Mokong Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) EEVILMURRAY said: How much? . £49.99 for the Morpher on Toyr R US as far as I know they are the only ones selling them in the UK and Ireland Edited September 23, 2013 by Mokong
Jimbob Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 For nostalgia, here's the entire "Green with Evil" episode
EEVILMURRAY Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 NOOOOOOOOOO. Must wait until I get to it on Netflix.
Mokong Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) So went over the footage I got yesterday when unboxing the Legacy Power Morpher, didn't turn out as bad as I thought, and my son added a bit of extra awesome to video So here is my unboxing vid of the morpher Also the other day I found all of teh original Japanese Sentai, MMPR is based on, Zyuranger on Youtube, and been watching eps of that over last 3 days. Pretty awesome, very different tone to Power Rangers, bit darker, doesn't really feel like a "kids" show, more a Teen show. There was a kid in one ep trapped under rubble with blood all over his face, wouldn't see that in a PR show. The differences are pretty cool too; the back story to where the Zyurangers came from. DragonRanger especially. And the Zords too, the way the Megazord... or DaiZyuJin as he called in this, is actually a sentient God Really enjoying it but finding it a bit weird sometimes when I recognise some of the scenes and remember it from seeing it in MMPR Or seeing some parts that I don't recognise and likely wasn't used in MMPR. Not watching all eps though. Just skipping through it to find the "main" eps. Using Wiki and seeing episode titles helps. Up to ep37 of 50 now The guy who has this uploaded has a bunch of other Sentai shows organised into playlists too, I might just start watching those too, haha. Back on the PR front, Oisín (and me) recently finished watching Power Rangers RPM and that was actually really good. Very different feel, like Zyuranger, it has a darker tone and feels more like a Teens show, than a kids show. Rangers were all pretty cool too esepcially Black and Green. And the actors were pretty decent too and made all the rangers very likeable and interesting. We started on Power Rangers Samurai last week and it's gone back to a more "Kid show" feel and the actors certainly took a dive, with the exception of Green and Gold all the Samurai rangers are just planks, especially Red and Blue. Those two are trees more than they are planks BUT one awesome thing about Samurai is the costumes, not so much the "main" ranger suits but their "Megamode" suits when they call on their zords...for some reason their suits change when they go inside the zords The best looking one has to be the Gold Ranger They should use those suits as the "normal" suits too, the armour looks so sweet. Edited September 24, 2013 by Mokong
Mokong Posted September 28, 2013 Posted September 28, 2013 (edited) Just finished watching the 50th and final episode of Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger (note: as mentioned before tried to skip the filler eps trying to watch only "story important" eps so prolly only watched about 20-25 of the 50 eps) Really enjoyed it. Liked the differing story and origins from MMPR as I mentioned before. And the overal differing tone of the show too. Does make me want to look up other Sentai shows to see the differences between them and their Power Rangers counterparts I think one of teh major differences being that the Guardian Beasts (zords) weren't just machines but actually alive and formed a God, DaiZyuJin, (in "Megazord" form) was great and that DaiZyuJin actually talked with the Zyurangers was cool. Though I guess with MMPR going for more a "tech" theme with Zordon, Alpha and the Command Centre they couldn't really then give the Megazord it's own voice and character as everything else had the zords set up to be just machines and not mystic creatures. Reveal hidden contents DragonRanger dying was alot sadder than I expected too even though I knew it was coming but that whole overal storyarch with the green candle here I felt worked better than in MMPR. Obviously cause alot more was at stake here. In MMPR it just drained Tommys powers here it was a countdown to Burai's death that could not be stopped I really liked how after Burai's death then Dragon Caeser (Dragonzord) had an ep where it was somehow able to show emotion and saddness at the loss of Burai. And I really liked the backstory revelation on Bandora (Rita) that came about in the final few eps and actually felt a bit sorry for her at the end too after the final fight.... untill she started singing again....haha, the first time I watched an ep where Bandora broke out in song I was like WTF? That is definately one part I'm so glad didn't make the transition into MMPR haha Also I now can't get the theme song out of my head....and oddly when I hear it, it also makes me think of Dragonball Z Audio Edited September 28, 2013 by Mokong
soag Posted September 29, 2013 Posted September 29, 2013 I think I am the only person that hated this show as a kid lol, dunno why just never got into it *shrugs*
Jimbob Posted October 4, 2013 Posted October 4, 2013 Long time coming, thanks for the patience. I dug out my original Zords in the attic, here they are for your pleasure. Dinozords Dinozords (Battle mode) Megazord Dragonzord Mega Dragonzord Dragon Megazord Thunder-Era Red Dragonzord (Dragon mode) Red Dragonzord (Battle mode) Tigerzord (Tiger mode) Tigerzord (Battle mode) Shogun Era Shogun Zords Shogun Megazord
Mokong Posted October 4, 2013 Posted October 4, 2013 OMG, those look awesome and in great condition too. The Dragonzord, Red Dragon Thunderzord and Tigerzord especially look awesome. I'm also finding myself tempted to now want to buy the Legacy Megazord, haha. Are they gonna release a Legacy Dragonzord later?
Jimbob Posted October 4, 2013 Posted October 4, 2013 (edited) Mokong X-C said: OMG, those look awesome and in great condition too. The Dragonzord, Red Dragon Thunderzord and Tigerzord especially look awesome. I'm also finding myself tempted to now want to buy the Legacy Megazord, haha. Are they gonna release a Legacy Dragonzord later? The Tigerzord and Dragonzord have battery operated sounds, which (and i can quote) still have batteries in which work. I haven't switched them on in years, but they work still. The Shogunzord were, and still are in the original box. The others, the boxes got damaged. I had to save these a few years ago, parents were looking at selling them at a car boot sale. They've been in box in the attic for many years, some of them are nearly 20 years old. And work as good as they did then. I was at one point considering getting the rest of the Thunderzords to make a complete Thundermegazord and/or Mega Tigerzord. The funny thing is, they never sold the Thunderzords as a complete unit Edited October 4, 2013 by Jimbob
Shorty Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 (edited) I literally had all of those and I really wish I'd hung onto them too... I also had the morpher, Saba, falconzord and the Dragon Dagger. Edited October 5, 2013 by Shorty
flameboy Posted October 5, 2013 Posted October 5, 2013 Did anyone ever see this episode?!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
flameboy Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Also did anyone have any idea there was a Power Rangers FMV game on the Sega CD?!!!! Bit like dragons lair!
Jimbob Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 Slight bump, Toy's R Us in the US of A are selling the Legacy Coins for White and Green Ranger (with Morpha) Green and White Legacy Morpha
Agent Gibbs Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 Jimbob said: Slight bump, Toy's R Us in the US of A are selling the Legacy Coins for White and Green Ranger (with Morpha) Green and White Legacy Morpha There website is terrible to pre-order from! 5 or 6 times it hung when trying to authorise my card, because loyds use that click safe system which Americans obviously don't have so the website doesn't like it eventually preordered through paypal those legacy Dragonzord and Dragon Dagger also look awesome
S.C.G Posted October 15, 2013 Posted October 15, 2013 flameboy said: Also did anyone have any idea there was a Power Rangers FMV game on the Sega CD?!!!! Bit like dragons lair! Yep, I actually own the game! Only ever just the disc unfortunately but I did a quick search on eBay and its actually become rather rare over the years - even just the disc - as there was one copy of it that sold complete and sealed for around £90 so I would imagine that even just the disc is quite valuable. Of course I originally had it as a kid so had no idea but its been sitting inside the case of my copy of Silpheed on the Mega CD in pretty good condition. As you can see from the brief snippet in this video though, the game itself is far from actually being any good, but I still amazingly managed to have fun with it back in the day. : peace:
Retro_Link Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Was this the first QTE game? ;p I had the Power Rangers game on the Gameboy. Was a pretty hard game I think?
S.C.G Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 The mega CD version was definitely challenging, can't remember if I even finished it back in the day... who would have thought that pressing buttons in time could actually be challenging? :p Hmm... I could actually play it again... right now, I have my faithful Sega Multi-Mega sitting on my desk, but I don't know... I think this game is one of those things best left in the past.
flameboy Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Retro_Link said: Was this the first QTE game? ;p I had the Power Rangers game on the Gameboy. Was a pretty hard game I think? Arguably Dragons Lair was surely?
Agent Gibbs Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 S.C.G said: The mega CD version was definitely challenging, can't remember if I even finished it back in the day... who would have thought that pressing buttons in time could actually be challenging? :p Hmm... I could actually play it again... right now, I have my faithful Sega Multi-Mega sitting on my desk, but I don't know... I think this game is one of those things best left in the past. Ahh the sega multi mega...always tried to get a hold of one of those....might look on ebay again
Jimbob Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 The only Power Ranger game i played was, if i recall correctly this. Didn't know they made a previous title to this, i learn new every day.
S.C.G Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 Agent Gibbs said: Ahh the sega multi mega...always tried to get a hold of one of those....might look on ebay again Save a search on eBay and just keep checking, that's what I did they come up every now and then, cheaper if you're not bothered about the box - I wasn't and got a good deal - but it's an amazing system to use in addition to being collectable, saves so much space that I actually have it on my desk complete with a 32X and it looks like a much neater setup overall. Naturally if you buy one though, Power Rangers probably won't be the first game that you'd want to play on it.
Happenstance Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 I loved that Mega Drive Power Rangers movie game when I had it. One of the many games I regret selling years ago now. I still need to try and get the SNES one as I heard it was a lot better.
Agent Gibbs Posted October 16, 2013 Posted October 16, 2013 S.C.G said: Save a search on eBay and just keep checking, that's what I did they come up every now and then, cheaper if you're not bothered about the box - I wasn't and got a good deal - but it's an amazing system to use in addition to being collectable, saves so much space that I actually have it on my desk complete with a 32X and it looks like a much neater setup overall. Naturally if you buy one though, Power Rangers probably won't be the first game that you'd want to play on it. i'm watching several on ebay now, i had no idea how much the 32x goes for though! nobody steal em lol!
Mokong Posted October 18, 2013 Posted October 18, 2013 (edited) Really enjoyed watching these videos of Jason David Frank's (Tommy Oliver aka Green/White/Red Zeo/Red Turbo/Black Dino Thunder Ranger) and Jason Narvy's (Skull) panel from New York Comic Con. Seems like a good laugh (just ignore the annoying guy in white who seems to think he's the only one there and wants to asks all the questions:heh:) JDF and Narvy look like they'd be awesome to hang out haha Edited October 18, 2013 by Mokong
Ramar Posted October 18, 2013 Posted October 18, 2013 I've only watched a bit of the first video and that kid in white is like the annoying kid at school who always has to answer the question or they'll spontaneously combust.
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