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Tales of the Abyss


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2005's PS2 RPG Tales of the Abyss is getting a second life on the 3DS. Namco Bandai has announced a port for Nintendo's new handheld, though other than a 2011 release date, no other details have been revealed. The first batch of screens look (predictably) like the PS2 original.






Edited by Retro_Link
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Well hopefully it will get another American release and we can import it providing there is no iffy region locking on the device.


It's a shame it's a port, even if it is considered one of the better games in the series but still, and the fact we never got it anyway means there is hope we actually might to play it this time.


Besides, at least it's not another version of Tales of Phantasia... though give it a while and it'll no doubt turn up. Then again, I would love to play that with the ML-LMBS or a FR-LMBS variant.

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This was an excellent game on PS2. My favourite Tales of game.


Will probably never be released here though.


First post nails it. Everyone wanting to play the game, chip you're PS2 and import it from the US. Only way your EVER going to play it. No point begging to a company with it's head so far up it's ass.

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If this came to the west that would be ace! This is really the only Tales game other than Symphonia I genuinely wanted to play.


Too me this is the best Tales game, don't know why, it just has a certain charm the others don't have, or perhaps the fact that the main girl in this game is ultra hot 16 year old who ain't a stupid dim witted blonde who falls over again and again or a princess with pink hair who can't make up her fucking mind but always 'wants to help people even if they are trying to kill her'


Plus Jade = AWESOME!!!


It was just the main character that sucked sadly(But then again, most JRPG main characters that can talk are stupid spoiled brats who you just want to kill).But you can get over it.

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No point begging to a company with it's head so far up it's ass.


To be fair to Namco, Tales of Vesperia and ToS:DotNW* both bombed in Europe so don't be surprised if they're a little reluctant to release the game in a territory where it's unlikely they'll make a profit. Games companies are businesses at the end of the day.


Saying that, I'd love to have another Tales game released here. Hopefully either the PS3 or 3DS version will show up in Europe some day. I'm praying Nintendo offer to help translate/distribute it like Symphonia.






*Yes I know most gamers here considered it a shit semi-sequel and didn't go near it, but I really enjoyed it. So there! :P

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To be fair to Namco, Tales of Vesperia and ToS:DotNW* both bombed in Europe so don't be surprised if they're a little reluctant to release the game in a territory where it's unlikely they'll make a profit. Games companies are businesses at the end of the day.


ToS 2 bombed because anyone who wanted to play it bothered to learn about the homebrew. I was one of the few who didn't give in (though it wasn't out of some anti-importing stance of mine, or anything. It was just because there were other games to play first, not to mention lack of money)


Nowadays, I see it being sold cheap, next to Castlevania Judgement... What a shame. But then again, Namco is responsible for this in the first place. They sure love treating their fans like crap.

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To be fair to Namco, Tales of Vesperia and ToS:DotNW* both bombed in Europe so don't be surprised if they're a little reluctant to release the game in a territory where it's unlikely they'll make a profit. Games companies are businesses at the end of the day.


I know they are a business and a shit one at that, it's the only company that was dumb enough to sell Tales Of the Abyss over in the US on the same week as the release of Final Fantasy XII. Because after that no one cared about it, it obtained shitty sales and never got the chance to be released in the pal regions.

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Only reason TOS made it to the west was because nintendo did the localisation. As for this making it here slim chance. The game having the original bump of chicken single karma. Slimmer still.


That being said a few tales games for the psp made it over here. None however for the DS.

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Only reason TOS made it to the west was because nintendo did the localisation. As for this making it here slim chance. The game having the original bump of chicken single karma. Slimmer still.


That being said a few tales games for the psp made it over here. None however for the DS.


Once again proves Namco's syupidity


Person 1'Oh which is the best selling handheled in the US?' Person 2' DS by a long margin' Person 1 'Oh ok, well lets ignore the DS Tales games and release the PSP ones over in the US'

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Didn't ToS actually do decent over here anyway? Don't even need to mention why DotNW didn't sell all that well for a few reasons. That and Namco bitching about Nintendo piracy won't help.


Then we had ToV on the 360, which was outside the market that ToS had made for a console that isn't really known for it's RPGs and was a pain in the ass to find in store. ToV didn't even outsellf DotNW by that much.


Then ToG actually did decent in Japan but Namco crippled themselves epicly cause of a bug that caused the game to be recalled.


I think there might be a chance for this though, as long as they don't go retarded on us again. I can bring up more stuff but not much point :heh:

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Didn't ToS actually do decent over here anyway?

Yeah because the gamecube was very dry with RPG's compared to the almighty PS2. Us Nintendo gamers were greeted with a new RPG, which was new and interesting and took a different approach to JRPG that we were not used too and most of us loved it leading to many people on the Nintendo userbase to become followers of the series.


Don't even need to mention why DotNW didn't sell all that well for a few reasons. That and Namco bitching about Nintendo piracy won't help.

For what it was, it should be grateful it got what it got to be honest


Then we had ToV on the 360, which was outside the market that ToS had made for a console that isn't really known for it's RPGs and was a pain in the ass to find in store. ToV didn't even outsellf DotNW by that much.

Yes ToV sold far less then what DotNW sold in every country, which obviously left a bad taste in a lot of gamers mouthes (especially pedrocasilva :heh: )



Then ToG actually did decent in Japan but Namco crippled themselves epicly cause of a bug that caused the game to be recalled.

Would have done a lot better if they planned the release date a bit better rather then releasing it on the same week as Final Fantasy XIII :indeed:


I think there might be a chance for this though, as long as they don't go retarded on us again. I can bring up more stuff but not much point :heh:


I ain't holding my breath anymore, 4 years ago I would be as hyped as can be and would be believing and having faith that we would get this game considering it's been translated before. Now I just laugh, but feel upset I now act like this towards Namco, a company I used to always love :(

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