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GameFAQs Game of the Decade Daily Polls...


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Similarly, RE 4 is the template for just about every third person game being released.


As great as RE4 was, I disagree. No third person shooter I've played has felt like RE4 in any way - they all seem to stem from the Gears of War cover-based formula.


Even RE5 felt like it borrowed heavily from Gears of War. And while Gears of War is a great game to borrow from, it really didn't work when inserted into the RE4 formula.


I'm hoping for a Majora's Mask overall win.

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As great as RE4 was, I disagree. No third person shooter I've played has felt like RE4 in any way - they all seem to stem from the Gears of War cover-based formula.


Even RE5 felt like it borrowed heavily from Gears of War. And while Gears of War is a great game to borrow from, it really didn't work when inserted into the RE4 formula.


I'm hoping for a Majora's Mask overall win.


Uncharted 2 is pretty darn close to be fair. I don't like gears of war because it has no soul. The whole game is like 2 colours. Uncharted was gorgeous scenery.

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What... no Morrowind or Oblivion?




And yes, it should be a toss-up between RE4 and Metroid Prime.




Christ, I swear I sometimes understand why people go on killing sprees.

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It got released, didn't it? That was a fair chance, it's more than Luigi's Mansion 2 ever got.


Well yeah it was released but the problem was:


1) It was released at the end of the Playstation's lifespan

2) It came after the realistic styles of 7 and 8, new audience didn't get it

3) It was sandwiched inbetween 8 and the hyped release of 10, so it was overlooked



Looks like Brawl is beating Fallout 3 in the poll going on at the moment.

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I don't think I have heard of Fallout before this contest.


Why must you be a symbol of everything that's bad? Why?


I sort of understand what you mean, but why exactly is Resi 4 only 9.9? I agree somehow but I don't know why :S


It does everything right. Kind of like uncharted 2, except it's all perfect, not just the majority of the game (yes, Borneo part of Unch sucked and the ending was disappointing).


Uncharted 2 is pretty darn close to be fair. I don't like gears of war because it has no soul. The whole game is like 2 colours. Uncharted was gorgeous scenery.




Think about it, since Metroid Prime came out, other developers and games have tried to ape the atmosphere that Prime so perfectly managed to create. The sense of isolation in the game is pretty much unmatched.



Super Metroid>Metroid Prime. But you're 99.9% right, so I'll let it slide.

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Whilst FFX was nice and all, also my only FF I've properly played, it was ever so...linear. Iirc until you got the airship you couldn't really trek back too far/much, either? MM was incredibly UN-so! Polar opposite in that respect, methinks. Such an open, choice/option game, not forced to do too much, yet given the opportunity to do lots...if you wished. I don't like too much linearity in games, and is why I haven't been a fan of a lot of marios since super mario 64. Also, inb4 'lol mario is most linear you literally just go in a line'.


Honestly though, whilst FFX was quite good, I think between MM and FFX, MM is just a better game in terms of what it offers.

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final fantasy X could win?.. seriously ?:D


Was it because X-2 was so bad that it made X look like a classic?

i'd suggest we try a poll on N-europe but picking 10 nominations sure would cause arguments.


It's obviously Shadow Of The Colossus! I mean, how can anyone disagree that it's game of the decade? As good as RE4 and Metroid Prime are, SOTC is just as good, plus... it's completely original. Just as good... and fresher? Ah!

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It's obviously Shadow Of The Colossus! I mean, how can anyone disagree that it's game of the decade? As good as RE4 and Metroid Prime are, SOTC is just as good, plus... it's completely original. Just as good... and fresher? Ah!


I hadn't played it actually. Always kicked myself for missing that one. It came out at a time where I lost a tad bit of interest in ps2 games and moved onto xbox and gamecube. Oh well my loss.



fun topic on it...Ugh some people

Edited by mcj metroid
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I never really got how final fantasy became such a huge phenomenom. I mean, yeah, 6 is perfect, and it has many good games, but apart from 6 they're really not that astounding. Whatever.


And if anyone mentions 7, I'll nail him to the wall. Yes, the story is good, but dear god. =(


6 is perfect but 7 does have that amazing soundtrack and equally amazing slap fight

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Because it's game of the decade, not favourite game of the decade, you should vote for what you think is the game of the decade, not your favourite game.


If that is the case, surely nobody should be allowed to vote unless they have played each and every game on that list?


I think it's difficult to remain impartial. When you play a game, you instantly form an opinion about it. So, naturally, the game of the decade for you will probably be the one you enjoyed the most. There's probably some link there between the game of the decade being one of the most enjoyable games, also.


I hope MM wins. :heh:

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If that is the case, surely nobody should be allowed to vote unless they have played each and every game on that list?


I think it's difficult to remain impartial. When you play a game, you instantly form an opinion about it. So, naturally, the game of the decade for you will probably be the one you enjoyed the most. There's probably some link there between the game of the decade being one of the most enjoyable games, also.


I hope MM wins. :heh:


Well, you should vote according to what you've played, so out of everything you've played, keep choosing the one you though was best (instead of the one you preffered). I also don't think people should vote when a game is up against something you haven't played. I guarantee you that's how Baldur's Gate 2 got knocked out so fast... Skies Of Arcadia is absolutely brilliant, but Baldur's Gate 2 is the best wrpg ever made, and the only reason it lost was that 90% of the people voting for Skies Of Arcadia haven't ever even played BG2.


And I never got that "the game of the decade for you will probably be the one you enjoyed the most". What does one thing have to do with the other? I mean, my favourite game was, without a doubt, Resident Evil 4, but I'm well aware that Shadow Of The Colossus is the superior game, here.


MM is leading now :(


Have you even played MM? How can anyone seriously believe FFX is game of the decade? oO


Or Majora's Maks, really (no matter how great it is). This is just gonna be usual gamefaqs bullshit... FF vs Zelda, as usual.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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