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Mass Effect 3


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I have the worst luck for characters and weapons. I've bought 4 spectre packs with no characters and only shotgun unlocks (I dont use them), loads of veteran packs with only one character unlock.


I've got a load of medi gel, ammo packs and rockets though.

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I've unlocked lots of sniper rifles and shotguns, as well as lots of mods for both.


I use neither.


I've got a starter pack and three 20,000 credit ones. Got one character in the starter pack and one from the 20,000 credit ones.

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Had a few character and weapon unlocks (although with the latter, it's mainly been for the first pistol/SMG/Shotgun/Assault Rifle) but mainly been spending my credits on the recruit packs for quick fixes of medi-gels and missiles.


Decided to sideline my Vanguard class. Wasn't finding it overly helpful without incendiary ammo (and only managed to get one of these as an ammo bonus so far) so decided to create an Engineer class so I can deal with both shields and armor with more ease and I'm enjoying it a lot more (also not getting kicked from lobbies for being a Vanguard is helpful). Last match I played last night had use in the evac zone and me spamming Overload and Incinerate while the other players tried to pick off the enemies, which is much more helpful than when I was Vanguard class.


Think I got my Galactic Readiness up to 76% or something last night (maybe higher) but still want to plug more time into the multiplayer for a higher percentage. That and I want to download the DLC for the character despite missing out on the opportunity for some amusing interactions on some missions/post mission.

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I don't really like the Black Widow in the single player, not sure how I'll get on with it in MP. The recoil is just immense, you can't even tell if you hit your target until you've retrained the sight.


I'm just planning on giving it to Garrus ;)


on that note: Should guns in this game even have recoil? I'd have thought not as they don't use explosives or moving parts like actual guns.

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Well I was getting kicked as a Vanguard under the idea that because I was said class, I'd just charge into a group of enemies and die, despite telling the people I had a full stock of Medi-gels and that I'd played the class over ME2 and ME3 so know how to play the class properly. There's definitely some animosity towards the class and I've definitely seen people playing who don't know how to play as vanguards, ruining it a little. ::shrug:

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on that note: Should guns in this game even have recoil? I'd have thought not as they don't use explosives or moving parts like actual guns.
Haha, the recoil doesn't make sense at all tbf. The mass effect field makes a tiny projectile increase in mass as it leaves the weapon, and mass accelerators are supposed to create an equal and opposite reaction, logically every time you fired the black widow you would blow your own face off.
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Well I was getting kicked as a Vanguard under the idea that because I was said class, I'd just charge into a group of enemies and die, despite telling the people I had a full stock of Medi-gels and that I'd played the class over ME2 and ME3 so know how to play the class properly. There's definitely some animosity towards the class and I've definitely seen people playing who don't know how to play as vanguards, ruining it a little. ::shrug:


Yeah I started as a vanguard and didn't really know how to play as one so going to switch to something more familar.

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Yeah I started as a vanguard and didn't really know how to play as one so going to switch to something more familar.


Finally settled down in to the vanguard class now. Silly me, I didn't realise the charge refills the shield gauge! Once you get in to that groove the class makes a lot more sense: there's a great gameplay loop where you deal some damage mid range, absorb a few hits, charge in to a group to refill then finish the fight with nova. High risk, but oh so powerful. #



I was getting myself killed pretty regular as a Vanguard. Then it clicked. As close range damage dealers, they're hard to beat. Think I'll make an adept next though as they look like fun support classes to play. Lots of lifting and warping going on!

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I was getting myself killed pretty regular as a Vanguard. Then it clicked. As close range damage dealers, they're hard to beat. Think I'll make an adept next though as they look like fun support classes to play. Lots of lifting and warping going on!


If you are gonna play as a Drell Adept, as amazing as Reave is, you may wanna turn the sound effects off due to this little bug:



In case you can't tell, it's the Reave sound effect on constant loop throughout the whole match and yes, everyone else can hear it no matter how far they are from you :sad:

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Really pleasantly surprised at how involved the side missions are, the ones in ME2 which just dropped you off to eff ess up were all very well but I'm surprised at the amount of cutscenes and old friends I keep running in to. It's also done a really good job of working past choices into what's going on, even if it's only a difference in the way the mission dialogue unfolds towards a single end.


Also, I've been reading the discussion around the endings but not reading anything actually about the ending, so it's like I'm playing double jeopardy with the rest of entire world and I literally can not imagine what the hell is at the end of this thing that's generating so much hate, so much love and so much discussion. Unless it actually withheld an ending, blacked out mid-battle or something I genuinely can't even begin to fathom what the controversy could possible be. Don't tell me what it is - I just can't wait to see for myself either way.


Typical example - Tyco at PA seems to defend it as an influence of "classic sci-fi" but beyond that I have no context whatsoever.


Also, this:


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I dislike that Penny Arcade strip. Granted they're probably just trying to take the most entertaining angle, and no doubt there are some people out there hoping for a saccharine ending, but the vast majority of the people I've seen discuss the finale dislike its execution rather than the tone, even if they don't realise it themselves.


That might sound like a strange thing to say, but I believe people are only picking apart the ending because they were dissatisfied with it. If you look back through the trilogy it's full of plot holes you could fly a Reaper through, but everyone more or less shrugged them off because the overall experience was engaging and rewarding. With the third game that silent contract between developer and player is broken for a lot of people, leading them to question all those things which would have previously been covered by suspension of disbelief.


Anyway, there's a multiplayer challenge this weekend, during which you can earn some free weapon packs. Unless you're playing on PS3, because apparently we're second class citizens. Thanks, BioWare!

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I was enjoying the multiplayer at first but it has quickly lost it's charm for me.


Finding it a bit boring and repetitive now, unlike GoW3 Horde mode - which is quite simply awesome!


Once I get it to 100% I don't think i will be playing the multi again! :hmm:


It does seem in a way that Bioware simply added the multiplayer feature in, and to make sure people played it by saying it is required for the better endings.


Gears Horde, no comment. It's great, end of.

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I was enjoying the multiplayer at first but it has quickly lost it's charm for me.


Finding it a bit boring and repetitive now, unlike GoW3 Horde mode - which is quite simply awesome!


Once I get it to 100% I don't think i will be playing the multi again! :hmm:


Same here. I was gonna keep playing it as I need 1300 more kills for my final achievement but I think it would be quicker getting them in campaign mode.


In other news i've just finished the game on the so-called insanity difficuly. It was stupidly easy, even with CoD style spamming of grenades.

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I think the multiplayer is good more disappointing is that the maps are in the single player for the N7 missions. The maps definitely feel like they are more built for multiplayer than single player.


Anyway made another decision when I had to go find some Krogan scouts:


I decided to let the Rachni Queen go free which to me didn't completely seem the renegade choice it was made out to be....If I left her there who was to know the Reapers wouldn't have come back and reclaimed her? Also I felt setting them free and using them was an option I took up anything that doesn't result in immediate deaths. Was gutted when it seems Grunt dies but delighted when he re-emerged blood splattered.



Think he is kind of a dick. What also struck me is how they seemed to last for centuries whereas the Reapers seem to be destroying this cycle much quicker from first emergence to now kicking our ass. One idea I had for the ending...Shephard somehow ends up in statis like the Prothean did. Also find his remarks if you take him in your squad both funny and depressing.



Also the Citadel lift bug is really beginning to annoy me makes hopping between the floors to pick up side quests and talking to people frustrating...




Gonna put my ending theory in here...no basis for anything , I've not picked up on any spoilers here goes:

my theory is perhaps the universe still gets wiped clean but with the reaper eradicated....means this story is over so to speak so they can pick up the universe at a later date starting afresh...maybe with shepherd in statis though...would be cool if you played a later game and found him in statiis and he was your previous version or something.


Edited by flameboy
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Well I persevered and got my readiness to 100%, didn't stay there long though as it went down to 99% not long after!


I'm nearing the end of single player,


Just landed in




Going to have to go bed now though! I'm up at 05:30 for work... whoops!


Kinda nervous to find out the ending based on so much negative reaction by people...

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