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Was that for like a mathematical module where you either get it right or wrong? That's able to be given high marks, but many modules being exam/essay based you will struggle to get higher than 80%. I don't think I know anyone who has achieved that.


Yeah Mathematics for Economics and Finance. Pretty easy when you've studied maths at A level.

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I find it difficult to understand our marking scheme, as we don't really have exams or coursework, it's mainly modelling/animating and getting 99% on that is somewhat ridiculous, even if you're very good.


Anyway, just got an email back from bioware, hopefully for a job at some point. Yay! :)

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My car's (Scirocco) throttle keeps sticking. So I opened the bonnet and sprayed some oil on the carb to try and loosen it up. It didn't work, so I think it needs a new throttle cable.


The good part of my day was that I revved the engine from the carburettor. Nothing is more manly than reaching into the engine bay and controlling the engine.


Also went for a nice bike ride for the first time in ages. My muscles are almost bulging out of my clothes. Grrr.

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For my maths degree the highest mark you could get in a module was 85 - they rescaled all the marks after exams. It meant you had to perform consistently well to get a first or a 2:1 rather than just getting a couple of freak 100 marks.

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For my maths degree the highest mark you could get in a module was 85 - they rescaled all the marks after exams. It meant you had to perform consistently well to get a first or a 2:1 rather than just getting a couple of freak 100 marks.


We have a different system. Our marks are cascaded so that the top 80 credits count for three times as much, the middle 80 count twice and the bottom 80 count once. I've heard a few different explanations, but the main two are that it helps to reflect improvement over the two years and that because you do a wide variety of subjects (economics, management, marketing, finance etc.) that it's unfair to expect everybody to be good at all of them so it doesn't punish you for being bad at one and rewards you for being good at others. Personally I think it's pretty good (depending on how spread out your marks are it usually adds one, maybe two, percentiles to your average). Trouble is it rewards, as you put it, a few freak high marks over consistency.

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My previous best part of today has been blown out of the water. Happenstance will be appreciate this story more, but meh.


There was once this totally hot girl who worked in our local Gamestation. Turns out she's a friend of a friend at work. Me and the friend have been planning a photo shoot of Jidderbug with a model. The girl from Gamestation has recently become single, meaning my friend now doesn't feel weird about asking her to model for us (he wasn't a fan of her boyfriend I think). We're taking photos of her/Jidder on Sunday, weather permitting.



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For my maths degree the highest mark you could get in a module was 85 - they rescaled all the marks after exams. It meant you had to perform consistently well to get a first or a 2:1 rather than just getting a couple of freak 100 marks.

It was the same for my undergrad. It's kind of a stupid system because it means percentages aren't out of 100, but apparently so many places do it that it's become the standard. And my master's is out of 90, so it's no better.

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And I've now finished Uni (first year at least) and am home sweet home with a brew firmly in hand. Had a really easy maths test and then packed all my stuff up and came home as soon as I could.


I really do enjoy that drive home too... because I know I am coming home.


Now I have four months to learn all the things they expect us to know before the start of next year... and get a head start on what they'll be teaching us.

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Your not the only one Mr. Falcon, I've moved into a bigger room too which makes it even easier.


Today I've done some digging in my old bedroom to clear it out so I can move into my sister's room and give the smaller room back to my parents, I've found a guitar and amp to sell, 5 mobiles, £10 worth of cds to send off and a beanie baby thats going on eBay for £50.


I've also got a box of coins all sorted out and that comes to about 20-30quid, I love making money unexpectedly.

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They go for that much?! Think we've still got a few of those things in boxes round here somewhere.


Only certain ones, I've managed to drop lucky and have a bear that's not made anymore.


The others however go for anything between 99p and £10.

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I'm hoping that if I ask for lower it'll go for it.


There is also a bear on ebay that's going for 46k





I really wish I had it, as they do go for quite a lot with collectors. Not that much, but enough.

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