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Phantasy Star Online 2


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19 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I still can't believe we are getting it!

*hugs Sam* :hug:

Me neither, it only took them what... eight years!?! :laughing:

*hugs Hero* :hug:

So... N-E clan/group/whatever when this comes out? :D

- - - - -

Where's @Gadwin? I know he'll be in day one for sure! :)

Edited by S.C.G
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Never thought this thread would be bumped with a localisation announcement. Thought it was a port of  the first game at first. Weird that I was thinking about it the other day.

I need to pickup that artbook.


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I was getting bored waiting to see Halo on the E3 presentation and opened another tab on my browser...

Then I heard something familiar playing in background...

Switched back to E3 stream on Twitch...

PSO 2! :D

Played this in alpha version during the last days Phantasy Star Universe running and been waiting for it ever since to get a release.

Can't wait to play this on the official release next spring, FFXIV will keep me busy with its Shadowbringers expansion till then thats out in a few weeks.

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1 minute ago, Gadwin said:

I was getting bored waiting to see Halo on the E3 presentation and opened another tab on my browser...

Then I heard something familiar playing in background...

Switched back to E3 stream on Twitch...

PSO 2! :D

Played this in alpha version during the last days Phantasy Star Universe running and been waiting for it ever since to get a release.

Can't wait to play this on the official release next spring, FFXIV will keep me busy with its Shadowbringers expansion till then thats out in a few weeks.

We'll play PSO2 together just like we played PSO on the DC, GC and PSU on the Xbox 360 and PC back in the day. :D

I reckon we'll be able to get a good N-E hunting group going between us all I reckon. :peace:

Me owning an Xbox One is finally worth it once again, unless...

2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Did they say it was exclusive to the Xbox? In Japan it was also released on the Switch and PS4 and I'm wondering if it's going to show up on those platforms as well.

Could you imagine if it was suddenly announced for Switch and PS4 over here by the end of E3? With cross play, cross saves etc?

Pick a platform, any platform! :p We'd go from having no PSO2 to having it on everything.

Failing that though, PSO2 on Xbox One and PC, I'm OK with this. :smile:

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Would be amusing if it did have a PC release as the one i'm typing on right now I built because of the pending release all them years ago.

My main game on it has been FFXIV in al the years PSO" had been delayed.

I would rather they keep it on one platform for the western release though so it doesnt seperate the playerbase like PSU did when it launched.

The PC release of PSU didnt last as long as the xbox 360 version did and players had to restart on there to keep playing.

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I have a few friends I've kept in contact with that I originally became friends with back on PSO on the gamcube, and its a been a running joke among us each year to say a western release of PSO 2 will get announced at E3 since Sega said they were gonna do a western release all the way back in 2012. And it actually happened this time!

I was genuinely shocked. I'm hoping this comes to the Switch, which I assume it will since the Japanese eshop already has it. I played the Japanese version for a while years back and enjoyed it.

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Whilst I would love to play PSO2, it'll just be just like PSU, where we're years behind the Japanese version, always feeling like we're playing the inferior version.

If it comes to PS4, I may give it a go, but I won't be buying a new console just to play it.

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Giant Bomb had an interview with Phil Spencer and he said this regarding PSO2.


"Yes it will end up on all platforms. The point was to have sega on our stage since it's been awhile"

If this is true then I'll be getting the PS4 version. Now, if we can just get confirmation of an EU release then all will be right in the world of PSO.

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3 hours ago, S.C.G said:

All platforms? Switch as well? Nah... I can't see it happening.

If it's between Xbox and PS4 though... then yeah, PS4.

PSO 2 is technically already on Switch, as its been on the Japanese eshop for about a year as 'PSO2 Cloud'. From what I understand, its a streaming version of the game much like Resident Evil 7 on the switch is.

So perhaps if the western release of PSO 2 comes to the Switch, it might just be this version. Personally I'd prefer a full download version. I think the full game is pretty big now, since it houses 7 years worth of updates and content, which might be why Sega made the switch version the way they did.

Edited by Helmsly
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  • 3 months later...

Well, seeing as it's still another few months at the very least until PSO2 finally comes to the West, I thought I might as well use this thread to talk about PSO Blue Burst.

@Gadwin pursuaded me to try out Ephinea PSOBB and it's actually really good as you get to play PSO Ep I, II & IV, you can choose to play either vanilla or hardcore mode as well.

There's extra higher difficulty quests above Ultimate as well for when you get higher level which will really give you a challenge and there's a great community on there.

Over the past few nights I've had games with a few new starter characters, I've had help from higher level characters as well and its just been pretty fun to relive the game. :D

The character limit for names is a couple of characters short from the original, so when I was remaking Dark Avenger (my original character) I instead opted for Edge. ::shrug:

So I have a different section ID than I'm used to, Yellowboze instead of Viridia but it should make for some interesting drops.

All of the different lobbies are there too, DC, Ep I & II and even Ep III as well seeing as both games shared lobbies back in the day, so that was nice to see.

Tonnes of new music tracks from Sega games and other popular games have been added which you can select in the lobby as well at 5,000 Meseta a pop.

I've seen some nice custom quests in the list as well as the usual favourites as well such as TTF which is still one of the main starter level up quick quests.

Anyway, well worth checking out if you're feeling like playing PSO online again, it supports controllers and it's great once you've got everything mapped how you like it.

I'm using a wired Xbox One controller which works really well, I'm not playing it all the time, just an hour or two here and there for now but its been most nights this week.

Gadwin got me back into it and now it feels like I'm playing it more than him :p I've got a level 34 HUmar now and I can almost clear Mop Up Operation 1 solo on Hard mode.

This should tide me over nicely along with Monster Hunter World until PSO2 comes out early next year. :peace:

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  • 4 months later...
20 minutes ago, Gadwin said:

PSO2 for now isn't planned to be region locked in the NA release.

We might be able to play it in EU after all :D

This seems like good news. :)

We'll have to see what actually happens when the game properly releases on the Xbox One but essentially it sounds like you can just change your region to US, download the game, change back to original region and play, the only time you might come unstuck is if you wanted to actually buy cosmetic items in the game but this sounds like a great idea if you were just planning on playing the game and not spending anything other than the entry fee which is effectively Xbox Live Gold.

I'm hoping there will at least be some way to play PSO2 in Europe as this was going to be the one game which I'd seriously consider switching the Xbox One on for again. :p

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  • 1 month later...

It's almost insane that this game is coming out now, 8 years later. A strange relic of the past, will be interesting to see whether it feels dated because 8 years is a long time in the MMO world.

I loved PSO back on the gamecube but admittedly I didn't care nearly as much about Episode 2 as I did Episode 1, so I'm wondering if it goes back to more of an Ep 1 feel. I haven't read any reviews of PSO2 but I do remember playing it briefly near when it launched, it must have been a trial or something. Not going to lie, I don't expect it to capture me like PSO1 did (I just can't imagine it will feel the same), but interesting to see how it fares nonetheless.

Edited by Sheikah
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I've been playing Bless Unleashed last 2 days.  It's been a lot better than Bless Online was so far. 

Made a Berserker and it plays like being a Warrior in ffxiv without the tanking responsibilities.

I think this and PSO2 will be my go to games when I get burnt playing either one for multiplayer over the next few months.

Hoping PSO2 launch goes smoothly on the 17th :)


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Shame about that EU release, eh?

Do you need Xbox Gold to play this Online on a Xbox?

This pack is kinda cool:

And there's a Sonic tie-in.

However I saw it cost $60 somewhere is all sort of ridiculous. Edit: Yup it's 60 for a bunch of items.

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