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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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I feel the same as @ReZourceman, good film but easily the weakest of the trilogy for me.


I really didn't care for Bane at all. His voice was hard to make out at times and when compared to what we had in the other films he was just essentially a thug.


I don't understand how Batman was able to beat him in a fist fight at the end either? Sure he knacked his mask, but even before then he had the upper hand. Flashback to the earlier fight and Bane just essentially stood there smiling as Batman pounded him. This time Batman comes at him with a back thats been damaged, malnourished and I assume very tired yet he was able to beat him!



The highlight of the film for me was the end. Everything was wrapped up very, very well. It's in no way a bad film at all, nor was I disappointed. It's just when compared to the greatness of the other 2 I think this one falls short.


It was always gonna be between this and Avengers for what was my best film of the year and for me The Avengers was a far superior movie.


Oh, one last thing. I got to see the Superman teaser and that royally sucked. It was like a shoddy version of the Returns teaser but without the epic music. Me and my mates were so disappointed. :(


I loved and was completely surprised by


The Jonathan Crane cameo. "Very well! Death...by exile!"


I did enjoy that. I had a little chuckle when it happened. :D

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I don't understand how Batman was able to beat him in a fist fight at the end either? Sure he knacked his mask, but even before then he had the upper hand. Flashback to the earlier fight and Bane just essentially stood there smiling as Batman pounded him. This time Batman comes at him with a back thats been damaged, malnourished and I assume very tired yet he was able to beat him!


Batman was knackered earlier on, too. His knees and elbows were knackered, he had internal damage. He used a quick fix to try and get him up to speed. I got the impression from the way he moved and fought that he was still a fairly broken man, especially in the Bane fight. He also didn't seem to be "feeling" it.


Later on, he recovered his back in a few months, then had a few more months of simply training his body. Not to mention he was much more determined because of things he had learnt in the prison. Plus he found out what the mask was for. It's mentioned a few times in the film that the "rumour" is that removing the mask would kill him (something Batman wouldn't intentionally do) whereas in the prison it was more of a pain relief thing, so the mask would have been more of a target in the later fight.



As for Bane


I still got the impression that Bane was intelligent and he did a lot of the psychological work.


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Batman was knackered earlier on, too. His knees and elbows were knackered, he had internal damage. He used a quick fix to try and get him up to speed. I got the impression from the way he moved and fought that he was still a fairly broken man, especially in the Bane fight. He also didn't seem to be "feeling" it.


Later on, he recovered his back in a few months, then had a few more months of simply training his body. Not to mention he was much more determined because of things he had learnt in the prison. Plus he found out what the mask was for. It's mentioned a few times in the film that the "rumour" is that removing the mask would kill him (something Batman wouldn't intentionally do) whereas in the prison it was more of a pain relief thing, so the mask would have been more of a target in the later fight.


Determination>>>>>speed & strength. Gotcha. :heh:


Did Bane leave Batmans leg brace thingy on when he threw him in the pit? Or was his leg fixed by other means at that point?


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Favourite Film of the Year,

Favourite Film of the Trilogy, and quite possibly my

Favourite Film EVER!


So glad I stayed spoiler free. There were plenty of surprises!

Can't remember the last time I came out of the cinema feeling quite so wowed by a film.

Perfect. Every actor and actress were superb.


Loved it.

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Saw it last night, like other just previously to me have said it was a good film but not as good as expected. The Dark Knight is still head and shoulders my favourite of the 3.


I wasn't feeling the hype for this film, but I was the same with the previous two. When Batman Begins was coming I didn't even see that in the cinema, watched it on DVD first time and loved it. When Dark Knight was coming I didn't get hyped, didn't watch trailers, saw it in the cinema and it blew my mind. I did the same now with Rises, I didn't even watch the previous 2 films in the days leading up to yesterday. And while I did enjoy it Rises just felt like it was lacking something.


In fact I'm actually watching my The Dark Knight DVD now just to be sure I'm comparing them right in my head... and yeah I'm sure I am :D


The only thing I didn't like was


The ease of Bane's death. Although wasn't sure if that was because his mask had been damaged. Kind of made me wonder why no-one thought to just shoot him with a big gun before.


Yeah this got to me too and when you think about it it seemed like such a "duh" moment.



My main criticism of the series overall for those who've seen all 3



I hadn't thought about that myself about what you said about the "legacy" but my god when you lay it out like that is does seem a bit like "meh" doesn't it.



Anyway my own thoughts on the film.



I thought Bane was good, I didn't have any issues with understanding him, though for his first few scenes I did feel his voice sounded very odd. Like it didn't fit him, he sounded like an old posh Englishman with a sore throat.


I liked how they set him up as the heir to the League of Shadows and tied it back to the first film. But when he had Bruce in that pit/jail and he was learning Banes back story I started to get a hint that something was up. When they talked about how a child made the climb out and then talked about why Bane wears a mask. I thought it odd that the child escaped BEFORE getting the facial damage and the mask.


When he first rolls out the bomb and mentions about the trigger man, I was trying to work out who it might be, my actual first thought was Alfred, haha, just thought since he'd been absent for long that would be one hell of a plot twist and mind fuck if Nolan made Alfred the trigger man.


Then when Bruce had the vision of Ras and concluded that he was Banes father I actually turned to my mate and said "That's a big change from the comics Bane isn't related to Ras" then I remembered that Ras had a daughter and I quickly shut up as I had a sudden "lightblub" moment.


In comparision to Dark Knight I also felt that there was less of a sense of danger or need to stop the bad guy between Bane and Joker. Which is odd considering Bane had an Atom-Bomb but letting things drag out over a 5 month period kinda devalued any sense of urgancy in the film.


Joker while he was one for the dramatic aswell (the thing with the boats for example) but the Joker wasn't ever really interested in any kind of end game, all he wanted as Alfred put it was to "watch the world burn".


If Bane (and Talia) wanted to give Gotham some time to tear itself apart so Bruce could watch on unable to help why give them so long. Why wait for the bomb to set itself off. They obvsiouly didn't seem to be concerned with getting away from the bomb themselves. They seemed pretty happy to get blown up with Gotham. So why not just play with them for a week or so first then just push the button.




On the end of the film....



K, I saw the "death of Batman" coming, though was not how I thought it would happen.


I actually expected Bane would kill him, while of course we all know about Bane breaking his back in the comics I thought the film would go that step further.... not copy it :heh: But the back breaking was still cool. (though still wondering how he managed to heal himself in a few months without proper medical attention :heh:)


And I could see that Blake would get set up as the one who would take on the Batman legacy... though why did they make his full name "Robin John Blake", that was just :heh:

They didn't need to go that far, hell calling him Dick or Richard would have been fine but Robin? Come On Nolan you're better than that.



But the part about the ending that I really HATED though was the last scene with Alfred where he was in the cafe in Italy and sees Bruce alive and well.


The ending lost something for me when they did that. It would have been much better if he had actually died. It would have held more meaning knowing Blake would take over as a new Batman. But finding out Bruce was alive just didn't feel right. Bruce Wayne would never just walk away and let some else take on the burden of Batman. That is his burden, he made it, he would always be the one to carry it for as long as he was able. And wouldn't just pretend to be dead and let someone else take on that burden on their own.


Also it brings up the question of how the hell did he survive? The bomb was said to have a 6 mile radius? When the counter was at like 10 seconds Batman was still shown to be inside "the Bat" so how did he get far enough away to survive in less than 10 seconds?


Also anyone else think a "6 mile radius" seemed kinda small for what Bruce thought could be the ultimate weapon and why he kept it hidden under lock and key? I mean did he also buy every Nuclear power plant in the world and shut them down just in case some bad guy decided to take their cores?



Just some thoughts now on how I would have liked those last few scenes to have played out to end the film and trilogy.



Firstly as I mentioned above Batman/Bruce would actually be dead, forget about making Alfred feel better or whatever or trying to have that last happy moment, Bruce Wayne could not have gotten out of that copter and far enough away in 10 seconds to survive, so he is dead.


When Blake then finds the Batcave, that scene should have had more than him vanishing on the elevating platform. After he reached the top I imagine him finding the computer terminals, as he tried turn them on he puts his hand on a handprint scanner which is set to recognise him.


The computers turn on and a pre-recorded "in case I'm dead" message from Bruce starts to play and talk to Blake. It gives him some big speech about what it is to be Batman, what kind of legacy he will be taking up should he choose to become the next Batman.


This could be interspliced with scenes of the other characters like Alfred, Fox, the bit with Gordon finding the Bat signal fixed etc. Maybe some quick glimpses of Blake finding different things in the cave, like the suit, vehicles. Maybe even meeting Alfred and/or Fox.


The speech would end with Bruce's recording saying something along the lines of how Batman isn't any one man, that anyone can be Batman but he must be able to truely understand and accept the burden that comes with it. And that he (Bruce) now realises that whatever happens even Gotham itself doesn't realise it, Gotham deserves and will always need a Batman (or some sort of play on Gordons end speech from TDK) and that if Blake will accept it he can make "The Dark Knight Rise" again.


As that last bit is said ending shot with Blake in the bat suit at night watching over Gotham.



Just my own thoughts.


Haha, reading all that back to myself I sounds like I really hated the whole film but I didn't. I did enjoy it, but it didn't (for me) stand up aswell as Begins and especially as The Dark Knight did.


Oh best comedy moment of the film for me was


When Batman was talking to Catwoman and she vanishes on him when he turns around for a second. I then said to my mate beside me "isn't that usually the other way around"


And then Batman says "so that's what that feels like"... though would have been funnier if he just suddenly dropped the batman voice and said that line as his normal voice :D



Oh and seeing Scarecrow (albiet without mask) return for a cameo was AWESOME. Was worried he wouldn't make it back for the 3rd film so was well pleased when he showed up.



Oh and Teal'c also, was good, haha. I knew he was in the film was hoping he'd have more scenes but glad that was wasn't one of the background thugs for the whole film


Batman has such a short existence in Gotham overall. His overall impact and influence is tiny. In Begins, Batman is around for maybe one week and involves himself in one major case.


There's maybe one year between the two films (The Joker: "Let's wind the clocks back a year... the cops and lawyers wouldn't dare touch any of you") so that's one solid year of action.


Then he disappears for 8 years, returns for a few days, disappears for 5 months and returns for 12 hours. That's the entire Batman legacy in the Nolanverse.


Ignoring the Robin thing (which was... okay) Nolan's biggest departure from the Batman mythos is that he gave Bats an end goal, an out, and then had him take it. The comic book Batman's fight doesn't end like that.


My only other criticism (I can't help it, this is how I judge movies, I take apart the most annoying bits and what I'm left with has to be great for a thumbs up) is that, like Superman Returns before it, anyone with half a brain would notice Batman and Bruce Wayne returning at the same time after an 8 year disappearance.



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Comfortably the worst in the worst in the rrilogy for me. I still enjoyed it for the most part, It was well acted and a fairly okay story but I was sitting there thinking "wheb is this going to pick up" for like...two hours, with the odd exciting bit inbetween. Batman was not in it enough. He was not smart enough, he never fought or used intelligence like Batman should, it seemed. His fights witg Bane were simply fist fights...why did he never use his gadgets or surroundings? Strange. Bane was bland. His voice soiunded weird and apart from being imposing psychologically and physically, there was absolutely nothing to him. He even proved to be a mere henchman with the Talia reveal (which I did love though). What was all the judge stuff? Why werent more people just randomly killed. For terrorists wanting to blow up a whole city they seemed pretry scared of killing people. Catwoman did not do all that much. Introduce a solid character, great perfprmance and sexy but very underused. Things seemed inbalanced in regards to far fetched ness. Like Bane wasnt out there enough...he was just hard. But then there is a flying Bat jet. Hmmm.


Ending was good but I fycking hated that they called him "Tobin" when he clearly should have been called Dick. The implication would have been enough for tge wider audience to "get" anyway. Just. Bleurgh. Good end to a trilogy but easily the most boring and least Batman like of all the films. Bring on the reboot olease. Adapt Scott Snyder's run.


Yeah I'd agree with that. I find it hard to pin down all of the issues I have with it, and then someone will say something and I'll nod my head and chew on it. That's a fault with its scope, having so many ideas was detrimental in the end because they weren't cohesive. They were slightly undercooked, and the flaws become more noticeable with time.


The fact that Batman essentially 'rose' twice was problematic.


I didn't get the impression that Batman really feared or resented Bane.


The prison was paradisal. I could've breezed my way outta that, absolute doddle. It should've felt more arduous and tortuous for Batman to overcome the wall. The escape wasn't enough of a triumph.



There's still a great deal to like, just.... Argh!

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Booked more ticket to see this beauty of a film. I could not stop thinking about it last night, I wanted to go back and see it again.




I really cant decide which is my favourite, all three of them have something that make them amazing.

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Yeah I wanted to go straight out and watch it again as well.


And there was also some applause at the showing I went to see.


For me The Dark Knight Rises is easily my favourite of the three.

Then if I'm honest it's probably Batman Begins ever so slightly edging it over The Dark Knight... which I find a little too tense to fully enjoy. But then it does have some truley incredible scenes.



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Righty I just finished watching The Dark Knight at home and I find myself wondering "What if".


Like if Ledger was still alive would Joker have been in the 3rd film and if so how much.


Just Jokers last speech about how batman wouldn't kill him and he wouldn't kill batman and that they are "destined to do this dance forever"


Wonder if Nolan had an idea for the 3rd film involving Joker planned until of course Ledger passed away.


Haha, just saw this quote on Twitter


2. With AVENGERS, SPIDER-MAN, & now #tdkr, I am sick of seeing my city destroyed. Go blow up LA or DC! Miami! St. Louis! Give NYC a break.


I lol'd and facepalmed :heh:

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Why are people still putting things in Spoiler tags? If anyone is still coming into this thread now they deserve to be spoiled for being idiots.


As for the film, I thought it was terrific. I think the three films have wildly different tones, so I think they're all pretty equal as they show Gotham and Batman in different lights.


I can't see how people can say the Avengers is superior really. The Avengers was a funny film sure, but the action was incredibly dull. I was genuinely thrilled by the action in this, because there was peril, threat, risk... Batman could have died at almost any moment, you never knew when a supporting cast member was gonna be shot or whatever... it was proper, proper action with purpose and stakes. The Avengers was a bunch of CGI laser battles with absolutely no peril because half of the cast already had their sequels greenlight. Absolutely no tension... you know what the outcome will be on the poster.


These films, in my opinion, are totally incomparable.

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When Batman was getting the hell beat out of him by Bane did anyone feel anything for him?


Me and my mates were on about it and not one of us cared. We compared it to the scene in Superman Returns where he becomes powerless and the hired thugs beat him up and toss him around. I hated that scene for the right reasons. It was hard to watch him get beat up and I was rooting for Supes to get back up. In this I didn't care one bit that Batman was getting beat up, probably because Bruce Wayne is such a cocky git and I remember that it's Bale underneath the suit, so he probably deserves it. :laughing:

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I can't see how people can say the Avengers is superior really. The Avengers was a funny film sure, but the action was incredibly dull.


No way, I thought the action was fantastic in Avengers. It depends what you want from a film I suppose. I wanted over the top action with larger than life super heroes and Avengers delivered and some.

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When Batman was getting the hell beat out of him by Bane did anyone feel anything for him?


Me and my mates were on about it and not one of us cared. We compared it to the scene in Superman Returns where he becomes powerless and the hired thugs beat him up and toss him around. I hated that scene for the right reasons. It was hard to watch him get beat up and I was rooting for Supes to get back up. In this I didn't care one bit that Batman was getting beat up, probably because Bruce Wayne is such a cocky git and I remember that it's Bale underneath the suit, so he probably deserves it. :laughing:


Wait a minute...you cared about a scene in Superman Returns??

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That scene in Returns was shite and I really like that film. But come on Supes atleast try and fight back.


I felt for Batman being beat down like that, Batman was all but helpless at one point and I felt for him. Cringed like crazy when Bane pounded his face smashing his mask.

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Yeah the fact that at no stage did I know whether Batman would die in this film added a huge ammount to it.


I felt for Batman during the Bane fight; whincing as Bane relentlessly kept pummelling him and broke through his Batmask... and then dropped him over his knee.


I assumed that wouldn't be where Batman might die... but it was a time when maybe another character might take over as Batman. And then of course during the finale you just didn't know how it was going to end.


I loved The Avengers, but I must admit I walked away feeling that something was missing (I have no idea what though)...


Where as I walked away from this feeling 100% fullfilled, emotional, and in complete and utter awe!

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These films, in my opinion, are totally incomparable.


Agreed. They are both among the best two superhero films, but they're such different tones that I would never be able to choose which one is superior.


Also, it's nice to see President Henry Hayes make an appearance.

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Oh best comedy moment of the film for me was


When Batman was talking to Catwoman and she vanishes on him when he turns around for a second. I then said to my mate beside me "isn't that usually the other way around"


And then Batman says "so that's what that feels like"... though would have been funnier if he just suddenly dropped the batman voice and said that line as his normal voice :D



Couldn't help but think of this :D



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Why are people still putting things in Spoiler tags? If anyone is still coming into this thread now they deserve to be spoiled for being idiots.

Bullshit! It's not been out for that long. Sorry if some of us weren't tripping over each other fisting a release date ticket.

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I would never enter a thread of a film once it's been released until I've seen it myself (unless I have no intention of seeing for a while, like Spider-man).


Speaking of spoilers, when I was walking out of the cinema some girls behind us were talking pretty loudly about the ending - right in front of a massive queue for the next showing.

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