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I'm DarrenCamponi, I think I asked to follow you and you have to accept. Still not sure how it works, really...


Some people set their tweets to private so to be followed they have to first accept you whereas mine is currently public so that was why when you clicked me it just automatically follows.

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I never used to get Twitter all that much, I was a lot like Dazz :P "Why are there so many @ signs!? Why does everything have a hash tag!? Where are notifications!?!?!?" *head explodes*


But I love it now, the last few months I've been on it more than Facebook (which is quite something!)


I've followed a few of you! Link to mine is in my signature, though don't feel obliged to follow back, I harp on about rubbish most of the time :p

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My account is @JWilliamJames. Feel free to follow and unfollow me as you please. I'd prefer people unfollowed me if they weren't into my tweets rather than feeling they were obliged to keep following me, but hating me/the feeling.


Don't be insane. Or do. You're tweets are actually the reason I check Twitter like..>5 times a day.

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  • 2 months later...
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I'm slowing getting more interested in Twitter, even though i still don't quite get it! Anyways, you can follow me. My profile is: Jav_NE


It will encourage me to use it more if i have more followers i'm sure. I will get around to following others on here too when not at work.

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I'm slowing getting more interested in Twitter, even though i still don't quite get it! Anyways, you can follow me. My profile is: Jav_NE


It will encourage me to use it more if i have more followers i'm sure. I will get around to following others on here too when not at work.


Consider yourself followed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I followed some people in here who had easy links to their profile etc. I am a bit too lazy to search! Follow me back if you like :kiss:



Twitter is amazing. Great communication tool and completely bridges the gap between fans and celebrities/companies. Best thing to happen to the Internet since Wikipedia and YouTube in my opinion.


Some people (both famous and not) can use Twitter for great things. It's also feels great when someone famous responds to you - so far I've had replies from Rare, NGamer and Bear McCreary.


Follow me at @NathanWhincup! I love Twitter. It's full of people you wish you were friends with in real life, whereas Facebook is dripping with twats you absolutely hated in high school.


I'm well embarrassed about my Twitter twaddle now i know people from here are reading. :heh: *mega blush*


Both of those are applicable.


Probably the consistant spamming threads/topics that appear all over FB. As well as the groups which turn the same way.


I'm @hannata_ :)


@JoeMerrick and @SerebiiNet for those who wish to follow me personally and me professionally :)


Never noticed we had a Twitter thread before :heh:


Here's mine if anyone wants to follow.


@DanTPhillips, innit.


I use it quite a lot for work-y stuff, it's great to chat to people who read the magazine I work for and get opinions. My personal account tends to just be things that I think about, or photos of what I'm doing. I try to be funny and often fail.


I also try to only follow a few people. I'd rather have 60 followers and only be following 50 people than have 1,000 followers and never be able to keep track of what people are saying.


Anyway, if anyone really wants to, feel free to follow me @Stephen_Ashby. I'm almost always awesome :)


Going through a moment of gathering an audience, so to speak.


Hello, my name is Frank / @Gavihaze. And I want -- The Fame. I can be good unless you wanna be bad.








Be free.


I go by Audioserf




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