Shorty Posted January 14, 2012 Posted January 14, 2012 In Riften find the woman with the blue war paint (wanders around centre during the day) and offer to retrieve her sword from mzinchaleft, that will be quite a trek after that there's some good missions that start from the college in Winterhold.
heroicjanitor Posted January 14, 2012 Posted January 14, 2012 My brother played it a lot on ps3 and it started lagging like hell too, it's once you get about 50 hours in apparently.
LegoMan1031 Posted January 14, 2012 Posted January 14, 2012 Campanions quest line glitched on me yesterday, wouldn't start the next mission... read up on it online and luckily I went back to a slightly earlier save and waited 32 game days and continued quest and it worked fine. I almost cried. :p
Wesley Posted January 15, 2012 Posted January 15, 2012 @Shorty I found that chick with the blue paint on her face. She is the self-proclaimed protector of Riften? But she didn't give me a quest. I was going to argue with her but she has a really big axe. I'll go to the other place you said though.
Wesley Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Okay I got it now. I think it's cause my speechcraft was low, I gave to a begger and then that option appeared. It's a long way. I will travel tomorrow at first light.
Shorty Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 I married Mjoll (the one who gave you that quest). Then I found out that Aerin still keeps following you around ಠ_ಠ It was kill him or load a save from hours earlier... I loaded :/
Wesley Posted January 16, 2012 Posted January 16, 2012 Whaaaat, three-way love thang yo. The Skyrim sex scene would have made Mass Effect tame.
BeerMonkey Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 i didnt get hardly any of this so called ps3 lag. I had a few...very few occassions where it would lag but only briefly. Spend 60 hours on it moved onto dark souls now which is nearly done as well yey
Dan_Dare Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 Last night I found an awesome sword, a Daedric Bow and a suit of enchanted Ebony armour. L00tz is Serious Business.
Wesley Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 I need to get better armour. I'm all stealth and only ever use a bow... but I have heavy armour.
Shorty Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 Just crafted myself a full set of Legendary Dragon Armour got enough dragonbits left over to make some for Lydia as well. But I probably won't....
Murr Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 Just crafted myself a full set of Legendary Dragon Armour got enough dragonbits left over to make some for Lydia as well. But I probably won't.... Dragon armour is awesome. I went with heavy route though. got some enchantments on it too, but can't for the life of me remember what. (not played Skyrim since getting all but one achievement) I did the whole create apparel to create potions in which increases enchanting, and create apparel to wear while smithing which increases smithing. took a while, but ultimately worth it. also there was a glitch where you could wear a circlet and falmar helmet so have double the increase in either potion making or smithing (again can't remember which one as it's been a while) don't know if that glitch has been patched yet though.
Agent Gibbs Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 I really don't understand the random companion invincibility/deaths I was in the ruins under markarth, fight giant spider she is knocked to her knees (i was too busy trying to cast soul trap), Fight first lot of Falmer - no problems, second set -knocked to her knees, fight dwarven centurian - knocked to her knees multiple times, fight two falmer (1 using poison blades) she dies, reload, she dies, went like that for 5 reloads then back to invulnerability.... I've even given her a full set of legendary orc armour i crafted, and its like she has none on sometimes
Cube Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 When she dies, have you accidentally hit her at some point in that fight?
Agent Gibbs Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 When she dies, have you accidentally hit her at some point in that fight? nope, atleast certainly not in 1 of them, i was on an upper level and heard fighting, saw her swarmed by two/three falmer and then drop to her knees, i ran back a bit to open ground to fight them then after it was over wondered where she was, dead the other times i could have hit her, but i hit her in most fights and she doesn't die just very random:hmm:
CoolFunkMan Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 Around 70 hours in now at Level 41, and I'm geting close to level 100 in Smithing and Enchanting. Each are at 87 and 90 respectively. Also completed the Thieves Guild Questline, which I recommend, as it's brilliant. Near the end of the questline, I also got... ...the Nigthingale Armour, which I instantly fell in love with. However, finding Void Salts to improve it is a bit of a challenge. I must upgrade this armour!
Iun Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 This game is super awesome fun by avoiding horses and fast travelling. Getting one place to another is a sudden challenge. Also makes the world seem even more alive and generally epic. Precisely why Morrowind was such a blast. It made the developers FILL the world, rather than just cobble it together. And I know I've said this before: Mark and Recall spells were awesome. I hate the way with fast travel you can only get to certain places /outside/ of your final destination. Oh great, a two minute loading screen.... and now, open the door to the castle... and another loading screen.
Wesley Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 I never played Morrowind but have heard about the Mark and Recall spell. Sounds awesome. Surely it meant you could do some crazy shit in certain dungeons, etc in terms of combat.
Iun Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 I never played Morrowind but have heard about the Mark and Recall spell. Sounds awesome. Surely it meant you could do some crazy shit in certain dungeons, etc in terms of combat. Well, meant you could instantly teleport yourself out of the situation that you had gotten yourself in if it was too much to handle. However, you could only "Mark" one location at a time. It was useful for making the game more of an experience. One of the main quests was given to you on the very South of the Vvardenfell Island, and then required you to walk all the way to the North, and then locate a well-hidden Ashlander Camp. It took about an hour or so, if you had a good athletics skill AND if you didn't stop to smell the roses along the way. And believe me, that was a big temptation. There were all kinds of Dwemer ruins, wizards towers, tombs and settlements along the way. Then the best thing to do was "Mark" the camp so you didn't have to traipse all the way back. Of course, you could have taken a boat to get near to where you wanted to be, but it was still a 30 minute trek. What gets me about Oblivion and Skyrim is that there are too many generic characters: in Morrowind, every single NPC - with the exception of the guards, had a name. So even the Necromancers in the Tombs were named. On one play through, you stumble into their hide-out and they attack. In another play through, the Imperial Cult sent you there to get them to give you directions to an amulet or statue they wanted. There were no "Necromancer Adept" or "Argonian" characters just wandering the world waiting to attack you. Everyone had a purpose.
Agent Gibbs Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Love morrowind so much, it was an amazing game, given the right graphical updates its not terrible to view (like deus ex is unfortunatly) In a way i'd love them to remake it or do a huge add on for skyrim they have the land mass as per the video i posted, already there the thing with a remake is it will either be epic and just a graphical update or (the more likely) they will tweek it too much making it worse
Iun Posted January 21, 2012 Posted January 21, 2012 Love morrowind so much, it was an amazing game, given the right graphical updates its not terrible to view (like deus ex is unfortunatly) In a way i'd love them to remake it or do a huge add on for skyrim they have the land mass as per the video i posted, already there the thing with a remake is it will either be epic and just a graphical update or (the more likely) they will tweek it too much making it worse I hear you on the graphical update, but even so, the graphics were not all that bad. The water effects still stand up quite well. One thing I feel ruined the series, starting with Oblivion, was the voice acting. Too many characters sound the same, which ruins the immersion, and it actually makes the conversation shorter as I tend to read the subtitles faster than they speak, so I end up skipping all the talking.
Beast Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 The game is outstanding. Right now, I've been travelling around the map, discovering locations and whilst doing that, I've been clearing dungeons and doing mini-missions. Since Christmas Day, I've completed 4 missions and discovered over 140 locations. I've just finished doing the Forbidden Legends mission. My plan is to go around discovering locations and killing stuff and doing missions whilst levelling up. I'm going to do the guild missions and then do the main quest. Basically, I'm doing what I did in Oblivion.
Wesley Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 It's great right? I've just been travelling by foot to that place Shorty suggested, spent about 5 hours doing that. First thing I bumped into was a dragon. Then it was 4 trolls fighting two sabre cats. And how am I meant to just walk past Snapleg Cave?!
Agent Gibbs Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 The game is outstanding. Right now, I've been travelling around the map, discovering locations and whilst doing that, I've been clearing dungeons and doing mini-missions. Since Christmas Day, I've completed 4 missions and discovered over 140 locations. I've just finished doing the Forbidden Legends mission. My plan is to go around discovering locations and killing stuff and doing missions whilst levelling up. I'm going to do the guild missions and then do the main quest. Basically, I'm doing what I did in Oblivion. you just finsihed the forbidden legend mission (the Gaulder amulet one)? did you feel slightly disapointed in how poor the amulet finally was? especially when all the books etc tell of an amulet that was so powerful? felt like an anticlimax
Dan_Dare Posted January 23, 2012 Posted January 23, 2012 that mission threw me: How do you get in to the archaeology dig?
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