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Just finished season 5 and I think it's getting a bit tiring to watch now. It almost seems like nothing good ever happens. It can be quite predictable at times. Name the bad outcome of an event and that's normally what happens.


Season 5 was definitely a low point, imo.


It was just a bit dull. I do think 6 will be great...cannot wait for Monday. :D

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"Nothing good ever happens" was how I felt about The Walking Dead and ultimately why I gave up on that in season 2. This, though, I find that good things do happen, the bad stuff is just overwhelming at times.


I won tickets for the premiere in a local, giant cinema (Imperial it's called) but I had a dinner date with a couple of friends and only got two tickets so I gave up on them. I'm gonna regret that so much, this show is so epic to watch in a cinema!

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So that was a good episode, as expect nothing too much happened, it was set up


so the rest will be spoilers


Nice to see Brienne FINALLY be back with a Stark and ready to serve and kick ass, for a moment i thought they were going to drag Sansa and Reek back and have more excruciating scenes.

Ramsey as ever is a disgusting dog, i actually thought he had some humanity, his true love was dead! "Shall we dig a grave and bury her, or have the men build a funeral pyre?" "Feed her to its good meat" (or very similar words) fuck that guy the soooner he is flayed alive the better


the Aria scene was utterly pointless and so short it felt utterly like filler, just to avoid the main desire of fans

Equally Margeary's scenes also felt a little light and like filler - both could have been in the second episode, but then they like fans to squirm


So we now know something more about Jamie and Cersei's past that ties into the children, a witch's prophesy that she will have three children, all will die, i do wonder who the witch was? could she be Melisandre?


Daenerys' plight seemed interesting, she will forcibly be taken back to the Dothraki temple? she isn't in immediate danger it seems, but she is effectively captive, can't see Jorah and whatshisface taking on a hoard let alone any at their holy ground, it will be interesting to see how that plays out


The situation in Mareen seems odd too, that little speech that Tyrion and the spider walked past i think will play a part, a civil war perhaps? between the followers of the dragon queen and the sons of the harpie?


and then theres Castle Black

Jon Snow is dead, Ser Davos is holding his corpse safe locked in a room with the only friend of Jon we know who isn't dead or gone and 4 sacrificial lambs, we didn't need Davos expert opinion to know that thawn was going to kill them no matter what, they are friends of the man he arranged to be killed.

Melisandre, O' Melisandre that first bit where she say's she'd seen him in the flames fighting at Westeros, that was such a red herring to make you think she's lost faith, the reveal of her true age and confirmation that she is using illusionary magic plays into her being much older and being over 400 years old, which if she is her faith is stronger than that, i think she has one last trick up her aged sleeves.


Is she the witch who prophesied Cersei's children's death?


Melisandre once said "it is written in prophecy as well. When the Red Star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone"

What if the obviously undead/immortal/immune Lady in red is the Red Star and as she goes to protect John Snow and the nights watch (darkness gathers) she bleeds and the son of Raegar and Lissana rises as Azor Ahai.

Jon's mate has gone to get the wildlings and they will fight and blood will spill, fires will burn, tears will be shed and at the end of it all our hero will rise


of course this will get dragged out over several episodes no doubt




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So that was a good episode, as expect nothing too much happened, it was set up


so the rest will be spoilers


Nice to see Brienne FINALLY be back with a Stark and ready to serve and kick ass, for a moment i thought they were going to drag Sansa and Reek back and have more excruciating scenes.

Ramsey as ever is a disgusting dog, i actually thought he had some humanity, his true love was dead! "Shall we dig a grave and bury her, or have the men build a funeral pyre?" "Feed her to its good meat" (or very similar words) fuck that guy the soooner he is flayed alive the better


the Aria scene was utterly pointless and so short it felt utterly like filler, just to avoid the main desire of fans

Equally Margeary's scenes also felt a little light and like filler - both could have been in the second episode, but then they like fans to squirm


So we now know something more about Jamie and Cersei's past that ties into the children, a witch's prophesy that she will have three children, all will die, i do wonder who the witch was? could she be Melisandre?


Daenerys' plight seemed interesting, she will forcibly be taken back to the Dothraki temple? she isn't in immediate danger it seems, but she is effectively captive, can't see Jorah and whatshisface taking on a hoard let alone any at their holy ground, it will be interesting to see how that plays out


The situation in Mareen seems odd too, that little speech that Tyrion and the spider walked past i think will play a part, a civil war perhaps? between the followers of the dragon queen and the sons of the harpie?


and then theres Castle Black

Jon Snow is dead, Ser Davos is holding his corpse safe locked in a room with the only friend of Jon we know who isn't dead or gone and 4 sacrificial lambs, we didn't need Davos expert opinion to know that thawn was going to kill them no matter what, they are friends of the man he arranged to be killed.

Melisandre, O' Melisandre that first bit where she say's she'd seen him in the flames fighting at Westeros, that was such a red herring to make you think she's lost faith, the reveal of her true age and confirmation that she is using illusionary magic plays into her being much older and being over 400 years old, which if she is her faith is stronger than that, i think she has one last trick up her aged sleeves.


Is she the witch who prophesied Cersei's children's death?


Melisandre once said "it is written in prophecy as well. When the Red Star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone"

What if the obviously undead/immortal/immune Lady in red is the Red Star and as she goes to protect John Snow and the nights watch (darkness gathers) she bleeds and the son of Raegar and Lissana rises as Azor Ahai.

Jon's mate has gone to get the wildlings and they will fight and blood will spill, fires will burn, tears will be shed and at the end of it all our hero will rise


of course this will get dragged out over several episodes no doubt




No, the witch was in the first scene in s5. Was a flashback.




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A few thoughts of my own added to your spoiler in bold.



Nice to see Brienne FINALLY be back with a Stark and ready to serve and kick ass, for a moment i thought they were going to drag Sansa and Reek back and have more excruciating scenes.

Ramsey as ever is a disgusting dog, i actually thought he had some humanity, his true love was dead! "Shall we dig a grave and bury her, or have the men build a funeral pyre?" "Feed her to its good meat" (or very similar words) fuck that guy the soooner he is flayed alive the better


Brienne is always in the right place at the right time. Jesus, this was one time too many. She just turns up when a sword is about to drop, and saves the day. Is this the 4th time I've seen this play out with her. Anyway, hopefully Sansa can now get it together and become a queen bitch, to take back her lands.


the Aria scene was utterly pointless and so short it felt utterly like filler, just to avoid the main desire of fans

Equally Margeary's scenes also felt a little light and like filler - both could have been in the second episode, but then they like fans to squirm


Margeary's scene was short and useless, but I thought the little glimpse into Arya's life was potent. She's going to have to go through this blind torment for months until she can be one with the force. Slowly does it with her coming of age.


So we now know something more about Jamie and Cersei's past that ties into the children, a witch's prophesy that she will have three children, all will die, i do wonder who the witch was? could she be Melisandre?


Cersei told us all that in the 5th season.


Daenerys' plight seemed interesting, she will forcibly be taken back to the Dothraki temple? she isn't in immediate danger it seems, but she is effectively captive, can't see Jorah and whatshisface taking on a hoard let alone any at their holy ground, it will be interesting to see how that plays out


Hopefully the 3 dragons will swoop in and kill everybody, except her. Which takes me onto the burning of Meereen, that has got to be caused by a dragon on the rampage in the vaults. see soon.


The situation in Mareen seems odd too, that little speech that Tyrion and the spider walked past i think will play a part, a civil war perhaps? between the followers of the dragon queen and the sons of the harpie?


and then theres Castle Black

Jon Snow is dead, Ser Davos is holding his corpse safe locked in a room with the only friend of Jon we know who isn't dead or gone and 4 sacrificial lambs, we didn't need Davos expert opinion to know that thawn was going to kill them no matter what, they are friends of the man he arranged to be killed.

Melisandre, O' Melisandre that first bit where she say's she'd seen him in the flames fighting at Westeros, that was such a red herring to make you think she's lost faith, the reveal of her true age and confirmation that she is using illusionary magic plays into her being much older and being over 400 years old, which if she is her faith is stronger than that, i think she has one last trick up her aged sleeves.


I felt as if she'd seen that her sacrifice was essential for the resurrection of Jon Snow, and has removed all her worldly garb to sleep the long sleep, but by giving her life, Jon will get his back. ??? She looked like a woman who'd seen her death and accepted her sacrifice for the greater good


Is she the witch who prophesied Cersei's children's death?


Melisandre once said "it is written in prophecy as well. When the Red Star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone"

What if the obviously undead/immortal/immune Lady in red is the Red Star and as she goes to protect John Snow and the nights watch (darkness gathers) she bleeds and the son of Raegar and Lissana rises as Azor Ahai.

Jon's mate has gone to get the wildlings and they will fight and blood will spill, fires will burn, tears will be shed and at the end of it all our hero will rise


Yeah, the wildlings will be invovled somehow.


of course this will get dragged out over several episodes no doubt



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Response to first part:

"Brienne is always in the right place at the right time. Jesus, this was one time too many. She just turns up when a sword is about to drop, and saves the day. Is this the 4th time I've seen this play out with her. Anyway, hopefully Sansa can now get it together and become a queen bitch, to take back her lands."


Well, she was in the area and might have heard the dogs...



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So I only just caught up, watched the latest episode but haven't watched the S6 trailer, without spoiling too much, can someone tell me what was the basis for...


Assuming Jon Snow lives? Something in the trailer? Just the fact that he was on the poster? Just the fact that the Red Woman has arrived at the Black Gate?


Or I guess it's this tied to the fact that he's too "big" to die now, like he's probably one of the three heads of the dragon, or has a mysterious past (the first book suggested a few things about him that were never explored)


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This was a good episode brought down by some really bad sections. I didn't think they could make the Dorne plot any worse, but they somehow succeeded in doubling down the awfulness. Here's hoping the dragons come to Dorne at some point, eat the Sand Snakes and burn the whole place to the ground.


The happenings at the Wall were very good though. Liked the ending especially, nice to see a popular fan theory confirmed and done in a way that really adds depth to the character.

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So I only just caught up, watched the latest episode but haven't watched the S6 trailer, without spoiling too much, can someone tell me what was the basis for...


Assuming Jon Snow lives? Something in the trailer? Just the fact that he was on the poster? Just the fact that the Red Woman has arrived at the Black Gate?


Or I guess it's this tied to the fact that he's too "big" to die now, like he's probably one of the three heads of the dragon, or has a mysterious past (the first book suggested a few things about him that were never explored)


Its long been hinted at that he is NOT Ned Stark's child but in fact his Nephew, son of Lissana Stark (Roberts former betroved and reason for the original war) and Raegar Targareon who had secretly wed.

She died surrounded by Kingsguard after the king was dead, in a bed of blood, none spoke of the tower even to Robert.

Other Hints in Ned's monologues in the dungeons hint to him making a promise to her on his death bed, one which was hard to keep when looking at Jon - again hinting that he was related to his

Then there were other quotes about his lineage

I'm sure there was some Targareon prophecy too about births under a red star or something and there was one on the day they 'rescued' Lisanna


Even the Tv show has referenced these, odd wording that hints to the above, Melisandre even saying he fights at Winterfell.


its thought he is the reborn Asai Aarhai and that Daenerys is the Fire and he is the Ice and this entire TV show is their song, or so it has been long thought by those who believe the above hints are true.


But then Popular opinion for TV viewing masses is he was too big to kill, and by which point they all started feeding on book theories


And Kit's been on set filming scenes


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So Game of thrones


So Balon Grejoy is dead, killed by his brother who was thought dead


Was Jamie taken from the sept? or was that just to show the sparrows watch their master? If he is taken then that would explain the scene in the trailer where Cerci and her knight don't move for the sparrows, the only other option is Tomen asked them to get his wife back


Bran! that was illuminating, Bran is seeing the past, his uncle and father and aunt! coudl this continue through the series so by the time he reunites with John he knows his lineage? We are obviously going to see more, because he wants to know why Willis only says Hodor


Arse hole Thorn and little shit are in prison and the wildlings have become the nights watch?


Melisandre's had a crisis of faith?


that was all that happened wasn't it? nothing else of note happened?


oh wait BaschJon lives!


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That was only the second episode I've watched where I didn't have several more to watch straight away, mannnn, when a lot happens the episode flies by so much faster! Glad that we got to the point at the end early on, some people were saying that might not happen for a few episodes, some even theorising it might be near the end of the season.


For a brief moment I allowed myself to believe (and they wanted us to) that Ramsey had been stabbed. I mean it was pretty unlikely, he's too interesting a character and needs a more fitting end. No such luck, anyway.


I wonder how much they'll play with the negative effect this will have had on Jon Snow. I remember when Beric Dondarrion was brought back, he said he loses a bit of himself each time, and you get the impression he normally gets brought back straight away rather than a day later like Jon...


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I wonder how much they'll play with the negative effect this will have had on Jon Snow. I remember when Beric Dondarrion was brought back, he said he loses a bit of himself each time, and you get the impression he normally gets brought back straight away rather than a day later like Jon...


They were both brought back via different methods (although the same general magic/religion/god?) so they could probably go either way with it. I imagine he'll just be a bit spooked at first and sink back into himself. I wasn't expecting the whole ceremony, I wonder what her reasons were for doing it that way rather than just saying the words that Thoros said.


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They were both brought back via different methods (although the same general magic/religion/god?) so they could probably go either way with it. I imagine he'll just be a bit spooked at first and sink back into himself. I wasn't expecting the whole ceremony, I wonder what her reasons were for doing it that way rather than just saying the words that Thoros said.

Well, I just put that down to Melisandre never having seen it been done before, or having tried it before. She was just winging it, asking the god of light through whatever script made sense.


The only problem I have with the episode was the set up with Davos asking her. He just walks in and suggests it, like it's the most natural thing in the world, despite never having seen or heard of it before. It was weirdly forced considering there were several other ways they could've reached that idea. He didn't ask for it for Stannis or anyone else. Was anyone else expecting it to fail and then him to wake up on the funeral pyre?


Davos also seems to have gotten over Shireen's death and become amicable with the woman responsible quite quickly....


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Jon lives!!!!!!. It was obvious he was coming back, the books hinted about his return. The question is, will he resume his role on the Nights Watch (thus killing Thorn and the brat kid whom are currently in a cell), or go forth and rid of the Boltons with the Wildlings.


Ramsey is one mean SOB, from reading various comments last night and this morning, people are saying he's worse than Joffrey (well to be fair, he seems that way to me).


Balon Greyjoy being killed by his believed to be dead brother, can't wait to see the retaliation of this.


And Tyrion releasing one of the dragons, because it was a "good idea". Yeah, lets see how that pans out.


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Just going to type some random bollocks here so my spoiler doesn't show up in Tapatalk. Just a bit more and then...

I wonder if the fact that he's died means that Jon is now free from his Watch vows? I can't remember the wording, but maybe there's something in there about 'until my dying breath'. Then he can leave and rampage across the North (and boink whomever he wants, such as the Dragon Queen, as per my fan fiction that I wrote).


Edited by Shorty
fixing broken spoiler tag
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Just going to type some random bollocks here so my spoiler doesn't show up in Tapatalk. Just a bit more and then...

I wonder if the fact that he's died means that Jon is now free from his Watch vows? I can't remember the wording, but maybe there's something in there about 'until my dying breath'. Then he can leave and rampage across the North (and boink whomever he wants, such as the Dragon Queen, as per my fan fiction that I wrote).


On a scale of 1-10 how good is said fan fiction? if its above a 6 post it

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So.. Rickon is back! That's really interesting but I do hope he gets to live a bit longer than what they suggest. Poor direwolf, though. Also... wasn't he a bit too old? He was 4 or 5 when we last saw him and the course of the series hasn't been 10 years (I think).


And you guys were right, Jon did leave the Night's Watch, that's interesting. Wonder where he'll go now? Will the wildlings follow him?


All in all a solid episode once again.


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So.. Rickon is back! That's really interesting but I do hope he gets to live a bit longer than what they suggest. Poor direwolf, though. Also... wasn't he a bit too old? He was 4 or 5 when we last saw him and the course of the series hasn't been 10 years (I think).


Well... I don't think the actor's aged ten years in the last three years :p I'm glad they haven't changed the actor. They've done it a few times, it was especially jarring with Daario Naharis.


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Am I the only one who really doesn't think Game of thrones is amazing? I find it quite dull in the main with a few exciting episodes towards the end of the season; I like it's brutalness, I like some of the dialogue (particularly Bronn and Hound) and the story is fantastic as a broad whole; but I just don't think the acting is good enough or the writing quite strong enough....


Last nights episode was so boring. The humor so cringe worthy... That fart gag... Childish, stupid show.


Afterwards I watched House of Cards, it is everything this can only dream to be!!

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