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The worst part is my dad is shockingly healthy... he used to be a diver/runner and his heart was so efficient it was 50 at rest... he doesn't eat badly, does have a bit of wine at the weekend, and he does yoga/taichi 3x a day... its just insane. Genetics really can catch up with you... He's only 56 as well. Just feels wrong! He's sitting in his bed/chair looking only slightly uncomfortable, around a cardiac ward full of people that are on their last legs..


His health will help him to recover though, especially if, as you say, he's looking great considering.

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Indeed, and the fact that Anouma and Kondo were at the LA show and did not sign stuff for the vip guests or even meet them !

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Had to do an unexpected double shift because our manager had left the store understaffed, not anticipating a tour for next year's students. I was going to go the gym today but it was closed by the time I got out. Now I just feel ill. Also, on my way home I shouted at some poor girl trying to sign me up to Red Cross. I feel really very bad about it.

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I've had a 'mare. Thought I had a day of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 and football ahead of me. Watched the football and settled down into bed to watch BSG... Turns out I only have up to episode 6 on my computer and I now have to wait for the rest to arrive!

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I hate it when that happens. I was recently watching The Shield, but for some reason the last episode of season 4 was missing.


Fortunately I always watch the "previously on..." part, so I realized before the episode had even started. Still, I had to watch something else that night. :sad:

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I have done something stupid before and put the wrong disc of 24 in before i was on disk 2 and I put in disk 3. Many spoilers were revealed. :p

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I bought my mom the Six Feet Under box set and she had some problems figuring out which season was which.


She started with season 5.

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I bought my mom the Six Feet Under box set and she had some problems figuring out which season was which.


She started with season 5.

Wait, the one that says "everything. everyone. everywhere. ends." on the cover? You'd think it's guessable that that's the last season...

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Wait, the one that says "everything. everyone. everywhere. ends." on the cover? You'd think it's guessable that that's the last season...

If nothing else, you'd think she would have been able to figure it out by the 1-5 numbering on the cardboard sleeves.

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I've had a further 'mare.


Went to Blockbuster and bought season 4. It only has the first 10 episodes! What a rip-off. Will be taking it back (once I've watched it). No wrapper or anything so a free rental :)

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Hmmm. I'm feeling so wick at the moment... things are really messed up and stressy. Just wish the next few weeks would be over and they'd figure out how to fix my wee daddy :( It just feels like we're all hanging on, hoping he doesn't take a turn in the meantime. Hoping they find something wrong and sort it out.


Just in a state of constant emotional exhaustion, mixed with disbelief, and tiredness from hospital travel... I'm worried about my mum too. She's trying to hold it in and I just want to give her a huge cuddle :(


Tomorrow is gonna be a headwrecker cause I'm back to work... Announcements like these are hard. My skin is a shambles, i've got psoriasis sores developing in awful places, and my arthritis is going mental... geh. The cats are being weird too because they know that shit is going down... its really just... horrible.


One of our neighbours daughters works in the local shop and I told her there, and to pass on the news to her mum and dad... and I could feel the tears running down my face... i can sit here and think about it to myself and not cry but having it out there, for all to hear just seems to make me completely lose face..

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I'm sorry to hear that Rainiiiiing, I hope your Dad is up to full speed soon and that work isn't too stressful either. =(




Edited by gaggle64

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Just had my wonky wisdom tooth out and now I feel rough as fuck. Got some awesome pain killers though which I have to take for the next two weeks.


I saw my jaw bone for the first and hopefully last time. They had a mirror on the light they use to see into peoples gobs so I saw everything happen.


Eight injections, gums cut wide open, my jaw bone drilled into and 40 minutes of pulling and prodding my tooth, oooh and my first ever stitches.


I'm in so much fucking pain right now.

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Just had my wonky wisdom tooth out and now I feel rough as fuck. Got some awesome pain killers though which I have to take for the next two weeks.


I saw my jaw bone for the first and hopefully last time. They had a mirror on the light they use to see into peoples gobs so I saw everything happen.


Eight injections, gums cut wide open, my jaw bone drilled into and 40 minutes of pulling and prodding my tooth, oooh and my first ever stitches.


I'm in so much fucking pain right now.


I remember the agony well. I think the worst part besides the pain was having to use tweezers for weeks afterwards to get rid of food that got trapped where the stitches were until it healed up.

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I remember the agony well. I think the worst part besides the pain was having to use tweezers for weeks afterwards to get rid of food that got trapped where the stitches were until it healed up.


Did the inside of your cheek swell? I cant close my mouth properly because of this, bloody kills when I try.

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Did the inside of your cheek swell? I cant close my mouth properly because of this, bloody kills when I try.


Yep. I resembled something like a hamster for about a week afterwards. I got all 4 out at the same time but I had problems with the bottom 2. The top two were alright but the bottom 2 had actually come in on their sides. I remembering looking at the x-ray and thinking what the fuck. Unfortunately this meant they had to cut open the sides of my mouth to get the bottom 2 out, so it led to a longer than normal recovery time. It probably took a good 2 weeks until I could open my mouth fully again.


Is it bleeding a lot? I was pretty much out of it for the whole day after getting it done and I woke up soaked in blood. My pillows were basically red and my face was covered in dried-in blood.


Good times.

Edited by Jon

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Yep. I resembled something like a hamster for about a week afterwards. I got all 4 out at the same time but I had problems with the bottom 2. The top two were alright but the bottom 2 had actually come in on their sides. I remembering looking at the x-ray and thinking what the fuck. Unfortunately this meant they had to cut open the sides of my mouth to get the bottom 2 out, so it led to a longer than normal recovery time. It probably took a good 2 weeks until I could open my mouth fully again.


Is it bleeding a lot? I was pretty much out of it for the whole day after getting it done and I woke up soaked in blood. My pillows were basically red and my face was covered in dried-in blood.


Good times.


The blood is coming and going, I'll be fine for an hour then all of sudden I'll have to run to the bathroom because I couldnt swallow that much blood.


I cant even pop my tounge out lol

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I have to say my wisdom tooth was dead easy to get out? I didn't have any issues afterwards..


It hurt like a bitch coming through, but none of this crap with tweezers!

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I've fucked up my shoulder at the gym, it actually felt like it slipped out it's socket then straight back in (which is probably impossible, but something definitely shifted)!


Have had some ice on it and have got a bit of movement back now (it happened about 2 hours ago). Gonna go to the doctors tomorrow and get it checked out properly. It's been a problem for a while and today was the first time I've done shoulders (I'm usually at college when the house mates go) so I'm a bit pissed of that it seems totally messed up!

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I've fucked up my shoulder at the gym, it actually felt like it slipped out it's socket then straight back in (which is probably impossible, but something definitely shifted)!


It could've popped out but that's meant to be one of the most painful things you can experience!


The shoulder is an odd part of your body. At the top of it there are 3 or 4 ligaments all coming together so you could've damaged one of them which would be very painful. I did that about 2 years ago, the first few weeks I could barely move my arm, for the next few months I next to no strength in it without serious pain!


It's called a shoulder inspingement. Maybe worth taking a look at to see if it matches what happened with you?

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the thing with shoulders is the bones are actually free moving, there isn't a socket as such to hold the bones in place like there is with the hip. So it's all held in place with ligaments and tendons, like Charlie said. Any weakness/damage or even tiredness can cause your joint to click/move out of place. If it's painful you need it looked at. If its not just rest it and take it easy on weights when you do go back. :) If you do lateral raises a lot, try doing them with a slight angle forward and it usually stops the clicking.

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