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Kind of fits between this thread and the bad stuff (depends how it all pans out) but after 18 months of a recruitment freeze, our team leader position has been unfrozen.


I think I'll apply anyway but I'm torn, lying naked on the floor. On the one hand I don't want to get any deeper into this rabbit hole that I dislike, on the other money. As I've changed track from what I trained in, realistically I won't be able to get a job I want for a while, but on the other hand...I don't want to be an adult.



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Apply - it gives you the chance for money, if you get to a point and don't want it, you can step out.


So we've got our 8th manager in the last 12 months starting today (this is a bad thing), but its a guy I nearly ended up working for earlier in the year (if you recall me going for an internal position). He's a great guy and will do great things for this team now he reports directly to the execs and CEO.


I'm glad something is finally being done for this team, even if it comes a little too late in the year for me. I'd like to say that things will change for the guys, they need a break. But I'm still incredibly doubtful.


Either way, because of what's happened, the new boss is taking us to the pub tonight and work is paying for it. Finally some recognition that they can't keep treating QA this way - woohoo. (this is the first step in many. Hopefully.)

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Awesome, we can be new work buddies as I've just handed in my notice too and due to start on Monday 3rd!




I've just had a meeting with my new manager (who is like why do I have to do this?) because HR got up in a twist because I've had four days off sick since my notice period (genuine sickness too!).


I mentioned how it was nice that they were more concerned about me being off than my health and this is why I was leaving.


I also found out that his manager has asked if he could convince me to stay, my new manager 'fuck no, there's no way after all the shit you pulled on her, she'd stay'.


He was right. Shame. :awesome:


I'm sat here laughing, its remarkably funny for the ball to finally be in my court.

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Okay, so I have some more good (but confusing) job news to share with everyone!


On Monday I was offered the role at Twinkl creating resources for teachers. This is part time alongside my part time teaching job and I actually started yesterday. Which, you know... pretty cool job!


However, today I was offered an even better position at the University of Sheffield. Some of you may remember I had an interview for this back in January (I applied for the job back in November), but was unsuccessful as they gave it to someone who already did the job somewhere else. Anyway that person never showed up to work, so being the second best candidate, they've offered me the job.


So yes! I now have two offers for work and both are being flexible with my current part time teaching job. One is super fun, part time and doesn't pay much. The other is full time, pays nicely and has a pension.



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Spent a stupendous afternoon at a roller derby game and I absolute recommend the experience to everyone. It's a really fantastic spectator sport and deserves to become a huge game nationally & internationally. I'm so glad I read up on the rules before so I can understand what was going on - there's a great mix of tactics, rough athleticism and personality all at play. My local team got a bit of drubbing at 121-211 despite some good late efforts but it was a great experience. Will be going at the next opportunity.


And now, here are just some of my favourite names from the roster:

Awesome Wells (Portsmouth Wenches)

Eureka Pain (PW)

Psyclone Destroyer (PW) (Also MVP IMO)

President Garfield (Croydon Roller Derby)

Jeckyll 'n' Glyde (CRD)

Baron Von Blockenspiel (Referee)

El Toupee (Announcer)




Also the Wenches are sponsored by the local Nandos so there was a guy in a giant chicken suit handing out samples & flyers in the corner. Truly we were as gods.

Edited by gaggle64
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Had a brilliant night being entertained by the brilliant Russell Howard at the Cardiff Motorpoint arena last night, only one minor hic-up with the seats i booked (booked 2 tickets, one behind the other). And a chap proposed to his girlfriend on-stage whilst being hugged by Russell Howard. Brilliant night none the less, recommend anyone who hasn't seen him live to see him live.

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Technically bad stuff, but I'm putting this in the good stuff thread since it made me laugh a little and I didn't really give a shit.


Applied for a job as a Exhibition Designer, which is basically designing exhibition stands for companies. It was well paid, but a bit far away so I wasn't too fussed if I got it. I've done my current employers design stand, but I don't have any examples in my portfolio. It does require the same skills as normal design though, so I figured I'd try, plus I met the essential and desirable criteria. This is a direct quote of the entire email I got in return:


Sorry I cant see no Exhibition experience in your CV or any examples in your Portfolio defo am unable to put you forward for this role


Literally nothing else apart from the email signature. Maybe I should apply for his job, he's clearly in way over his head.

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Further job based news: Got an interview on Monday. It's at a place that designs sport uniforms/clothing. No idea how much it pays, but it could be interesting I suppose.


But the real reason I'm posting here: Today I had to make some ID badges for fake people for the salespeople to show at an exhibition. I managed to sneak in the names H Ramis (RIP), Z Morris and an A.C. Slater.



Fuck yeah.

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Managed to get all my data collected for my first experiment as part of my PhD yesterday, and all done within the space of 2 weeks. Absolutely knackered as a result but so glad to get it done and under my belt after a rough couple of weeks of teaching, marking, my first TMC and getting a cold twice 2 weeks apart.Don't know if I'll find what I hope to find when I analyse all the data but I'm not too bothered at the moment.


Gonna have a little bit of a more relaxed day today, helping to set up for someone's surprise 60th birthday celebration, and taking tomorrow off completely as I def think I've deserved it so just gonna chill and maybe meet up with a friend or two :awesome: Hopefully the weather stays decent as it's been really good recently up here so that's definitely perked me up a bit.

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