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Dude With Funny Hat Visit Third-World Country

The fish

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Yes, that's right, His Holiness The Pope is coming to the UK, landing in Scotland shortly. It's not exactly like he's being welcomed with open arms - on top of the underlying issues of contraception, reproductive rights, homosexuality and the abuse scandal, there's the £12 million tax bill, the plan to arrest him for crimes against humanity and, most recently, the claim that the UK is 'like a third-world country.


Personally, if someone eggs him or steals his hat, it'll be worth every tax penny. :santa:


What do you think of him, and him coming here as a state visit? Are you planning on going to see him anywhere?

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I didn't go for the obvious in all fairity.


Edit: God this is desperate (Live TV Shindig)


It's just weird, seeing a bunch of dead old men, a bunch of presumably fairly intelligent people, and a bunch of people who can't even see the stage, just idolising this prick as if he's the coming of a new batch of monarch pokemon trousers.

Edited by dwarf
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This is what disgusts me most


The Catholic Church in Scotland had hoped to attract up to 100,000 to the event, but later reduced the capacity after a slow take-up of tickets.

Source: BBC news


So not only have they got a fucking expensive free trip, they can sell tickets to what should be a free event? Are the majority of followers being taken for saps? Yet it's quite funny how they treat atheists as if they're stupid and are just following a fad, when they are the ones who aren't buying this shit.

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