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Deep Impact just started on BBC3 and it's almost Halloween so I thinking about the end of the world.


What's your favourite apocalypse or post-apocalyptic story/setting?


My favourite has to be the book, NOT the film, I Am Legend.




The end was amazing, it actually made me go all Keanu-Reeves'-'Wow!!'-like. I don't think I've read another book like it, except for The Road but I found that lame in comparison. I know they aren't exactly the same but I read them as studies on isolation and I Am Legend just blew me away whereas The Road bored me. Not like Chekhov bores, more unintentional boredom.


In terms of films, I always enjoyed Deep Impact.




Paris getting blown up is FTWness.


I'm sure there's loads of others I probably enjoy more but can't really think of them right now. The Dawn of the Dead remake is also excellent.


amm I tend to REALLY hate those kind of movies.


In terms of disaster movies, Poseidon adventure( NOT THE REMAKE) is hard to beat.


but in terms of "holy shit the world is going to end" am... not sure you're going to count it but terminator 2 works for me but i'm probably being a shit :D


I have to say I'm in complete agreement with you Daft.


I recently read I am Legend after watching the film when it came out, I have to say it's the best apocolyptic book/film I've ever had the pleasure of watching/reading, I love the way it ends and would say it's my way of thinking of how the world would end.


Otherwise I'd probably go all out and say a Left 4 Dead version of things, everyone is a zombie except those who are immune (Or carriers as I found out in the comics, interesting!), I'd quite like that, except I still don't believe in reality zombies would be fast, the brain isn't active enough for fast movement imo!


That reminds me I wonder where my end of the world thread has gone, I might re-read.


I forgot about L4D! I love the humour in it, both the banter and the stuff written on the walls. If the world did end I'd be really disappointed if people weren't that witty. :heh:


I really should check out IAL at some point. Damn. Uni library doesn't have it.


Was reading some theoretical analysis of the use of apocalyptic narrative in Japanese popular culture recently (while sat next to someone reading the bible, coincidentally) and in the mood to read/watch some. Not so much 2012 and those kind of disaster movies but something more...low key (or as low key as the apocalypse can be). I suppose personal stories rather than "shit blows up". Any recommendations?


Reading the Akira manga at the moment actually.


Haha! Not sure how I missed that one.



Enslaved also has an awesome post-apocalyptic setting. It's all overgrown and forgotten.





Yeah, I almost prefaced my post with something defending it's status as post-apocalyptic - I assumed the lack of it being here was due to some sort of unspoken rule that it doesn't count or something. :(


It totally counts. 60 billion+ people die in the first 45 minutes of the series. I can't think of anything much more apocalyptic. :heh:


There are hardly rules for this thread. I'd put this music video forward.



I've always liked The Road a lot simply for the fact that you never really get to know why the apocalypse has occurred- it could be anything from nuclear war to ecological collapse or even an asteroid impact is hinted at- even the sun dying isn't out of the question. It's that ambiguity about it that says 'if the world as we know it really ended violently, would anyone know why? Does it matter?

The Road also takes a more unique look at the apocalypse by setting the story the best part of a decade after the event itself, whatever it is. It's set at the point where there's literally nothing left to speak of and humans have totally given up on society of any kind. It's an interesting scenario.

get it read, you slag.


Well it's like £40 to buy the books, which is what I really want to do, and in my current state I can't acquire it by other means. And in any case, I started, but disliked reading it digitally.

Posted (edited)

Of course who can forget some of the ways that Futurama has threatened the end of the universe, such as the episode where the Professor traps the entire universe into a small box or the dastardly brains and their devious plot to learn everything (and then wipe it out?)



So he was a science fiction author before he became a cultist leader promoting a sci-fi-like faith? Ironic. :heh:


Not really, not when you consider his most famous pre-Scientology quote is "If you want to make a lot of money, start a religion."


Enslaved also has an awesome post-apocalyptic setting. It's all overgrown and forgotten.


I wish I had a bit more money to burn, the demo was really quite stupendous.

Edited by gaggle64
Automerged Doublepost

Here are some awesome pics by TokyoGenso of a post apocalyptic Tokyo.








I wish I had a bit more money to burn, the demo was really quite stupendous.


I'll be honest, it's not great. Although it isn't bad.


Shit artists are quick to forget that as soon as we leave, nature will reclaim our cities in a heartbeat. Unless it's a scenario where the entire planet is dying due to nuclear winter etc(The Road, The Terminator) then the future without us probably looks absolutely gorgeous.

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