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User photo theme: favourite pictures of yourself


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When I photograph decently, it's a momentus occasion, and it often makes my day. I can't bear the sight of my own face from most angles.


A few faves:


The smartest I've ever looked. My hair was nice too.


The only nice "completely innapropriate time to photo someone if you want them to look good" photo of me ever. Sweaty and exhausted after watching a gig. Therefore it's an extra fave. I like it and I wasn't "aware" of it being taken.


Not the photo per se, but my hair again, looks so nice. Bearing in mind I have hair the texture of an old ragdoll. I liked that colour too.


My "default" profile pic I always end up going back to on FB. Love eet. I love the composition. The fact it's in "narnia", the attic of my friends house where you sit around a hole and dangle your legs down to the floor below. The fact it's really strangely coloured. The fact I have a party hat on.

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This one I've always liked, but recently I've started to notice that I look really young and like I'm wearing clothes that are far too big for me.




I like my hair (head and facial) here.




Similar to above really. (For work's Secret Santa one year, I gave a framed version of this to someone - what a treat!)




Nice pic of the family, even though the boy doesn't look like that any more.



Blatantly getting old now. :(



My bro's wedding and I don't look too fat.



Some of my overall favourites of myself are from Work's Christmas Parties where I invade other people's photos. They think they're taking a nice photo, then Boom, there I am.





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