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Had a crappy day and week so I text a friend at lunch to see if she was three and we did a mini bar-crawl around Brick Lane (a restaurant and three bars). Was great to see someone, just what I needed this evening :)


We can tell you've had a few drinks! Shame on you!

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So for the past two weeks, I've been working (working today as well) and apparently, I'm top of the sales board and sold more stuff than anybody and all of the team have been saying encouraging things about me to the boss, saying how I motivate them and help them when I can. The boss told me that there was a position with more hours going but it's in the back of the store and she wants me on the front part to sell more stuff so she's trying to put me on for more hours. What's more? She's put my name down for a supervisor's position and said "Whenever a supervisor position comes up, your name is first on the list".


Felt real happy about that! :D

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Wow, this really IS my week. Just come back from work and found out that I'm not only the top sales person in my store but in the whole of Birmingham and that they're going to put me in some newsletter! Have I entered the twilight zone?! How I did that is unknown but my colleagues have been saying how they would nominate me for supervisor and stuff.


Oddness! Haven't felt this happy in absolute ages! :D:D:D:D


I love you guys! TONIGHT WE ARE YOUNG! :hug:

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I would like to announce that @Animal is the official forum member of the day.


Oh my God, what an honour! I would like to thank everybody for believing in me! Together, we got this achievement! :bouncy:


Where do you work, Animal?


I work in Brantano. I started a few weeks ago really but that was training, for the past week, it's the actual thing. Our team is awesome and the managers there are ace, they're down-to-earth and normal and don't treat you like you're beneath them.


I didn't feel like this in my last workplace, I just felt miserable as sin the majority of the time and I had the managers constantly down my neck, treating me like shit and I got really depressed. It's been three weeks today since I started and I've not had a bad day so far. Genuinely the happiest I have been in absolute ages!


Oh and I also forgot to mention another thing that I did last week too: I passed my motorbike theory test! Got 48/50 questions and got a 5 on most clips on the hazard perception. Now all I need to do are Modules 1 and 2 and I've got my full bike license, can't wait! :D

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Well... I've got back from Lanzarote, Sat at my desk at work... looking out at the rain coming down...


Glad to be back [/sarcasm]


On the plus side it was a great holiday....


I worked behind a bar, I talked my way into a lot of free drinks, I owned the pole in one club (The next morning swimming in the resort pool, and Irish lady swam to me and said that I "Really enjoyed that pole!")


came stumbling home at 5am most mornings with everyone... sleep till 10, poolside or beach till 6, get ready, then back out again.


Incredibly funny holiday.


Free Champagne - 418676_10151010155461230_1498653906_n.jpg

Working Behind the bar - 378322_10151010155271230_1816831635_n.jpg



Only Bristol City fan in a group of 10 of us, So making my self be heard -



In the sea at 4am-



My fiancé and I scaring everyone off the dancefloor -



I have no idea -









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A colleague got a call from HR for me earlier (clearly they don't have my extension) asking me to go to the office. Turns out I've been paid for this month (impressive considering I started last week). Woo money! Although it was taxed at 22% but now that I have given in my P45 hopefully that won't happen again.


Also went for drinks with some people from my old job :)

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Okay, the Twilight Zone thing continues. So one of my supervisors is getting too competitive with me. In fact, he's trying so hard to beat me that he's actually passing on customers to other staff if they don't want what he sells IN FRONT OF THEM. Anyway, needless to say, one of the staff bit back and told him he shouldn't be doing that because it looks bad in front of people and it's bad for business and he replied that he does it because he "wants to win and be first" but he doesn't care about the other worker's figures, just his own. Lame!


So anyway, my manager's heard it and she's going to iron him out so I'm happy about that! Also, I came first this week as well. Oh and I'm being put forward to go to this Academy/School thing where they teach you how to be a supervisor and stuff so that'll be awesome. My only worry is that you need to know about percentages and I know NOTHING! I need a maths tutor!!!


Also, I've booked my full bike test for next month. I just hope that the weather will be alright for me to ride in!

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Thank you so much! I really need all the help I can get. First, I need to complete these massive books on health and safety and how to do things correctly in a workplace. There's three of them! But yeah, ANY help I can get would be absolutely fantastic! :)

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You're quite welcome!


Does Lady Rainicorn speak Korean in the Italian dub? I believe they change her language between dubs but not sure.


Oh my god...Korean? why is this suddenly becoming my favourite program..

i'm not too sure who she is so i couldn't tell you for certain. maybe she wasn't in the episodes i watched - i've no doubt if i heard Korean i would have peed in excitement

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Oh my god...Korean? why is this suddenly becoming my favourite program..

i'm not too sure who she is so i couldn't tell you for certain. maybe she wasn't in the episodes i watched - i've no doubt if i heard Korean i would have peed in excitement



The subs aren't in the broadcast episode.


Pee away!

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