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Iron Man 3


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I'm not sure how the knowledge of any of these facts ruins the film anyway? Knowing who's going to be the villain in the second Avengers film literally has 0 impact on anything, in fact, I'd bet you'd be so engaged with the film you wouldn't actually remember. Similarly, with this Coulson business, I really doubt it's going to affect your enjoyment of the film in any way; are you really going to be sitting in the cinema thinking "Oh shit maybe it's this scene he gets turned into a robot?", no you're going to be watching the film like a normal person.


It's like with Battlestar Galactica. At the start it shows you what's going to happen in the episode, but you always forget within 2 minutes, and then are still surprised when it happens at the end.

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Erm...isn't what Mokong said worse?


Yeah guess I started it but was thinking anyone in here must have seen Avengers already as while it's not a "direct sequel" to Avengers it is the next film in the franchise.


I however didn't allude to anything that might happen, I was just asking if anyone else heard if he was due to reprise the role, be kinda like wondering if Fury or Black Widow (I've not seen anything to mention either, would expect Fury might be though) might appear in IM3 or not. Chair just "speculated" a bit too much I think.



Still, speaking of how many films people are signed on for, Cobie Smulders is signed on for seven more.


These aren't "they will be in x amount of films" but more "if they want to, Marvel can use them for that amount of films" before needing to do a new contract. Marvel don't have to use up all they've signed up for.


Ah yeah good point I guess.... I remember reading the guy who played Sterns (who would become The Leader) in the Incredible Hulk is signed for 6 films. Guess at the time they might have had intentions of using him more but with Hulk films up in the air at the moment guess so is his reprising of that role.


I'm not sure how the knowledge of any of these facts ruins the film anyway? Knowing who's going to be the villain in the second Avengers film literally has 0 impact on anything, in fact, I'd bet you'd be so engaged with the film you wouldn't actually remember. Similarly, with this Coulson business, I really doubt it's going to affect your enjoyment of the film in any way; are you really going to be sitting in the cinema thinking "Oh shit maybe it's this scene he gets turned into a robot?", no you're going to be watching the film like a normal person.


But your forgetting about the personal "surprise" factor.


With the after-credits stuff, of course it doesn't have any impact on what happened beforehand, it is more of a set up for a future story. But that still doesn't mean people would rather learn about it the first time seeing it on screen than accidently read it online because someone didn't consider it a spoiler themselves.


It's like with Fury appearing at the end of Iron Man one. I wouldn't tell anyone what happened in the scene I would just tell my mates to make sure they stay to the end of teh credits for a surprise. Telling them who was in it would just ruin the surprise and take away from their initial personal experience.


It's like with Battlestar Galactica. At the start it shows you what's going to happen in the episode, but you always forget within 2 minutes, and then are still surprised when it happens at the end.


But with BSG those quick glimpses never showed actual twists that would happen in the episode nor would you know what context they were to happen in.

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That's how these things work. Didn't someone post an article where it said something about how Iron Man would be cut off from the rest of The Avengers for some reason?


That's convenient.



The same can be said for most things touched by Whedon.

ReZ: I can't wait for this movie! It'll be the best movie of all time!


Retro: I'm going to stay away from all information about this! Nobody tell me who the main characters are!


*The trailer is released, nobody watches it*


Everyone: This will be the best movie ever!


*The movie is released, everyone begrudgingly watches it in 3D on opening night*


ReZ: Best movie ever!


Hamish: I thought it could have been better.


Everyone, including people who haven't watched the movie yet: BURN THE HERETIC.


Retro: Nobody spoil it! I'm watching it in three weeks!


Chair: I wish the movie had focused more on sexism and women's place in the futu-


Everyone: Shut up, Chair.


Chair: I think the next movie will focus more on Mal and that one character from that one episode.


Retro: Spoiler! That was a spoiler, right?! Stop spoiling things, Chair!


Edited by Magnus
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So for Thor 2, Captain America 2 and Iron Man 3, we’re going to get the world in peril, but not quite enough peril or the Avengers to be brought back again?


As far as I know their own movies are just going to be more personal so:


Is supposed to be Thor and Jane Foster traveling around the other realms.



Something is supposed to happen which means he cant call for help or even access a lot of his tech.



Cap 2 I dont remember reading anything about apart from him getting used to the world again.


I mean its no different from the comics where they have their own series and dont call in other Avengers to help, you just accept that they dont always want/need it or there will be a reason written in.

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I mean its no different from the comics where they have their own series and dont call in other Avengers to help, you just accept that they dont always want/need it or there will be a reason written in.


Indeed if we accept it in the comics why not in the films?


For all we know each of those 3 films could be based in the same time frame, so if each character was dealing with something different in different places at the same time, there simple enough they can't just help each other out.


The one that might be a bit different though is if they finally get Ant-Man off the ground and any other characters they want to try add to Avengers 2 (I heard Doc Strange a while back?) or if Hulk will get a 2nd (Rufalo's 1st) film.

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It's pretty silly in the comics too, though. :p


Everyone in the DC universe should just call Superman for help whenever there's trouble.


"Yo, Supes. It's me, Batman. Yeah, the Joker's at it again. Look, could you just swing by and- oh, come on! It'd take you, like, ten seconds! Please? Come on, man. I'll let you play with my batarang."

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Marvel have rarely had anyone quite so outlandishly powerful as Supes, though. Even Thor is limited in his own way. What the film really got right was the sense of range The best Avengers teams have. Hulk and Thor are both insanely powerful but they're hardly subtle: Sometimes you need Black Widow or Captain America.

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Just had a thought, and figured I'd toss it out there....


What would the chances be of "Rescue" making an appearance?


hopefully none! Rescue is quite cool n all but if they're doing Extremis it's all about Tony being isolated and pushed to,um, extremes.

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Isn't it a bit late to only just be casting this film? How are they going to make this film in slightly less than a year?


I realise that blockbuster turnarounds are getting shorter as CGI gets better, but isn't 1 year a bit optimistic?

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Isn't it a bit late to only just be casting this film? How are they going to make this film in slightly less than a year?


I realise that blockbuster turnarounds are getting shorter as CGI gets better, but isn't 1 year a bit optimistic?

Incredibly it only took them 1 year to make The Avengers... which started filming in May last year!


It always worries me somewhat, but if they can do it with that film, Iron Man 3 should be no problem! I think it starts filming later this month doesn't it, so it gives them a year too.


I'm more concerned for Thor 2. Have they got a director/script nailed down for this film yet. I had forgotten it was out next year as well, I was thinking it was 2014 along with Cap 2.

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I get the impression most modern soothing schedules are 90 days or less, so that's three months of physical labour for cast and crew, then they go to pick ups, second unit etc. post production seems to be the lengthiest process these days.

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Yeah i suppose it depends on the type of film. I remember Pirates of The Caribbean took about two years to film, but then they had to build actual pirate ships for that one. I suppose the set design etc for Iron Man is a bit easier.

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Incredibly it only took them 1 year to make The Avengers... which started filming in May last year!


It always worries me somewhat, but if they can do it with that film, Iron Man 3 should be no problem! I think it starts filming later this month doesn't it, so it gives them a year too.


I'm more concerned for Thor 2. Have they got a director/script nailed down for this film yet. I had forgotten it was out next year as well, I was thinking it was 2014 along with Cap 2.


Apparently Alan Taylor (Game of Thrones...WOOT) is set to direct with Tom Hiddleston reported as saying filming is due to start in August of this year in London





(Yeah I know but it's the easiest place to look for info when in a hurry)

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Another Villain for Iron Man 3?


We've already got Ben Kingsley in an unrevealed role as the main villain of Iron Man 3, which is set to start shooting this month. But now James Badge Dale (The Grey, Rubicon) has also been cast in the film -- reportedly as a baddie.


Reports indicate the actor will play "Savin"… but who would that be? A quick Google search reminds us that Eric Savin, a.k.a. Coldblood, was a character from the comics, a military man who was turned into a cyborg. He wasn't an Iron Man character per say, but he did work for Roxxon Oil at one point -- and the Roxxon logo has been spotted in the Iron Man films. So take that for what it's worth.




Robert Downey, Jr., of course, returns in the film as Tony Stark. Shane Black writes and directs, and Gwyneth Paltrow, Rebecca Hall and Don Cheadle will also be in attendance.



Source - IGN

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