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its a gaming forum isn't it logical that you will have some of them on your gamer list or msn account? no?



My family know all about "the forum" I frequent :heh:


Mostly cause I can't lie to save myself haha :D


I wouldn't ever mention having 'friends' on this forum, not to my parents anyway.

Though they're fairly modern they just don't get the whole Internet thing. Anytime I'm on amazon or talking to someone it's always "Gavin, you don't know who'd you'd be talking to! Stop, its not safe! Haven't you heard of all the scams?!"


Bit sad, really.

Actually, I did mention this forum once to my mam and sister. We were in some pizzeria the time I was in London and I remember reading a comment (wi-fi in the pizzeria...woo :)) from Paj, I think. You said something about a meet-up as you were in London but I wouldn't have been able to anyway. I'm rambling now...basically told my mam casually, she told my dad and I got a speech about safety and not posting pictures and making sure I stayed away from 'weirdos'



I wouldn't ever mention having 'friends' on this forum, not to my parents anyway.

Though they're fairly modern they just don't get the whole Internet thing. Anytime I'm on amazon or talking to someone it's always "Gavin, you don't know who'd you'd be talking to! Stop, its not safe! Haven't you heard of all the scams?!"


Bit sad, really.

Actually, I did mention this forum once to my mam and sister. We were in some pizzeria the time I was in London and I remember reading a comment (wi-fi in the pizzeria...woo :)) from Paj, I think. You said something about a meet-up as you were in London but I wouldn't have been able to anyway. I'm rambling now...basically told my mam casually, she told my dad and I got a speech about safety and not posting pictures and making sure I stayed away from 'weirdos'




I could understand that opinion if you were under the age of 20, maybe. I'm sure its just their way of looking out for you!


People don't always understand what they are afraid of, and its harder to get away with being someone you aren't these days. When I was a young teen cameras were hard to come by... and super expensive.. so it was common to talk to someone online and not have a foggies what they looked like!

It's not that i'm ashamed, it's because most people will think it's weird that you consider these people you've never met, or seen irl as friends. Most people probably would, anyway.

Most people probably have tens of 'Friends' on social networks they don't even like, or hang around with people they constantly bitch about behind their backs.


There's valuable honesty in being relative strangers.

It's not that i'm ashamed, it's because most people will think it's weird that you consider these people you've never met, or seen irl as friends. Most people probably would, anyway.


But sure don't most people these days have a "friends list" on Facebook that is 90% populated with people that they've only ever known through facebook :heh:


I've been here with C-E/R-E/N-E so long it is apart of me. Those that know me know even when I go on holiday (which is normally 4 - 6 weeks if to the Philippines) I'll still make time once every 3 - 4 days to find a net connection and check in on this place.


I'll prolly have a paragraph in my will to say that whenever my time unexpectidly comes that someone comes here to tell you lot so you don't think I "pulled a Conor" (staff will get that... others may not)


Well according to my profile over there <---- I've been here since december 2006... but in actual fact I was a lurker long, long before that. I'll admit it's a little creepy that I knew those of you who were around back then a bit before you'd ever even heard of me. Still, hopefully I'm not too terrifying.


As for this place? Well. When I open any browser I instantly open two tabs - facebook and N-E. N-E always gets the first look, and I spend a lot more time here than on any other site. I started at the front page, reading news stories and adding the odd comment every now and again, but once I wandered into the boards I was hooked. I just didn't quite have the balls to sign up and contribute, because at the time from the outside it seemed like I would be entering into conversations between friends and interrupting.


OF COURSE I was wrong about that and when I did eventually join (it was the 3rd mafia game that pushed me to do it, I followed it every single day and was hooked, so joined to sign up for the next one) people were extremely welcoming.


High points? Too many to remember. One brilliant one was the thread in which Dyson appeared, entirely smashed and very late, and I quoted the thread that he made in my sig (although stupidly without the link to the thread, which is annoying). Other than that there are a huge number of mafia games (which if I'm honest I'm ridiculously addicted to), as well as threads such as King V's virginity thread (whatever happened to him? It was like 'I'm losing my virginity soon!...I lost my virginity!....*gone*').


My parents are starting to understand the concept of this place as I explained it very slowly in simple terms recently. Often I hear things on the news etc which someone has mentioned in a thread (there was an incident in a school a year or two ago which someone was actually AT, and they commented in the thread) and I will bring up the fact that 'someone I know' was there or whatever. I count several people here as friends, although I admit I don't think I've ever entered into people's memories or thoughts quite as much as others have into mine. It's probably because I don't post here all that much (I like reading what people have to say and will only contribute if I have something hilarious and/or interesting to say) but I think people would forget about me if someone asked them to name 'the classic NE-ers'. I don't mind though, because like I say I just love to hang out here. It's the place I come after a hard day, the place that I would be happy to make a thread when something excellent/terrible/angry-making happened to me because I know people would be supportive.


I have NEVER considered looking for another forum to join. Why would I need anywhere else? I find it incredible that despite the huge number of douchebags with internet access this forum manages to accumulate the kind of people who won't call you names or insult you because you disagree. That is why I love it here. Pretty much everyone on this forum is a genuinely nice person. I count myself lucky to be welcomed on here too!


Enough of that soppyness, let's make some inappropriate jokes about sex :yay:



High points? Too many to remember. One brilliant one was the thread in which Dyson appeared, entirely smashed and very late, and I quoted the thread that he made in my sig (although stupidly without the link to the thread, which is annoying).



You mean this thread? :D




ive just gotten back from a fr4eiends 18th birthday party y and omfg i dont think ive EVEr been tjnis drunk beforte, seriousdly what happened was i split a sdrink of a friend and he said b uy me a nother one so i accidentyly bought another aftershocvk andf uit was SO TASTY so ighasdf to buy another one!!


and then i had itand liike WHOA IT TOTALLY FUCKED ME SO I TOLD ME FRIEND nd he wasd loiek shji9ty we have to have mnore so wwe had 3 miorem lmfao it was seriously good funm


i have NEVRTG been this drunivbefore, i cant see very far ATY ALL



*shakes head*


Lol :P nintendohnut I think you hit the nail on the head about being fearful of joining because of how intimate the chatter is here. Perhaps it's a rite of passage we've all endured? Perhaps we should have a 'meet the parents' meet :P It's very weird and alien to think that something I've said at some point is 'out there' without my control whatsoever.


I was living with my mum when I joined, and in the beginning we only had 56k access after 6pm. I was allowed an hour a day. I can't remember the exact order of events, whether the first NE meet or me moving to sheffield happened first; all I remember is my mum afraid I had been taken in by some paedos! She quickly learned that it was no big deal. Now I live with my dad and have interesting conversations daily with him about things that arise on here - to the extent where he's taken an interest in my BISH stuff and even took some unfortunately pictures for it.


P.S. Lol dyson!


P.S. Lol dyson!



High points? Too many to remember. One brilliant one was the thread in which Dyson appeared, entirely smashed and very late, and I quoted the thread that he made in my sig (although stupidly without the link to the thread, which is annoying). Other than that there are a huge number of mafia games (which if I'm honest I'm ridiculously addicted to), as well as threads such as King V's virginity thread (whatever happened to him? It was like 'I'm losing my virginity soon!...I lost my virginity!....*gone*').


YES! Dyson's drunk ramblings appeared right next to Flinky's drunk ramblings! And now we have a proper "Drunken thread". How far we've come.


Mafia games ftw! You're still the best player ever, as far as I'm concerned.


And YES! Where is King_V's thread? That was awesome! A true rite of passage, if I've ever seen one: the user with a DBZ-related name becomes King Vagina on legacy alone.


Maybe King_V's virginity was like Samson's hair - the source of his strength. Without it he's withered into a pile of empty, dried-up skin.

I could understand that opinion if you were under the age of 20, maybe. I'm sure its just their way of looking out for you!


People don't always understand what they are afraid of, and its harder to get away with being someone you aren't these days. When I was a young teen cameras were hard to come by... and super expensive.. so it was common to talk to someone online and not have a foggies what they looked like!


Yeah, I agree. I'd rather have them looking out for me rather than let me do whatever I want. On certain occasions though I'm just not in the mood for it :p


After seeing links to Cube Europe/Revo Europe articles on other gaming sites and liking them, I started coming here to get Nintendo news. I think that was right when the site changed to Revo Europe actually. Eventually I found the forums, and after lurking on and off for a little while, I decided to Join. Like most people, I started out in the Nintendo boards (and for a while on the tech board and creative board), but now I mostly post in General Chit Chat and Other consoles.


I've seen many members come and go over the 4 or so years I've been here, the one thing that's never really changed is the community. Its always been welcoming, its always been helpful, and its always been a place to have a good discussion, or a good laugh. I come here nearly every day, I've witnessed many of the epic moments that have happened over the years, and I'll be here until the day the forums close down. N-Europe feels like my home on the internet, I'm curious as to how different my life would be if I had never found this place.


Hmmm golden moments....


The first few mafia games were great fun. The first and only mafia game i ran with someone else :D


King V's virginity thread :P


Rokhead00's posts..... come on they were funny!


I cant even remember how i wound up on these forums >.>


I've seen many members come and go over the 4 or so years I've been here, the one thing that's never really changed is the community. Its always been welcoming, its always been helpful, and its always been a place to have a good discussion, or a good laugh. I come here nearly every day, I've witnessed many of the epic moments that have happened over the years, and I'll be here until the day the forums close down. N-Europe feels like my home on the internet, I'm curious as to how different my life would be if I had never found this place.

According to ConfessNE, that's not true and nearly everyone is a twat now.

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