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I live in Hemel Hempstead


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Well as i live less than a mile away... it shook my house realy bad. The smoke smells realy bad so where all stayin indoors.


Ramar i also hope your uncle is ok... they havent said about anyone being seriously hurt so heres hoping hes safe and sound.


I work in 2 places within the area of the depo... so it looks like a while off work for me

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I can see the smoke from where I am sitting. The police say there will be more explosions through out the day, and they have said 20 minor injuries, and 4 people are seriously injured...I hope one of them aint your uncle Ramar.

Oh, and my aunt heard it in Oxford. Thats almost 100 miles.

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Yeah I live fairly close too, just outside Amersham and I got woken up. Sounded like a cross between a really loud firework and rumbling thunder from close by. I thought a house on my road had blown up but I checked and couldn't see anything.


To all people who can see the smoke from their house, police and goverment officials has asked them to keep all windows and doors closed and to try not to leave the house.


Hope everyone is ok, 'specially your uncle Ramar. There is a police casualty hotline if you can't reach them. It's 0800 096 0095. Look after yourselves people.


And also this is unlikely to be a terrorist action before anyone starts on about it. The M1 is a busy place but 0600 is not the time to do anything like this. Also the news said that there was maintenance going on and also the local MP said that these things do happen. Not often at all but they can happen.

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Yep, if this were terrorism, they'd do it on a Monday morning during rush hour or something. 6am on a Sunday morning is hardly going to maximise their kill for Allah.


It's quite possible it's an accident. Even the smallest ignition could send something like that up in flames. Sounds like it all went up at the same time - like a progressive explosion of all (or most of) the fuel, one after the other.


It's all different types of fuel as well, isn't it? Some is aviation fuel (which as we've seen with 9/11 can have devistating effects) and some is oil, some is petrol etc. so all of that together would probably have made things worse.


Been watching it on the news for the past hour - some of that amateur footage is crazy! The fire is mah-hoosive, and so is that plume of smoke.


The Hemel Hempstead hospital has been saying none of the admissions as a result of the explosion have been truly serious - mainly just minor cuts and injuries - so that's somewhat of a relief (ie. no-one's dead).


Hope your Uncle's not one of those admitted, Ramar.

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