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It wouldn't be "talking out of her arse", it would be a simple misinterpretation of what you're saying. While you may not outright say "all smokers stand in doorways" it could easily be misinterpreted by what you have said. Its common for people to fill in the blanks in their minds when reading something and think you may have read something you haven't.

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Well excuuuuuuse me princess :heh:


You may be excused, my limousine is waiting outside, I must leave! :p


Nah but seriously, the only reason I go there is because it's closer and it has everything I need. Why travel so far when you have everything you need close to you? lol.


Back on topic; I totally understand what Sheikah is trying to say and I understand what nightwolf is saying too but the smoking worries me more when it comes to my family and friends. They all drink and they might get tipsy but they're not violent, the smoking worries me a lot though. A friend of mine used to sound very clear and since he's been smoking (started at 13 or 14 to look cool in school...idiot), he coughs like he has phlegm on his chest all the time and he sounds totally different now. He sounds like he's swallowed broken glass or something, it's awful. I don't know how many he smokes but he has a fag in his left hand every five to ten minutes. It's quite bad to see and listen to and his hands are quite gross, his finger and thumb is yellow and he can't wash it off apparently and it's where he holds his fag.

Edited by Animal
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I actually edited that out. But it was her who initially falsely accused me of something, so it was pretty much deserved.


How would you like it if someone wrongly accused you of stereotyping people over something when you hadn't? And they would most certainly be talking out of their ass if they did.

I happen to disagree about it being deserved. I'd politely point out to them that they had misinterpreted what I had said.

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Yeah it happens a lot. I'm sure nobody re-reads everything every time they post in this thread (and ignoring the fact all the other things we read/have going on when we post) and this has taken place over a week so its natural memory becomes fuzzy. Its common.


One day you'll have to learn we're not all the uberperson you are Sheikah :heh:

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I actually edited that out. But it was her who initially falsely accused me of something, so it was pretty much deserved.


How would you like it if someone wrongly accused you of stereotyping people over something when you hadn't? And they would most certainly be talking out of their ass if they did.


You know, it's amazingly fun to wind you up. :awesome:


In all seriousness, I don't need to directly quote anything, you've not once said anything about how a smoker can actually and are decent people who have a bad habit that can easily be contained by those who find it disgusting and/or harmful.


That to me is tarring all smokers with the same brush, unless you would like to put forward a point such as:


''Yes smoking is harmful and can directly affect those who don't, etc etc, but in this case I know such and such who is a smoker and has never come in my way with smoking or caused me any harm.''


That is to say that I don't think you should feel that way, if you feel smoking is bad then so be it, it is harmful and it can cause distress and coughing in others who don't, more merely making a point to continue my entertainment for the day, for if I took these so seriously I would probably end up dead.


...and now I shall go eat some food and sit on the fence and watch you all battle it out.




Next time you're going to insult me, don't edit it out, just leave it for everyone to see, this is a debate and if you want to remain calm then that would be grand ;)

Edited by nightwolf
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I HATE smoking. My mum smokes, as does my sister. I tell them all the time to stop, and the same crap pours out. "i'm thinking about it". Yeah right. It's just horrible, the smell, the cost, the damage it does to people.


My Nanna smoked for years, now, she has oxygen piped in her house. She can't walk more than 10 yards without wearing herself out. I just don't want to see my mum or sister end up in that situation.


Everyone i know who smokes, all say that they shouldn't. They know that it does serious damage, yet they still do it. It honestly baffles me. I agree with everything Sheikah has said.

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From when I was practically born until I was 15 I HATED smoking with a passion and I suppose I still do. My Mam smoked all the time and so did my Nana, just like you MadDog.


After seeing what it does to people you know after a period of time, it really does put you off them. Of course, I've been watching a lot of old movies recently so the propaganda in those films towards smoking does make it seem very tempting and glamorous but I doubt I'd ever start smoking. Maybe try it once but nothing more.

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From when I was practically born until I was 15 I HATED smoking with a passion and I suppose I still do. My Mam smoked all the time and so did my Nana, just like you MadDog.


After seeing what it does to people you know after a period of time, it really does put you off them. Of course, I've been watching a lot of old movies recently so the propaganda in those films towards smoking does make it seem very tempting and glamorous but I doubt I'd ever start smoking. Maybe try it once but nothing more.


If you don't want to be a smoker, never never never try it! Once you have one its always in the back of your head, til you go back for more... then you end up a struggling ex-smoker!

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Oh, and don't worry Raining, I'd probably never try it but if I ever did try it once I imagine that I'd just get sick. Thanks for the advice though


Just giving you a heads up =P


It's probably the closest thing I could have to a regret. I don't regret doing it because its taught me a lesson, but it makes life a bit harder :P

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haha, maybe not north vs. south. More so east vs. west, I think. If that's the reference I think your talking about.


As for ReZ, yeah we met up for the weekend :p I'll be heading off to his in a few weeks as well so I guess he does have a crew, haha.


Do you smoke, Raining?

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haha, maybe not north vs. south. More so east vs. west, I think. If that's the reference I think your talking about.


As for ReZ, yeah we met up for the weekend :p I'll be heading off to his in a few weeks as well so I guess he does have a crew, haha.


Do you smoke, Raining?



where abouts are you from?


I don't smoke (anymore) - three years ex smoker. I've got waaay too many medical complaints to even entertain the notion of starting again

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Sheikah got pwnd :P


This thread makes me want a cigarette each time I scroll past it.


Makes a change for me to ''win'' an argument on here.


My ex found a good solution to smoking - those e-cigarettes, unfortunately I believe you have to buy them on-line as the UK government is trying to ban them here (I personally think that's due to not being able to tax them, but who knows.)


They are very good, water vapours comes out rather than smoke and apparently they give quite a good nicotine hit, they do price about the same as having regular cigarettes, but he smoked it around me quite often and every so often all I could smell happened to be whatever he had put into it - such as almonds.

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I'm from the west of Ireland. I live in a fairly small village near Shannon (the place with the airport). I'm guessing you live in Ireland then, right?


Well done on giving up the smoking! :D

From what I've read before you do seem a little un-lucky with your health :S

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I'm from the west of Ireland. I live in a fairly small village near Shannon (the place with the airport). I'm guessing you live in Ireland then, right?


Well done on giving up the smoking! :D

From what I've read before you do seem a little un-lucky with your health :S


Yeah, I'm from Ballymena, up in the north east if n.ireland (county antrim yeo) so yeah, we're NE vs SW if you want to be exact =P


Thanks =)

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