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I'm very surprised as well; I had you down as heterosexual. I could've sworn you'd mentioned it or something since I normally make sure I have those things right. :heh: In a strange way, I'm almost a bit disappointed :heh: - it would have been lovely to see a straight man with your approach to life for once, just to shake up expectations and stereotypes a bit. :) They're probably out there, but you just don't see them very often.

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Paj, I thought your boyfriend looked familiar. Then....I think I realised, its because I added him on ferbz?


I hope not. :o You have my flatmate Riccardo, which is "..." but a joke thing. I forgot he mentioned you the other day - we were saying how its stupid having 1,000+ friends on Fbook because one clearly ISN'T friends or even acquaintances with that many. He replied he only adds people he's met, then I fired back with "What about Michael Jamieson?". And he was like "...Oh yeah, who is that!?". Telling lies.

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Yeah it kinda seems to dumb to default to this binary state of sexual preference anyway.


I mean, it's not dumb to BE on the end of what is actually a scale of sexuality, but kinda dumb to categorise it.


Not that I'm saying Paj! is dumb for saying, "I'm a homosexual and I love Wesley", but...


What am I saying?


Oh yeah, it's dumb that society is the way it is.


lol im so cool for saying society is dumb yo

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I think just few people seem to get how broad a term "gay" kind of is. I'm sort of in the minority who say that while terms like pansexual and demisexual are fine ways to catergorise yourself, I don't think they're a helpful way to make people understand the simplicity of "few people are entirely straight, sexuality is a very fluid thing everyone on the planet is a part of" and indeed that sexuality isn't a choice. Preference is a choice but not sexuality, and I worry about labels making it all seem a lot more confusing and complicated than simply "I'm dating this man right now". I understand labels, but I think the "queer" community should be making less labels rather than more.


But that's just my brain. Gay people quite often tell me I've got the wrong opinions about almost everything so I'm quite used to it.

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I'm very surprised as well; I had you down as heterosexual. I could've sworn you'd mentioned it or something since I normally make sure I have those things right. :heh: In a strange way, I'm almost a bit disappointed :heh: - it would have been lovely to see a straight man with your approach to life for once, just to shake up expectations and stereotypes a bit. :) They're probably out there, but you just don't see them very often.


I know exactly what you mean. I know one or two people and you just can't help but feel like they'd be so much more amazing as straight people because they'd break so many barriers / stereotypes / how people believe gay and straight people should act.


As promised -- I captured him doing Duckface.




(stupid merging double post)



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