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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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I cranked up the brightness and found I never needed it. Carrying around the staff of magelight was a waste of 8 ounces, the dark worked for me actually being the sneaky bastard backstabber that I was.

I was a bit disappointed by that staff, I thought it would sort of permanently emit the magelight glow, the way a torch does with normal light, not just fire magelight balls.

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well that explains that then!


really loving the game so far, but its a little annoying having to switch out a weapon for a spell again like morrowind, i liked being able to keep a spell ready in oblivion it was a step forward, but i suppose shouts replace that button/key


and to say that is my only complaint so far is great!

wait one more complaint of sorts

it generated nostalgia for morrowind, so i've reinstalled that - another game to take up my time lol

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Ok so I was minding my own business, off to see some greybearded-fucks when a frost troll attacked me.


My friends, who all got Skyrim when it was released, were finding it funny because they knew how baddass they are.


I was surprised I'd see something that could easily kill me so early on.


Then I realised I was playing an Elder Scrolls game.


Anyway, I managed to kill him with about 60 arrows.


Totally love this game.


I think I've spent 9 hours on it so far... and I've not really done anything huge.


Just... so... fucking... epic.

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That troll was a bitch. You do get the occasional place where you just suddenly find yourself totally outleveled. I bumped into some bandits in a gambling ring in a cave, everyone in there was easy but the bandit marauders could finish me off in one hit. After several attempts I just gave up and left.

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I've had many occasions where i've been wiped out by something which doesn't look like it could do a lot of damage, can't remember the cave i was in but it had 2 magic-skilled falmers and some mechanical thing. Took me a few tries, and i did it (just)

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annoyingly i've had to reload a save, not lost much just exploration and cave clearing between valtheim towers that sacred forest grove ( i forget which) and collecting some blade from a hagraven to do some tree sap quest from the temple in whiterun. All because the NPC who follows you after you return with the blade disappeared some guy called Maurice, he was with me at the bridge near the tree, then poof gone as i go in the cave! no amount of messing around found him. I stupidly went in and out the cave enough so my 3 autosaves were all after he'd done a houdini :nono:


tempted to try and do it without and just deal with the hostilities.... and so i shal after discovering he's bugged and often dies and even if he doesn't can prove to not furfil his part of the quest


think he must have agro'd the giant camp nearby it was the ast place i saw him, but never got close enough to agro them and both he and lydia were behind me......

maybe one day he'll return from his astronaut trip or i'll find a corpse miles away

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Got this on 360 just after Christmas. I was overwhelmed by how much there was to do at first, but after the first few hours, I got used to it. This game is incredible! Only problem is, I'm 16 hours into the game and I haven't come across any dragons yet. Well, apart from one about an hour or so ago, but it was flying around too fast for me to attack, and it buggered off without even trying to fight. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'm level 14 at the moment, and yes, I have done the quest where I fight the first dragon.


I've heard on other Message Boards, that the PS3 version is broken.


How accurate is this and is it worth picking up this game?


I only have a PS3.


I was going to get it on PS3 myself, but got the 360 version instead. My friend who has the PS3 version says that his game started to lag as his save file got larger. Also, when he created a new character, it automatically wiped all his saves from his previous playthrough. It's still an amazing game, and is deffinitely worth getting, just proceed with caution.

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you've met hardly any dragons? really? almost everytime i finish a quest and leave a dungeon theres one there! i'm upto 6 normal ones and today started getting blood dragons. I started a quest after a drinking game today and near the end of the quest you have to collect a ring from a shack at the base of a large hill/small mountain which had a dragon cirling - a blood dragon, much harder than the normal ones i faced.

Then just had another while heading for Marchel (or whatever it is) a swamp city

by level 14 i had faced at least 4, i'm 24 now and i suspect normal ones are replaced with blood dragons now



so werewolves are awesome, but the extra attack is really offset by poor defense, far too much kills me these days

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My horse did exactly that and died. Sigh.


I am currently trying to upgrade my armour, it's taking quite some time..


My first horse died by running on to one of those lookout bridges (they end in a kind of beak sculpture) to kill an archer, then when I got on him again, he couldn't turn around and fell off. Farks sake.

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Cheers for the help with Dragon hunting folks. I actually came across another one at Mount Anthor (or whatever it's called.)


I stole a horse once, it belonged to some bandits, so I didn't feel bad, but it kept buggering off back to where I found it. In the end, it never came back, so I assume it died.... :heh:

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