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How'd your week without Internet go? :) Successful? Any results?


Eh it didn't go too well. =P

I needed my email and the internet for a freelance job, so I ended up being on it anyway. Though I did try to be on it a bit less, than normal, but I have to say my experiment failed.


Though now I'm in the UK I haven't really had time yet to be online and I have to say again I don't miss it at all. Just check my emails and N-E for a bit... Jim hogs my laptop anyway so yeahhhhh. =P


ahh good luck ine. Getting your first test over you as quick as possible is a good idea, pass or fail. I failed mine first time but felt a million times better second time round as it wasnt as new and/or scary. You'll do fine i'm sure, just keep with the practicing! :)


The thing is I can't practise since I'm in the UK until the 7th... the exam is a week after that. So I have nooooooooo idea how I'm gonna manage that. I haven't even practised parallel parking yet, or reversing in the street. Freaking out about that now haha.




Good stuff: Jim and I watched The Lion King in the cinema yesterday! Whoooo! Hadn't seen it in years, so it was great to see it on the big screen. Lots of screaming, crying and jumpy kids, but I didn't mind. =D

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The thing is I can't practise since I'm in the UK until the 7th... the exam is a week after that. So I have nooooooooo idea how I'm gonna manage that. I haven't even practised parallel parking yet, or reversing in the street. Freaking out about that now haha.
Reversing in the street? Is that reversing round a corner?... otherwise what kind of a test is that! :p


Can Jim take you out?... is it 5 years worth of driving experience you need to have had to accompany someone?... or maybe you have to be over 25?


If not (and the fact that it might be stressful for the two of you to do that anyway), is there a road/car park somewhere, you could just get a couple of parallel parking practices in?

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If you're requiring luck, sounds to me like you aren't at the level to drive. :woops:


By 'luck' I mean... I wish other 'drivers' on the road wouldn't contribute/cause me to fail, as on my last test I only had 4 minors but had one major fault caused by someone pulling out in front of me too quickly which I then got the fault for apparently. ::shrug:


Even my instructor said that it should have been a pass, probably didn't help that the examiner was in a fucked-off mood though. :heh:


So when I say 'luck' I really mean 'fairness' which I feel the driving test these days isn't entirely but then neither is life so. [/apathy]


I remain undeterred and will be re-booking for some time in January with any luck. :wink:

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By 'luck' I mean... I wish other 'drivers' on the road wouldn't contribute/cause me to fail, as on my last test I only had 4 minors but had one major fault caused by someone pulling out in front of me too quickly which I then got the fault for apparently. ::shrug:


Even my instructor said that it should have been a pass, probably didn't help that the examiner was in a fucked-off mood though. :heh:


So when I say 'luck' I really mean 'fairness' which I feel the driving test these days isn't entirely but then neither is life so. [/apathy]


I remain undeterred and will be re-booking for some time in January with any luck. :wink:

I don't understand what the major was for?


I presumme you didn't crash into this person, so what was wrong with applying the breaks hard? What was the fail?

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Reversing in the street? Is that reversing round a corner?... otherwise what kind of a test is that! :p


Can Jim take you out?... is it 5 years worth of driving experience you need to have had to accompany someone?... or maybe you have to be over 25?


If not (and the fact that it might be stressful for the two of you to do that anyway), is there a road/car park somewhere, you could just get a couple of parallel parking practices in?


No when I had my lessons we had to reverse in the middle of the street (a small street). I don't know why they have you do that, but it's done on every test. And you're not allowed to hit the curb and all that jazz. I guess it's to test and see if you can manoeuvre out of small spaces? I don't know. =P


As for Jim taking me out, I'm not even sure he's allowed to do that since I have a Belgian temporary license. Plus I've never driven in the UK before (on the wrong side of the road) so that would just be verrrrrrry confusing. I'd probably cause an accident somewhere. =O

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I don't understand what the major was for?


I presumme you didn't crash into this person, so what was wrong with applying the breaks hard? What was the fail?


Roundabouts... they are a law unto themselves it seems, I waited until a moment when it was safe to pull out and go then out of nowhere comes someone - possibly speeding - on the inside lane, apparenlty as I pulled out - in the correct lane I might add - the other driver slowed down a bit - he was going too fast anyway most likely - and the examiner took that to mean that I had caused him to slow down even though we are in opposite lanes.


Now obviously if he had been approaching/visible while I was waiting then I would have just continued to wait but he literally seemed to appear from nowhere and I had checked many times before even moving off; the most annyoing thing is that the examiner didn't mark me down for it at the time only right at the end which even my instructor said was very unjust of him.


But he was just doing his job I suppose, pehaps with clouded judgement due to his pissed-off mood but what's the point in arguing about it? Clearly I just have to 'try again' as metaphorically it's like a game so I'll just have to keep going until I get it right, the only difference is that there's money and lives involved - real ones - and that you don't get rewarded for any 'near misses'. :p

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By 'luck' I mean... I wish other 'drivers' on the road wouldn't contribute/cause me to fail, as on my last test I only had 4 minors but had one major fault caused by someone pulling out in front of me too quickly which I then got the fault for apparently. ::shrug:


Even my instructor said that it should have been a pass, probably didn't help that the examiner was in a fucked-off mood though. :heh:


So when I say 'luck' I really mean 'fairness' which I feel the driving test these days isn't entirely but then neither is life so. [/apathy]


I remain undeterred and will be re-booking for some time in January with any luck. :wink:


Best of luck. : peace: :D

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Best of luck. : peace: :D


Haha, thanks Ramar. :D


Also while I technically can't wait until I pass, I realise that when that happens that's when the real 'fun' begins... and by fun I mean wallet-crushing expense, please tell me that for the 'freedom' at least it's worth it though? :) it has to be surely.

Edited by S.C.G
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As for Jim taking me out, I'm not even sure he's allowed to do that since I have a Belgian temporary license. Plus I've never driven in the UK before (on the wrong side of the road) so that would just be verrrrrrry confusing. I'd probably cause an accident somewhere. =O


Also I wouldn't advise parallel parking practise either, even if in a car park, as the steering wheel will be on the opposite side.

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Haha, thanks Ramar. :D


Also while I technically can't wait until I pass, I realise that when that happens that's when the real 'fun' begins... and by fun I mean wallet-crushing expense, please tell me that for the 'freedom' at least it's worth it though? :) it has to be surely.


Like you say the expense is an arse but the little freedom it gives you is worth it. I'll be coming up for two years passed in May. The first few months (maybe year) I took my time to get going, but now I'd be lost without my car.

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is it 5 years worth of driving experience you need to have had to accompany someone?... or maybe you have to be over 25??


Unless it's changed recently I have known it as you have to be over 21 and been a full UK licence holder for three years plus the red L's front and back.


Although I have no idea under Eenuh situation.


Also while I technically can't wait until I pass, I realise that when that happens that's when the real 'fun' begins... and by fun I mean wallet-crushing expense, please tell me that for the 'freedom' at least it's worth it though? :) it has to be surely.


Very much worth it! I have been driving for six years now and amongst many things I wouldn't have the job I have got now if it wasn't for me driving. Also makes it easier to visit people and places! But yeah the cost can be a bitch.

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Haha, thanks Ramar. :D


Also while I technically can't wait until I pass, I realise that when that happens that's when the real 'fun' begins... and by fun I mean wallet-crushing expense, please tell me that for the 'freedom' at least it's worth it though? :) it has to be surely.


It's definitely worth it, but only if you make the most of it. For example, if you lived in a city and rarely ventured outside of it, it wouldn't be worth it at all. However, if you like to travel around the countryside, then a car is the best way (providing it's long distance).


I couldn't do half of my urbexing without being able to drive to the places.



Plus the expense isn't that bad as long as you're sensible with your car choice. I mean I can afford 3 of them and I'm not even remotely well off. At all.

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Oh crap, somebody warn the villagers!


I am literally the creepiest psychologist. I should not be allowed near people.


This post really creeps me out! :heh:


I was in an odd mood. :heh:


It literally meant I was gonna reduce the number of friends on my facebook and see whether it mattered. :)


It doesn't. I have already gone from 98 to 59. I hope to get it lower!



Ima guessing we're not gonna see Bears for a while.


Nope. Still here. :D

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wow thats not bad....!


My colleagues daughter just passed her test (shes 17) and she's looking at 3k for insurance.... that's INSANE. I thought my first insurance (albeit at 23) at 900 was enough o_O'


Oddly enough the Beetle is the cheapest car I've ever insured (£200), despite being the most expensive to buy and is irreplaceable. I was on the phone for about 45 minutes describing all the modifications!


It is through a custom car insurer though, so that might have something to do with it. Beetles are also stupidly cheap to insure as well, although I thought the custom nature of it would have put it through the roof.

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wow thats not bad....!


My colleagues daughter just passed her test (shes 17) and she's looking at 3k for insurance.... that's INSANE. I thought my first insurance (albeit at 23) at 900 was enough o_O'


Mine was the same, in my name, fully comp, but I thought that was cheap for 18 year old with no previous experience.


Nowadays it's like 500quid, so I feel ripped off now!

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Yeah. The total is about £1100 a year for all three (separate companies, so no multi car bonus thingy).


Good going Goafer, to get a deal like that clearly you're a man who knows his markets from his meerkats. :heh:

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Awwww Cameron is so amazing! :)


Seen him twice, and he's so cute. He's doing fine, and my sister and her boyfriend have been able to hold him and change his nappy. My sister has been out of hospital a few days and she's fine aswell. I couldn't believe how small he was when i first saw him, it was quite scary really. He has lost abit of weight and is now 1'11, it's normal for them to lose weight though apparently. Managed to get a picture of him with his eyes open aswell. :)


So happy. :)

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