictating the letter, especially.


highlight for me though was Cersi and Littlefinger.




Loved that scene, don't recall it being in the book. One of Cersei's finer moments.

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@S\.C\.G - Seriously Sam, get on it! Best way of wasting your life away that I have ever had. Becky and I literally got home from work one day watched 4 episodes. Went to work again, got back, finished the season.


Spectacular and i concur with lunarlupis, Tyrion is indeed the dude.


I'm loving that they have so directly inserted the dire wolves back into it. Was loving watching Jamie wet himself but I'm hoping that they will pop up in other episodes too.


I really like John Snow but didn't anyone think he was being a bitch of a bitch this episode? Looking forward to him and his fully grown dire wolf heading into battle.


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So I finished watching the entire first season of this the other night, had it all watched within less than a week and I think my viewing pattern went something like this... 2 eps, 2 eps, 4 eps, 2 eps.


It certainly makes for rather compulsive viewing :p which is a good thing of course as it's also compelling, well-written, almost perfectly paced and genuinely stunning to watch, there's always something going on, barely a dull moment and the season ending was brilliant, it was a moment that I knew was coming from only seeing the first eps but it more than lived up to my expectations. :)


Without going into specifics and spoilers it's easily the best thing I've seen in a long time, easily worth the price of the boxset so naturally I'll be buying the next season... of course I know that I have a long wait - probably a year? - but it matters not for even if it was an even longer wait then it would surely still be worth it. :D

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Just watch it the day after it airs in the US like a normal person. :blank:


Via a website, on my pitifully small netbook screen? :blank: I'd rather wait so I can just watch the entire season in full on my HDTV and enjoy it in surround sound... :heh:


If my current PC was a desktop however then I probably would consider watching it in the manner that you've suggested but being that I don't my only other option is to wait for the boxset surely?

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