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What makes you happy?


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I guess this thread is a bit of a positive version of the "What makes you go insane?" thread. Basically, what makes you feel happy? What makes you smile or makes you feel calm and peaceful? =)



I've found that I really enjoy baking. When I can do it alone, without anyone else being in my way, it can be very calming to me. Carefully measuring the ingredients, preparing it all and then watching it bake in the oven.


Yesterday I made mini-quiches, today I'm making brownies (they're baking right now) and will be making chocolate chip cupcakes. And more quiches tomorrow. It feels great to create something. Even better when it tastes good! =D



Something else that made me smile. When I was waiting to be picked up yesterday, a little girl cycled past me and she was singing a song. It made me smile for some reason, maybe because it's something I tend to do as well, singing when cycling (or even when just walking or standing somewhere waiting).


Knowing someone else does it too makes me feel like less of a weirdo. =P

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Getting what I want.


Shut Up by The Black-Eyed Peas. I made my friends and I miss a show in the festival last year cause it came on the radio and I needed to hear it.


Buying people things that I think are worth the money/I appreciate myself.

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Listening to good music. It really awakens a happy, joyful, life-loving spirit inside me. Especially if I can dance along to it. Amazing.


Watching a film with a happy ending, especially if it has some sort of great message like "love conquers all" or something equally sappy.


The sun. It's amazing how the amount and intensity of sunlight can affect my mood in an instant.

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I love rabbits! I've always wanted one, I'll be getting one next year if/when I get my own place.


- Shopping, they say money can't buy you happiness, but they are wrong, I love shopping whether it's for games, films, clothes, for me or someone else.


- Snow, the first snow of the year is awesome, last christmas was great, there was so much of it!


- Reading, 'nuff said


- Modelling, I love 3d modelling, I forgot just how much til recently (go see the 3D modelling thread), I can't wait to do my final year project!

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Last night I laughed the hardest EVAR. I was with four of my oldest mates, with one of them visiting from the north, and we drank the night away. I was laughing because I was trying to hum whilst singing at the same time. Out of context it's nothing whatsoever... so I guess that context is what made me happy..


- Alcohol

- Good friends

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