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Mass Effect 3


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Not me, I’ve spent a lot of time 2 years ago to get the face perfect. Yeah sure, I can get a good approximate of the face by taking a screenshot (from different angles and good lighting..) of ME1 or 2, but an approximate will not do. It will always feel off, if I’m not sure it isn’t exactly my Shepard. I’ll need the exact slider positions, and that’ll take more than 10 minutes, and basically is a chore. Stuff like hair colour is easy obviously, but the exact brow height? Or the other subtle stuff? Why put gamers like me through that, if this is something that should’ve have worked in the first place? It worked fine in ME2.


Fucking hell, it's just a video game character's face! I'll be more focused on the gameplay rather than the pixels of my character's face.


I'm looking forward to this. Really hope it comes a day early since I'll probably be visiting my folks this weekend!

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Well downloading ME Infiltrator on my ipod now. Figure it will serve as a nice prelude at least. Some what worrying when I log into my origina account it doesn't show up that I own ME2...guess that doesn't matter as long as it detects I own ME3 and all the readiness syncs up ok.



Is it any good?

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I caved. Was going to wait, but I want to see how the story, choices, all that stuff. I wanna see how it plays out. And not only did I pre-order it, I did so from origin AND because of the little extras which I am basically paying an extra 5 quid for. I feel dirty, and according to some I have sold my soul as I got it from Origin, and this wouldn't be the first time I have used that service...or the second time...but it's okay cos it's ME3 right?


EDIT: I weak.

Edited by Deathjam
Admitting is the first step.
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I caved. Was going to wait, but I want to see how the story, choices, all that stuff. I wanna see how it plays out. EDIT: I weak.


Same here.


I usually wait a couple of months before picking a Mass Effect game up, and was going to with this one. I went and watched the launch trailer on Live and well I just couldn't resist.

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Did Shopto stop doing that thing where they take a picture of your parcel? I wanted to see if the package was going to be too big, with the t-shirt, to get through my door when I'm not there :heh:


Ive got those photos recently with the quick despatch games but not preorders

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Did Shopto stop doing that thing where they take a picture of your parcel? I wanted to see if the package was going to be too big, with the t-shirt, to get through my door when I'm not there :heh:


They only take pictures of the standard editions for some reason. I presume it is down to the large and bespoke boxes not going through the usual automated packaging and shipping process.

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Is it any good?


Yes and no. It's up there graphically as one of the best iphone games. Gameplay it refines the mechanics set out from Dead Space ios (it's the same developers Iron Monkey). Dead Space played like it was controlled with a regular controller with the sides of the screens representing the two sticks and mixed in some gestural controls. Mass Effect takes this a step further with just a single stick used for movement and then a mixture of gestures for moving in and out of cover and then shooting is done by tapping on an enemy and then lining up the cross hair with their weak point (usually the head). Biotic powers work the same select which one you want from a drag down menu and then tap on the enemy or area to use it. It feels like they took the mechanics of the Dead Space game and made them more in tune with the Mass Effect game.


Story wise I'm not sure what it offers...you play a Ceberous agent who goes rogue for reasons not entirely clear....this isn't because it's not been told its because the story telling is pretty poor. A certain race seems intent on attacking and whilst it makes sense they would be there is no context to what they are hoping to achieve right now. Also some other stuff going on that's poorly put across to the player. So unless it picks up I'm not sure the plot is all that. Also the voice of the main guy you play (Randall...wierd the guy in Dead Space ios was called Vandal) is terrible unless I'm mistaken it's the same guy who did Denton in the latest Deus Ex game.


So that leaves the combat, it's satisfying as you would expect. However it feels much more like the fare you get in side quests on the main Mass Effect games.If that makes sense? Lots of dull corridor sections and such. Also oddly some of the environments seems like they would be more suitable for a Mass Effect game, I guess the same levels designers and artists did create these games so it comes as no surprise.


The big thing is the galactic readiness mines up to 55% already (which seems stupidly high) I'm guessing there are along with things that bring it up people I will have pissed off other playthroughs that may result in that score dropping. You do this by collecting intel drops that come out of certain enemies and then upload them to the origin/ea servers.


Is it worth buying? I guess so yes if you want a distract till your copy arrives tomorrow whilst also getting some of those intels. My major issue comes at the price point £4.99 is not expensive to pay for a 2-3 experience in real term (people pay a lot more some similarly short games on psn/xbla) but the issue does come that it will clearly be reduced to 69p sometime, Dead Space has been numerous times. I guess though unless the plot really picks up or the same character shows up in Mass Effect there is little motivation to play the game except for the readiness stuff which may not be as important a few months down the line when the price is lower.


In other news Shopto dispatched my order AND I've got tomorrow morning off work as getting a new boiler fitted :yay: hopefully it arrives.

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So that leaves the combat, it's satisfying as you would expect.


Do you mean "as you would expect from Mass Effect" (i.e. pretty good) or "as you would expect from a 3D game with touch-screen controls" (i.e. utter tripe)?

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Do you mean "as you would expect from Mass Effect" (i.e. pretty good) or "as you would expect from a 3D game with touch-screen controls" (i.e. utter tripe)?


No i mean from a mass effect game. I do think the controls take a bit of getting used to but once you do it's fine. They are certainly much better than Dead Space. There is that same mix of combining powers with your weapons which works really well. You get style points as well for how you kill and there is almost a combo type element to it, once you kill an enemy time slows down briefly allowing you to shift the camera and tap on another enemy to kill. You get a star rating which gives you more credits. I'm not sure if killing with more style results in you getting more intel drops. Credits can only be used for upgrades specifically in the game.

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They only take pictures of the standard editions for some reason. I presume it is down to the large and bespoke boxes not going through the usual automated packaging and shipping process.


They took a snap of SSX in the packaging, but havn't done for the standard Mass Effect 3 order i have as well. Which isn't surprising really. Do you think that the staff at Shopto have time to take all them pictures?


Both dispatch emails have been recieved, now it is up to Cerburus staff in the Royal Fail to deliver. Doesn't matter if it doesn't arrive tomorrow/an "attempted" delivery card on the mat instead. I'll pick them up Friday morning at the sorting office on me day off.


Unless the Reapers get to them first, then i'm screwed.

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Just looking they've never once taken a picture for any of my preorders.


I've had snaps on all mine, except Mass Effect. And i'm only going by that snaps wern't taken due to the volume of packages they gotta ship today.

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As long as my copy either arrives on Friday or squeezes through the letterbox tomorrow, I'm happy. If you don't select 'tracked', they don't need it signing for anymore, right? RIGHT?


I think I'm a wee bit hyped for this game. And I haven't even played Arrival yet.

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A video I find interesting. Mainly because I used to be an Engineer in the process/packaging industry, and of course an avid gamer.....



It also illustrates the process of packaging games in standard format, DVD or normally sized games. I would imagine packaging special editions or T shirts would take either a large re-configuration of the system, or revert back to an older way of packaging games, perhaps manually?

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Fucking hell, it's just a video game character's face! I'll be more focused on the gameplay rather than the pixels of my character's face.


Please, give me a break. You may not be concerned with details, but I am. I’m sure you wouldn’t care if they shipped ME3 without actual cutscenes and just simple text descriptions between missions telling the story. To me, not being able to play my character, is the exact same thing as suddenly replacing a character’s actor in a TV show. But I’m obviously in the minority here. Anyway, we can drop the subject. They said they’re working on it, and I can rest easy (sort of.. I haven’t received any confirmation on shipping yet, so I wonder if I’ll get it tomorrow).


On a different note:

People on PC (and playing the game through VPN’s perhaps) can pick up a free sniper rifle by registering on the Alienware site:


(PC only for now)

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