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True Grit


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haha, yeah i'm fine with the unrealistic stuff... actually most stuff... films like 28 weeks/days later is full of it, but it's the very hard 'true' violence in films that gets me a bit. I can still watch, but I don't really enjoy.


This is my dad's view. He and I share a lot of the same taste (rare, but a good thing), and he's in no way a shite when it comes to films, but something about "realistic" violence (an example being No Country For Old Men) really upsets him.

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Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I love Coen brother films, and this certainly does look to be another winning notch in their belt.


The only niggling issue would be Matt Damon. I just don't like him as an actor really, of course I'm no fan of Brad Pitt either and he's in some brilliant films so Matt Damon won't hamper this one.

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  • 2 months later...

Watched this today. It's awesome. There are a few bits of "comedy" in it that I didn't find funny at all, but it didn't ruin it. Great movie in general.




When the guys were being hanged at the beginning and the Indian/native American wasn't allowed any last words, some people in the cinema laughed. Good to see a serious bit about how badly the natives were treated amused some people. Twats.


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For some reason I was really underwhelmed. I posted my thoughts in another thread because I couldn't remember if this one existed or not.


It just left me with so incredibly little. It was all good. Like...nothing to fault really, but just seemed to tell me nothing and what it did tell me I wasn't interested in.


Nicely filmed and acted though.




RE: Goafer. That bit

While people around me seemed to be laughing throughout the film and I wasn't (I rarely laugh in films unless something is HILARIOUS), that bit was set-up in an almost comedic manner.

Maybe it was the Coens trying to make a statement or something? After all the audience to the hanging clap when it's done...

Who knows?


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I personally adored the movie. Everything was just brilliantly done for me and I loved Hailee Steinfield, she's a fantastic actress. Josh Brolin, Matt Damon and Jeff Bridges were also awesome. So many good movies I've seen in 2011 so far, I hope there's more to come.

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