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That's brilliant news! What is it you'll be doing, can't remember you saying specifically? Will you be moving?


Its still in Cambridge. But the little bit of extra money now allows me to either move into a really nice place with a friend or get my own little flat.


I'll be a QA engineer (rather than QA tester), they test things for the BBC/Mothercare/Banks. So they are pretty big (the company only has 80 employees). So basically, software/websites instead of games.


It means better hours, less overtime and more money. I'm thrilled. It'll hopefully sort out my stress I've had for the last year and I can work on getting better mentality.


I'm sad to leave gaming behind as I've been working towards it for years. But I've got to put me first.



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My best friend had the firehouse with the slime too. We played on it quite a bit :love:. Coat hangers, really?


So I went to Twinkl HQ yesterday, meeting went well and I think chatting with them helped with my application. I've just sent my cv off, so fingers crossed!


Now I can look forward to my birthday meal and get-together on Saturday :)

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Oh that's cool. I'd like to live in Cambridge when I finish at the end of this year (hopefully). Such a beautiful place.


The thing is - yes town is pretty.


But don't be so fooled.


I say this time and time again. Most people here don't get enough money to afford to live in the centre of town and those that don't live in really run down housing that's expensive (we're talking 600pcm on average for a room).


If you want to live in Cambridgeshire I'd recommend the towns outside.


For example Ely is wonderful, brilliant town, 15-20 miles from Cambridge centre. St.Neots (where I live) bigger town, pretty nice, normal place. Same distance.


Cambourne is basically brand new, more expensive as its about 10 miles away. But really nice.


Basically what I'm saying:


Middle of town = good, expensive.

Outskirts of town = dump

Outsides of Cambridge = good



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Yeah if I moved it'd probably be to work in one of those bioparks so I'd probably locate based on proximity to them.


I currently work on the Science Park and have worked on the Business Park opposite.


There are certain areas nearby that are nice, but I believe there's certain areas that have really shoddy internet. Which is odd given its new estates.

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My Assassin's Creed Black Flag Buccaneer Edition showed up. The figure is somewhat spectacular, to the point that I got my Altair and Ezio figures out and put them on display.




Having never seen them together, it bothers me how much smaller Ezio is than the others. Altair is also slightly smaller than Edward.

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It is a nice figure to look at, mine is situated next to Marcus Fenix and my pool trophy.


First day of the Six Nations, and i'm in work :-(. On the plus side, found a desk where i can put my phone out and watch the game without a team leader seeing what i'm doing. So as i've got the game on, i'm passing the scores onto colleagues who want to know.

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It is a nice figure to look at, mine is situated next to Marcus Fenix and my pool trophy.


It's really good. I've always been impressed with the detail in the AC special edition figures, but this latest one puts the others to shame. It's nice to see how they've got better with every release. For example most of Altair's belts are just molded to his outfit and painted, whereas Edwards belts are all separate bits that have been glued on.


I personally wouldn't have paid the full £80 odd for the Buccaneer edition, but I'd still say it was worth that price. It was a steal for £45.

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It's really good. I've always been impressed with the detail in the AC special edition figures, but this latest one puts the others to shame. It's nice to see how they've got better with every release. For example most of Altair's belts are just molded to his outfit and painted, whereas Edwards belts are all separate bits that have been glued on.


I personally wouldn't have paid the full £80 odd for the Buccaneer edition, but I'd still say it was worth that price. It was a steal for £45.


Think i paid £65 for mine on release, i know it wasn't £80

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Going to cut what has possibly been the weirdest seven days I've had for years into a couple of paragraphs.


So as you all know, I started my new job on Monday. After the first day, I pretty much knew that it wasn't for me but I was in the situation where I really needed the money so I was questioning whether I could put my feelings for the job aside. I did on that day. Then Tuesday came and everything totally changed. After selling an Xbox One, a 3D TV and a fridge and being the best salesperson in the place after my second day (apparently unheard of before), I had a phone call from a customer crying hysterically at me in anger. She was calling because the company wouldn't stop calling her mom because she owed them money and were trying to sell her stuff to get her into more debt. She's apparently told them to stop calling but they kept on calling. If you thought that was bad enough, wait for it, there's more? The mom died of terminal cancer two weeks ago and since then, she was being called. The day she was called was the day of her funeral. I felt sick. I know it wasn't me who did it directly but I was still sickened by it. I passed the call through to the manager. At that moment, I knew the job wasn't for me. After work, I drove back to my old places and asked for my jobs back. One accepted straight away, the main one wanted to welcome me with open arms but had to check with the Head Offices first. I didn't tell them I didn't like it, I just told them I liked it there better and that I saw more of an opportunity for my career to advance there.


Lo and behold, I got my jobs back and I quit the new job. I told them that I started immediately in another job. I didn't even need to work a notice. I get paid in March. On top of this, in my old place, I found out that in four weeks' time, it's possible depending on how the other stores react, that I'll be getting a promotion to Head Sales. My shoe shop manager used me as an example in a meeting with all the other stores saying how I was always hitting targets with no rewards and how the position would be vital to a team. Everybody agreed and they're willing to use me as a tester to see whether they should bring the position back into all the other stores. I'll get more hours added to my contract and a 'member of management' title added to my job title too. AS WELL AS THIS, the gift shop is looking to make me permanent. Nobody can resist my awesome chocolateyness! BOW DOWN TO THE DAIRY MILK CHOCOLATE, BITCHES!


What a difference a week makes!

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Hang on gift shop. The fuck. Jesus, I cannot keep up with your job stories.


I thought you worked at Brantana and The Card Factory? (Well it was Bright House obviously lol...)


I call The Card Factory the gift shop. I should've said card shop but didn't bother. But yeah, everything is back to normal now. I have Card Factory and Brantana. I handed in my notice to both to work in Bright House, didn't think much of it so asked them both for my jobs back and they just said they'd pretend like nothing happened so everything is back to normal. I quit Bright House.

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I'd take what the customer says with a pinch of salt, but Bright House is the kind of place which feeds off of debt to some extent. I think you definitely did the right thing in going back to the other jobs - I'd bet that at some point down the line you'll be faced with a new conundrum; it'll come to a point you'll only be able to keep ONE of the jobs.

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