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Take a coat @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, and he will...




Hey, it happened to be very nice weather in London all weekend! Don't blame me that your summer's a monsoon! :p


Well it turns out that "King's Cross" is far too general a meeting place, so we didn't get a chance to see each other before I had to run and get the last off-peak train. So sorry to anyone hanging on our potential interaction (:heh:), and sorry to Dannyboy that I was in too much of a rush.


Nah, it was just bad luck. It was rather optimistic, anyway. :heh: But like I said, I hope we do get to meet one day! :)


Yeah I was just gonna say, I think that's pretty shit of you tbh @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane's gain!


No, 'cause he removed it before I saw it. :(

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So I'm back from my weekend in London, and overall it was amazing! :D The worst part was the travelling, since we had to leave far too early Friday morning, and I didn't get any sleep due to nerves (which I always get when I'm going to travel). But we arrived, and the hostel was much nicer than I'd expected, practically situated right next to the British Museum where we saw the Greek collection before I had to dash to meet Supergrunch (which was a fiasco since we had little time and couldn't even find each other :heh:). Then in the evening we went to see the musical Wicked, which was absolutely brilliant and made me miss standing on the stage myself! :D


Saturday we walked around London and just enjoyed ourselves, visited the National Gallery among other things, and then in the evening came the time for the amazing Ghost In The Machine Halloween Ball at White Mischief! :D We dressed up in our steampunk clothing and went on our way, and due to absolutely no signs, posters or advertising of any kind we almost missed the place were it not for the line of steampunk-clad people out front. :heh:


It was a nice little venue with a great atmosphere, the people were friendly, the shows were great, but of course the main attraction was Abney Park, which was the entire reason I went to London this weekend at all. ;) Their show was amazing, and both before and after they hung out at their merchandise stand and just talked to the fans, completely down to earth. I had no camera with me, but when I saw people getting their photos taken with the lead singer, I knew I had to get one, so I asked the girl in front of me if she'd take a photo of us and email it to me and hastily scribbled my email address down on a small piece of paper. I hope she remembers. :) Then I got the autographs of the other members, and at about 3 o'clock we went back to the hostel.


The next day we checked out at 10 o'clock and just lazily walked around London all day, going from Subway to Starbucks to McDonald's and just passing the time, bored, tired and just wanting to go home. :heh: I bought myself the book The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking, and at about 7 o'clock in the evening we took the train to Stansted Airport where we waited all night since our flight wasn't until 7 o'clock this morning.


All in all an exhausting, but amazing trip! :D

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You were right near me. I work near the British Museum!


Got an email this morning from the company I ordered flowers from. "Dear Ashley, you've probably just made [mother's name]'s day!" Yeah I did! Nice to be the number one son. She rang me when she got them and was all teary, so I said "none of that".


Other than that averagey day at work. My team leader inferred a grade 4 (ie higher pay position, which I'm doing now but not being paid for) position is coming up yesterday.


And...other things ^_^



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Good things...


I now have a job!


On Friday I decided to go out and around Southampton looking for work, making a list of all the places I visited and writing down whether they were looking for staff, and if they wanted a C.V, an application form or if they wanted me to fill something out online. In total I actually went around 90 places on my search o_O I had a job interview for Hollister because as luck would have it, I went in at 2pm asking and the guy there was like 'Oh actually we have a group interview at 3pm...come along'. So I did and I'm still waiting to hear back from them - they said it would probably take 2 weeks to get back to us.


So then Saturday came and I went and printed a load of CVs in the library, then went round town again handing them out to the places that wanted them. I'd handed out about 20/40 for the places that wanted them when suddenly my phone started to ring. I answered and it happened to be one of the pubs I had just left a phone number with from the day before. They were just like 'Are you available....nowish?' 'Well as it happens I'm in the neighbourhood...'.


Anyway I did a 3 hour trial shift there and all the boss seemed to like me enough so I now have a permanent job. For the time being it's just washing dishes but there are so many nice little things about the place. All the staff are really friendly, the pub is generally quite a cool sort of artsy place I could see myself going to and the pay isn't too shabby at all. As long as I don't take the piss, I'm also allowed drinks of coke/lemonade from the bar if I'm thirsty and I can nip out for a cigarette pretty much whenever. Plus I get a free drink at the end of my shift and they serve Budvar, which is awesome.


I know I've been quite lucky because I managed to find something after only one and a half days of hard job searching...but after going around 90 places, I felt like I had maybe earned a bit of luck? - though no disrespect to you guys who are searching hard and are having trouble because I know it can be very difficult indeed.


I think I know what my first 'saved up some money' purchase will be as well....




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Yay, well done ipaul! =D


I sold my first Christmas cards, whooo. A former classmate sent me a PM on Facebook with the cards he wanted. Seems posting my stuff on there is paying off now.


Now I just need to wait for the payment. It's not much but yay, happy people like my cards! =D

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Yay, well done ipaul! =D


I sold my first Christmas cards, whooo. A former classmate sent me a PM on Facebook with the cards he wanted. Seems posting my stuff on there is paying off now.


Now I just need to wait for the payment. It's not much but yay, happy people like my cards! =D


I bought some as well, from redbubble after seeing them in the creative thread, so it was worth posting here too. :)

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I bought some as well, from redbubble after seeing them in the creative thread, so it was worth posting here too. :)


Thank you! I wondered who had bought them!

Made me very very happy to see someone had already bought some so soon, so thank you! =D

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Thank you! I wondered who had bought them!

Made me very very happy to see someone had already bought some so soon, so thank you! =D


This reminds me!


I was thinking of getting my mum and dad one of your images on a nice picture frame this year, they always remark about your poster I bought (the girl on a cloud emptying a bucket with a rainbow in it.)




I shall go have a look.

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