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I'm not sure if it's remotely possible to not pose with a camera phone. I'll give it another go...


Edit: Nope, can't do it.


Since I'm posting photos of myself I might as well go the whole hog.


Hipster filters and all.




I think I prefer my hair like this.





...I hate my hair.


I think it's more the hat.

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Fuck off with your hair problems, Daft!! :D


Mine will always be the worst (male) hair I've ever come across. I have hair the consistency of dolls hair, that has no shape or form. It's neither curly nor straight. It's like a Barbie that a baby's played with with and matted the hair of. It looks like I'm wearing a wig when I try and "style" it after just washing it, when it's all fluffy.


You have nice (looking) hair. I also personally prefer it longer in that photo. It makes more sense with your face.

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I'd say mine is that bad. It swings wildly between curly and straight and when it's wet/humid (Hell, even when I cycle) it frizzes like NOTHING else.


That photo with the long hair...that's just a mass of hair that has assembled itself for that photo. I don't make it like that, it doesn't stay like that. My hair changes by the minute. No joke.


That's why I got my hat.

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