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@Rummy, it smells like Lush products and tastes like Christmas. Have you ever had Kraken?


An apt description - the fragrance does precede it but the taste more than makes up for it once you've had it.

As for Kraken...of course! Possibly my next spiced rum after Lamb's(and old Sailor Jerry's, if it still existed) and I enjoy it being a darker one too.

Though mentioning old Sailor Jerrys makes me recall another I had a few times via Marcamillian - Admiril Vernon's Old J. Not sure if the name/product was meant to recapture the original SJ recipe but it came a close approximation at the time - now I'd take Lamb's Spiced over it any time though.

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I had way too much of that yesterday. Also: Cherry diet coke tastes like crap.


Just pre-ordered The Dash

Just cancelled this, can't justify the spend right now. Epic, personal customer service response (no sarcasm) almost pulled me straight back in. Their team seems so legit (or brilliant marketers), as long as the product is as good as it appears on launch, I'll probably get one not long after that.


But, now that I've cancelled that, the way my scumbag brain works means I've convinced myself that I'm now technically up £225, so I can buy all sorts of other things I don't need! *hovers over Destiny DLC Collector's Edition*


Also, just bought:





For my work machine.


And @Fierce_LiNk - these might interest you if you don't have them already (they're for a 1" bar) - will report back on them later


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Decided to get some games myself rather than playing other people's.






Inspired by @Rummy


Both great games, though I'd definitely say to consider adding Coup to the roster if you enjoyed that too! Think it's sub-£20 usually. Tis the one we played on Saturday morning with the two cards and bluffs etc.

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Both great games, though I'd definitely say to consider adding Coup to the roster if you enjoyed that too! Think it's sub-£20 usually. Tis the one we played on Saturday morning with the two cards and bluffs etc.


I considered it, but thought that two was enough for now (I don't get much chance to play games like these) and I preferred these two.


I've been meaning to get Avalon for a while, ever since I played it at a previous meet (courtesy of @Cube I believe).

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And @Fierce_LiNk - these might interest you if you don't have them already (they're for a 1" bar) - will report back on them later



Although I can't be certain if they're the exact same type/model as the ones I have, I already have a pair of these. I bought them a while back because I was tiiiiiired of using the fecking screw locks.


The problem is that the pair I have don't actually work. I remember reading some reviews beforehand where essentially half the reviews said that these were cheap and great, whilst the other half said that they would not actually fit on a standard barbell. Because they were so cheap, I thought I'd give them a go.


I got unlucky and ended up with a pair that, for some reason, are just a tiny bit too big for the barbell, meaning that they don't grip the weights in place. I didn't cry too much because they were so cheap, although it did leave me feeling annoyed as I'm stuck with the screw locks.


I'm forced to upgrade all of my weights now and am actually checking out Olympic sets as we speak. My barbell is all kinds of bent and is just plain unsafe now. I have several choices:


1. Get a new standard barbell. Keep the same weights. Problem with this is that the barbell will eventually become warped once I start lifting past a certain weight. It's not really made for heavy loads, so deadlifts close to the 150 mark is really the point of no return for this barbell.


2. Keep using the same barbell...which will only become more warped and more unsafe.


3. Get an Olympic Set. Muuuuch more expensive, but essential for heavy lifting.


Wallet am cry.




- Those things didn't work for me, but may for you. Tis random.

- My barbell is fucked.

- Need new barbell...going for an Olympic Set.

- Will be living off tinned goods 5eva (dat mean moar dan 4eva)

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- Those things didn't work for me, but may for you. Tis random.

- My barbell is fucked.

- Need new barbell...going for an Olympic Set.

- Will be living off tinned goods 5eva (dat mean moar dan 4eva)


We probably bought the same springs as the reviews I read sounded exactly the same. I got lucky though, mine fit. They're cheap and small and they don't exactly "lock" the plates in place, although a twist to cross-thread them a little helps, but they do keep them from moving during ordinary lifting movements.


Definitely go Olympic. With decent bearings! Get your old set on ebay or gumtree with a fixed price I reckon.

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We probably bought the same springs as the reviews I read sounded exactly the same. I got lucky though, mine fit. They're cheap and small and they don't exactly "lock" the plates in place, although a twist to cross-thread them a little helps, but they do keep them from moving during ordinary lifting movements.


Definitely go Olympic. With decent bearings! Get your old set on ebay or gumtree with a fixed price I reckon.


Ah, good job! They're a big time saver and it'll save you wasting time putting the fecking screw locks on.


I...I've done it.


I've been searching for aaaages for an Olympic Weight Set. I put this into my basket and headed to the checkout:




But something held me back. That set comes to £385 and I wasn't entirely convinced by the tri-grip weight plates. I searched high and low and read up on bumper plates. I was keen to go for those, with the tri-grip being a back up if I couldn't find one at an affordable price. I found no such luck. I couldn't get a complete weight set with Bumper Plates and Barbell for under £500.


Then, I came across this:


150KG Bumper Plates for £309.


I couldn't find a better deal than this.


Next, I picked up this:




7ft Olympic Barbell for £75


I also bought some cheap Olympic collars to round off this set.


I'll be delighted when it's all here. Excited to see it. I'm now stuck with my standard weights and will definitely sell on the bigger plates. I'm half tempted to keep the smaller standard weights and use those for curls and isolation exercises. Not sure. Tempted to see how cheap/expensive the increment weights are, because I need those. If I can find a good deal for them, I'll most likely move on the entire set when I can afford to.

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Ah, good job! They're a big time saver and it'll save you wasting time putting the fecking screw locks on.


I...I've done it.


I've been searching for aaaages for an Olympic Weight Set. I put this into my basket and headed to the checkout:




But something held me back. That set comes to £385 and I wasn't entirely convinced by the tri-grip weight plates. I searched high and low and read up on bumper plates. I was keen to go for those, with the tri-grip being a back up if I couldn't find one at an affordable price. I found no such luck. I couldn't get a complete weight set with Bumper Plates and Barbell for under £500.


Then, I came across this:


150KG Bumper Plates for £309.


I couldn't find a better deal than this.


Next, I picked up this:




7ft Olympic Barbell for £75


I also bought some cheap Olympic collars to round off this set.


I'll be delighted when it's all here. Excited to see it. I'm now stuck with my standard weights and will definitely sell on the bigger plates. I'm half tempted to keep the smaller standard weights and use those for curls and isolation exercises. Not sure. Tempted to see how cheap/expensive the increment weights are, because I need those. If I can find a good deal for them, I'll most likely move on the entire set when I can afford to.




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I got my fractional weights from that company. And bumpers I have are very very alike if not the same make. Just don't go banging the 5s on the ground with any force and it'll be grand. £75 for a barbell is a great deal too. Eeeek :D



I really want the eleiko weights (they use them in the olympics) but they are ABSURDLY expensive. Have seen some sets on at 10 grand....

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I got my fractional weights from that company. And bumpers I have are very very alike if not the same make. Just don't go banging the 5s on the ground with any force and it'll be grand. £75 for a barbell is a great deal too. Eeeek :D



I really want the eleiko weights (they use them in the olympics) but they are ABSURDLY expensive. Have seen some sets on at 10 grand....


Yeah, I read about not banging the 5s on the ground and now I'm a bit worried. Do they mean banging the 5s with just the barbell, or to not use the 5s at all with other weights when doing, say, deadlifts? I assume it's the former, because they're pointless if it's the latter. :heh:


Yeah, they get stupidly expensive. Poor Ine was having a heart attack when she saw me looking at them...I told her straight off that they were out of the question. :D


There was something about the tri-grip plates that put me off them. I guess I prefer the solid body type of plates.

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Yeah, I read about not banging the 5s on the ground and now I'm a bit worried. Do they mean banging the 5s with just the barbell, or to not use the 5s at all with other weights when doing, say, deadlifts? I assume it's the former, because they're pointless if it's the latter. :heh:


Yeah, they get stupidly expensive. Poor Ine was having a heart attack when she saw me looking at them...I told her straight off that they were out of the question. :D


There was something about the tri-grip plates that put me off them. I guess I prefer the solid body type of plates.


Yeah its just the bar and the 5s. 10+5 is fine, because the 10s are alot tougher, and the force is shared between them. I think 5s typically have a short warrantee for damage too.


I can't imagine you would be throwing them from overhead too often? If you got a home gym I'd be more worried about damaging the floor than the weights =P

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