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good stuff thread.


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I found that with my final year project, everyone got so riled at each other and tutors who kept saying stupid things and in the end we all did as we wanted - as per the brief and we all did remarkably awesome things. Ignore them chicken!


Well our brief is "one minute [but they're very relaxed about the time it seems] animation inspired by a piece from the national gallery" so outside of criticising the animation itself I'm just not going to listen (as a rule of thumb). Some of the things the artist from the NG has been saying is ridiculously misguided and uninformed.


I met up with Ashley, Hamishmash and chairdriver. We chatted. And walked. Then 3 of us went to the Tracey Emin exhibition at Southbank (which I loved, but was very intense).



Ugh. Four of my needs.


Surely it's five.

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Ah right. Yeah I saw the bed/others of hers/but not sure which. Its the....Saatchi Gallery with the oil room, right? Thats what I'm thinking of. Not hers though....(?)


So no, just four. :p


You have more of a chance of meeting Emin than me :p


I also saw Daft briefly on Friday. Or should I say he saw me as my head was in the clouds. So its been a very N-E weekend.


Still not seen Elliot though because he hates me :(

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I'm super happy. I've been trying to nail 2 achievements on Beatles Rock Band for a long time now, both of which essentially require me to 100% a song, and generally I miss one or two notes, just enough for me to fall short of the achievements.


Tonight, in two successive attempts, I got them both. One after the other, flawlessly. I feel like a pro :D

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I'm super happy. I've been trying to nail 2 achievements on Beatles Rock Band for a long time now, both of which essentially require me to 100% a song, and generally I miss one or two notes, just enough for me to fall short of the achievements.


Tonight, in two successive attempts, I got them both. One after the other, flawlessly. I feel like a pro :D


That's such an epic feeling. :D

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I'm super happy. I've been trying to nail 2 achievements on Beatles Rock Band for a long time now, both of which essentially require me to 100% a song, and generally I miss one or two notes, just enough for me to fall short of the achievements.


Tonight, in two successive attempts, I got them both. One after the other, flawlessly. I feel like a pro :D



And some people say Achievements/Trophies have no place in games.

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Girls. Well one in particular, things are still going amazingly well. Spent the majority of the weekend with her and it just feels so natural. I can see very good things coming from this.


iPlayer. I am so glad I have access to this, English TV is so superior to American I can't describe it. Having the desktop app for iPlayer makes it so easy to keep up with everything.

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Today was the worst day, I went through hell, I wish I could erase it from my mind. Woke up at 8am, having gone to bed at 9pm. Then fell asleep again, and came round at 11. Definite case of oversleeping. Everything was grey. Last day of my teenage years.


Hung around college wishing I were...

Texted people, wishing for contact, but everyone had their own business to attend to. But then texted the guy I've been seeing, assuming the answer would be no because he seems to have a busy life (is a PHD student), but he was overwhelmingly enthusiastic about it. So met up for coffee with him, and chattered away for an hour, loving the feeling. Now officially been on 5 dates with him. Which is more than double the amount of times we've slept together, which I'm pretty sure is a gay miracle.


BUT, realised I was missing a hospital appointment, and wished so much upon myself, but he was really calming about the whole affair.


NOW going to go have diunner at KFC, because I need chemically enhanced meat.

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Today was the worst day, I went through hell, I wish I could erase it from my mind. Woke up at 8am, having gone to bed at 9pm. Then fell asleep again, and came round at 11. Definite case of oversleeping. Everything was grey. Last day of my teenage years.


Hung around college wishing I were...

Texted people, wishing for contact, but everyone had their own business to attend to. But then texted the guy I've been seeing, assuming the answer would be no because he seems to have a busy life (is a PHD student), but he was overwhelmingly enthusiastic about it. So met up for coffee with him, and chattered away for an hour, loving the feeling. Now officially been on 5 dates with him. Which is more than double the amount of times we've slept together, which I'm pretty sure is a gay miracle.


BUT, realised I was missing a hospital appointment, and wished so much upon myself, but he was really calming about the whole affair.


NOW going to go have diunner at KFC, because I need chemically enhanced meat.


I'm guessing the hospital appointment was the hellish part?

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Typically, 111 calls over a day roughly equates to 18 calls an hour. At work, of course.


Today I made 126 in the first three hours, then spent the last 3 on a new campaign where we're expected to get 3 leads a day. I got 3 leads in two hours.


Fun to be the best.

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Very cool. Is everyone there massive RuneScape fans?


Actually there's a lot of staff who've never played Runescape!


They are, as you'd imagine though, everyone is a huge gamer, one way or another, whether it's xbox, mmo, card games, etc, etc.


Some of the perks are amazing.


I cannot complain about the job, that's awesome, just everything else..haha.

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Typically, 111 calls over a day roughly equates to 18 calls an hour. At work, of course.


Today I made 126 in the first three hours, then spent the last 3 on a new campaign where we're expected to get 3 leads a day. I got 3 leads in two hours.


Fun to be the best.


that's damn good... but the problem is.. working in a call centre eats away at your soul :p


I'm always the bestest in my office, I'm the fastest call takerer (with an average call below 1 minute) and I usually end up taking the most calls because of that. But its a thankless job in the NHS at the minute. :(


6 years and still in a temporary post.


Oh and we are the only office in our directorate (planning and information) that are less than band 4s. They all make jokes at our expense, and make us suffer. :(

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I'm doing not-so-bad stuff though. One bunch of stuff is b2b so I call people who are actually 'customers' and need our services. The other one is for the NSPCC calling surgeries and again offering something actually applicable. There's no inbound idiots or cold-calling, so it's not too stressful and rarely feels like I'm wasting people's time. Enjoying it while it lasts!

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