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Uncharted 3 : World of Deceit deceives ReZ


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Concept art


Earlier today, a listing for Uncharted 3: World of Deceit was found on Amazon france. However, shortly after the appearance of the listing, it was discovered that the box art featured on Amazon was using an alleged “piece†of concept art that a Los Angeles-based “concept designer†created during an architecture class. This left many crying foul. We were just as skeptical, so we did some digging, and found evidence that suggests Albert Ng, the concept artist in question, likely did work on Uncharted 3, therefore giving credence to this retailer listing, concept art and more importantly, the working title of Uncharted 3.



The images posted on Albert Ng’s personal Blogspot, both concept art and logo (pictured at the bottom of the page), look to be authentic. Could he be telling a fib that these were created “for architecture class� After connecting some dots, we were able to uncover some information that links this artist to Uncharted 3.


People love to expose their most personal of information to others on the internet. And this tidbit, artist Albert Ng just couldn’t keep from posting on his Blogspot. Knowing the name, location, and job description of the concept artist we looked in the most logical of places, LinkedIn. Without much trouble, we were able to find Albert Ng’s profile, which reveals that the concept designer currently works for Tyler West Studio.


On the Tyler West Studio website, the company describes itself as a “conceptual art studio, committed to creating inspirational and informative artwork for video games and film†having contributed to “more than 15 AAA videogamesâ€. I know that when people think of AAA videogames, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the first to come to mind.


After perusing the site for a short while we stumbled upon the studio’s client list; a list that features a multitude of videogame publishers such as: EA, Activision, Ubisoft and the smoking gun… Sony Computer Entertainment.


Is this proof of Uncharted 3‘s — a game we all know is coming — logo and title? No, but the evidence does insist that everything on Albert Ng’s Blogspot was more than likely legitimately made for the third installment in the Uncharted franchise and the subsequent listing on Amazon France for Uncharted 3: World of Deceit makes it all the more real.


What are your thoughts?






GOTY 2011/2012

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I don't.


I think they need something to mix the gun-play up more though, especially for multiplayer.




Don't be sad. Although you're right to an extent.


- More maps

- More variation of weapons

- A few more game modes

- Special levels, e.g. motorbikes lying around/stationary turrets/different objects.




Appears to not be real fail.



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Serious question: What is so good about Uncharted 2?


- The gameplay is amazing, mixing shooting, cover and climbing.

- The story is amazing.

- The graphics are amazing.

- The voice acting, characters, humour, action, all the little details are amazing.

- The set design is amazing.

- The multiplayer is amazing.

- The game is all round almost as good as it could be.

- Its like Indiana Jones of the gaming world.

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- The gameplay is amazing, mixing shooting, cover and climbing.

- The story is amazing.

- The graphics are amazing.

- The voice acting, characters, humour, action, all the little details are amazing.

- The set design is amazing.

- The multiplayer is amazing.

- The game is all round almost as good as it could be.

- Its like Indiana Jones of the gaming world.

Don't become a reviewer pleaaseee!


mixing shooting, cover and climbing

c'mon pal! 'Cover' !!!!!! OMGYGV!!!!!!!!!!!

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I hope the campaign is a little less linear this time


NO NO NO! Why is everyone obsessed with open and sandbox games?! There is still very much a place for linear gameplay on todays world. That tight very controlled, well directed, well executed experience that provides the developer with unparalleled control over delivering the best possible experience to the player.

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- The story is amazing.



The story was the thing that annoyed me with both the Uncharted games.

Monsters? They've ruined the story for me.



Other than that, I have to agree. Well, exchange "amazing" with "slightly better than average" and I'll agree (the graphics are amazing, though) :p


BUT: I stand by my statement that Chapter 20 of Uncharted 2 is the greatest level I've ever played.

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- The voice acting


I take it it's a different Nolan North to the Nolan North that does terrible voice acting in other games?


- The multiplayer is amazing.


Uncharted has multiplayer? I thought it was a single-player only game.

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I take it it's a different Nolan North to the Nolan North that does terrible voice acting in other games?


He's amazing in this. Sounds like Nathan Fillion. In fact I thought it was Nathan Fillion.


Uncharted has multiplayer? I thought it was a single-player only game.

Well the second one does.



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Some of my favourite games ever. Loved the way Uncharted2 just blew everyone away. I stumbled upon the first and adored it so I hope we see more grassy jungle areas. I'd love some huge open areas to explore. Maybe a bustling city but purely for meeting up with, say, Sully or something. Other than that the set pieces are awesome and make Uncharted a spectacular experience.


It's just perhaps a bit cliche how a supernatural force must always be behind the stories. I would have preferred the first game to have stuck to it's bad guy role rather than have the mad twist. The second also seemed a bit kerazy when that whole secret part opened up.


Still, gives it an Indiana Jones vibe which is clearly what it is aiming for.

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Serious question: What is so good about Uncharted 2?


If one is being honest? The scope. And I think I'm impartial enough to say this, as I didn't think the first one was anything special and always likened it to a poor man's Gears Of War meets Tomb Raider.


Uncharted 2, though, is a different story. I didn't really like the first chapters

istanbul/borneo were meh... loved the train wreck, of course

and if I'm being honest, I think it deserved a much better ending

Shangri-la gets hyped the whole game and then it's just a washed out babylon copy, plus that final boss sucked

. So that's about 4 chapters I didn't really like. Everything in between (20 or so chapters) is absolutely perfect. One the most immersive adventure games ever made, truly. It's just so fucking compelling! Stunningly beautifull, well written (even if it IS incredibly generic action-advendture fare) and with surprisingly heartwarming moments, too.

I said what I said about the first one... but Uncharted 2 is better than Gears 1 multiplied by Gears 2 multiplied by all the (good) Tomb Raiders.

In short, it does everything well and is probably the PS3's best game along with Demon's Souls, with it's only flaw being that it's prety much impossible to top, as they already used the world's prettiest setting (Himalayan region) for this one.


Plus, the multiplayer is (very) awesome!



Yeah, they look and sound uncannily similar.



True, however, there's a better option, as far as looking alike goes.




Althoug Fillion has more in common with Drake's personality.

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A poor man's Gears of War meets Tomb Raider? Hmmm. Definite disagreement.


Uncharted 2's campaign was amazing, but... I still wouldn't say the actual gameplay (I hate this word, where are the substitutes?) overall was that great. Everything was solid, but shooting that many humans over and over drags, and I think the amount of 'set-pieces', cutscenes, spectacular locales and camera angles makes people forget about the general time they spent doing the eventually boring & meaty genocide runs.


Even though the platforming is so simple, it's fun, despite it just being a pace breaker and a chance to admire the work of the designers. The thing is, the game needs something else. That thing isn't 'puzzles'. To call them that would be an insult really.


I don't really know what the third thing would be. RPG styled character interaction? Throw in Zelda like items? Anything that shows Nathan doing human things I guess would help.

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I've tried to come up with many reasons for why I love Among Thieves but nothing seems to do it justice. It's just such a complete game. The graphics, the story, the gameplay, the production values; everything is just top notch. I think when it came out a lot of people just expected the multiplayer to be some crappy mode hastily added to please the critics but it's probably one of my favourite online games ever. There's such a vast array in modes and it also helps that Naughty Dog are constantly updating it. The game just wins.

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