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A common misconception. You only pay 40% on the income in that bracket. So if you earn 40k you only pay 40% on 5k.

In some countries though, that is the case. Some DO have you getting less after you reach a new taxband

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What are they like there in Kanto?

They spend it all in the Game Corner and fund Team Rocket

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I don't live in the same country as you :)


My fathers colleagues bend the overtime rules because of that very reason

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A common misconception. You only pay 40% on the income in that bracket. So if you earn 40k you only pay 40% on 5k.


I came here to post that exact same thing. It's amazing how many people don't realise you only pay the 40% rate on what you earn above 40k. And the same for every other band. You only pay that rate for what you earn above it.

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A common misconception. You only pay 40% on the income in that bracket. So if you earn 40k you only pay 40% on 5k.


It really confuses me as to how people who don't understand basic principle of the system don't stop to think how it makes no sense that, under their version of the system, someone who earns £29,999 pays £5999 (@20%) in tax, and someone who earns £30,001 pays £9000 (@30%), and don't question it.

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I guess it doesn't matter too much, the people that can't work that out are never likely to need to do so anyway.

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I'd still say regardless it's something to moan about, rich or poor, paying tax is awful.


Seeing that money going out of your bank is such a royal arse, sure it does go to something, but sometimes thats difficult to remember.

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I totally agree that it sucks, but its a neccesary evil. I crai every month when I see over £300 going out... it is the worst for the people that are JUST into the supertax bracket... my dad has paid £1000 tax in a month on many occasions, and he's not hugely rich


He might not be hugely rich, but still...I only just earn over a grand a month. (After tax). And by just, we're only talking 60 quid.


So, he must have been earning a fair bit if he's paying almost as much in tax as I make. :heh:


Tax sucks, but it has to be done, unfortunately. I'm sure there are many people who would love to be in a position that you find yourself in.

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I only just earn over a grand a month. (After tax). And by just, we're only talking 60 quid.


So you earn £1060?

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So you earn £1060?


Yeah, 1066 to be exact. (Battle of Hastings, only reason I can remember that exact number. :D)


So yeah, just over a grand. Which, isn't an awful lot. But then, better than being unemployed and being on a supply teacher's wage which I was on last year, which fluctuates and isn't "safe" to live off since you don't know how much you'll be getting.

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Yeah, 1066 to be exact. (Battle of Hastings, only reason I can remember that exact number. :D)


I don't get why you said just over a grand. And then felt the need to give a more accurate figure. Why not just leave it at "just over a grand" or say £1066 in the first place?

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I don't get why you said just over a grand. And then felt the need to give a more accurate figure. Why not just leave it at "just over a grand" or say £1066 in the first place?


Because I typed just over, and then thought that it really could have meant anything, so added the extra part afterwards. What "just over" means to me could be different to what it means to someone else.


Also, ultimately, does it matter? The answer: Nooooooopeydooonope. I'll post in the way that I want to, thanks. ;)

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Also, ultimately, does it matter? The answer: Nooooooopeydooonope.


I've never understood this response. What does matter exactly?

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I've never understood this response. What does matter exactly?


What are you complaining about now? The whole point was that Raineeng's Dad must be earning a decent bit of dough if he's paying (not always, sometimes) a grand in tax, which is roughly what I earn. The reply which I gave made that point very clear, in my opinion. It doesn't matter how exactly I said it, whether I gave a short response or a slightly longer one, whether I used the exact amount, or whether I post a vague amount before giving a bit more detail. That doesn't matter, because the point was perfectly made. I initially gave a vague amount, but expanded, because I fucking wanted to.

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What are you complaining about now? The whole point was that Raineeng's Dad must be earning a decent bit of dough if he's paying (not always, sometimes) a grand in tax, which is roughly what I earn. The reply which I gave made that point very clear, in my opinion. It doesn't matter how exactly I said it, whether I gave a short response or a slightly longer one, whether I used the exact amount, or whether I post a vague amount before giving a bit more detail. That doesn't matter, because the point was perfectly made. I initially gave a vague amount, but expanded, because I fucking wanted to.


It's just Moogle being his anal-retentive self.

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It's just Moogle being his anal-retentive self.


Yeah and it's annoying.

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It's fine everywhere once in a while. But, every thread. You've got to know when to stop.


Shit, I've reverted back into teacher mode.

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The only difference is that you give infractions rather than detentions. :heh:


Haha, I've given out a fair few detentions already. One of my minions thought it would be hilarious to bury himself in the sandpit...


Infractions? I cannae give those out....

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I've reverted back into teacher mode.


I want to see you teach. Seriously.


Do you ever slide a few Arnie quotes for fun? Naturally half of them won't get them but that's part of the magic.

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I can imagine him shouting "Get to da choppa" when the bell rings at the end of class.

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