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DIY Mafia: The Game Thread


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Ssssh you ;) How the fuck did i manage to do that? I think i need to go to bed :S


Night 4


The writer found his target; the well built man had somehow affected his appearance. The writer watched the well built man, and scribbled into his notebook, while the tattooed man watched over him.


The shadowy spiky character was attracting alot of attention. The big eared character watched over his night actions, but failed to complete his objective. The red character successfully took note of the shadowy character. Another spiky character also observed the shadowy characters actions. The Canadian man tried to stop the shadowy character, but was stopped by an innocent looking character.


The long haired man carried his big books over to the shop workers house. After a considerable amount of time, the long haired man left his house, achieving his goal.


The squirrel scurried around after their desired target, the camouflaged man watched from a distance. He steadied his sights, and inhaled, ready to pull the trigger. The shot rang out throughout the town, as the squirrel fell to the floor.


Zell is Dead, he was Conker.


He was the towns redirector


Player List (15)


Coolness Bears










Paj Meen Ah




The fish


Majority is 8

Day 5 starts now.

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That's because I didn't target anyone.


Geez, you sure got some attention. Ha ha, this probably isn't the case, but in case it turns out you're good.. That's 4 wasted abilities right there :D.


Anyway, I got tired waiting for the Mass Effect DLC (:p), and I was about to go to bed.. I'll post my analysis tomorrow (or to be precise, later today :P). This night brings up new questions.. Although I doubt we'll get any new info, as everyone targeted Diageo :p.


Inclined to vote ReZ, but I'll hold out for now, I want to see what others have to say first, in case there is new info.


Oh, and to be honest I'm surprised Zell didn't get killed The night before, for giving us Mundi. But it's too bad he didn't get to post who the long haired man was before they finally did decide to kill him.


Oh, I do wonder though Diageo, how are you so sure I don't appear in the write-up? Just curious..

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Coolness targeted me last night, and apparently is a redirector (I didn't get my intended target last night) - the write up says Zell was 'the town's redirector', suggesting they only had one. As such, I'm pretty damn sure he's evil.


As for Tellyn's vote, it's almost definitely forced, but perhaps done to cover Coolness's - the Mafia probably expect us to think they'd start a lynch vote on one of their own.


Vote: Coolness Bears

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Coolness targeted me last night, and apparently is a redirector (I didn't get my intended target last night) - the write up says Zell was 'the town's redirector', suggesting they only had one. As such, I'm pretty damn sure he's evil.


As for Tellyn's vote, it's almost definitely forced, but perhaps done to cover Coolness's - the Mafia probably expect us to think they'd start a lynch vote on one of their own.


Vote: Coolness Bears


Why do you know Coolness Bears targeted you?

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Ok, so apparently they fixed the Mass Effect DLC, so while I'm downloading, I'll post this sooner than expected ;).


Cube / The writer found Paj Meen Ah / his target; Paj Meen Ah / the well built man had somehow affected his appearance. Cube / The writer watched Paj Meen Ah / the well built man, and scribbled into his notebook, while the Jonnas / tattooed man watched over Cube / him.

Cube says he targeted Paj. I'm now pretty sure Paj is the shapeshifter. Jonnas seems to have a protective ability.

Diageo / The shadowy spiky character was attracting alot of attention. Ellmeister / The big eared character watched over his night actions, but failed to complete his objective.

So everyone decided to target Diageo at once.. First up is Ellmeister, who for reasons unknown fails his investigation. I wonder why?

The red character / the devil successfully took note of the shadowy character.

So our unknown neutral devil friend knows something about Diageo. As Moogle stated they only get tracking info on their own, which would mean, as Diageo says he targeted me, there would be someone who can verify this.

Dyson / Another spiky character also observed the shadowy characters actions.

I don't believe Dyson has mentioned what power he has..

The Canadian man tried to stop Diageo / the shadowy character, but was stopped by an innocent looking character.

Somebody tries to roleblock Diageo? But he got roleblocked himself, by an "innocent looking character". I'm assuming this innocent looking character isn't actually innocent. The thing is, I've already recorded 20 players in my notes, and even taking shapeshifters into account, this is character 21. So this must be a new appearance for somebody.

The long haired man carried his big books over to the shop workers house. After a considerable amount of time, the long haired man left his house, achieving his goal.

I wonder why they'd target him twice, especially as these forced votes are already unconvincing.

The squirrel scurried around after their desired target, the camouflaged man watched from a distance. He steadied his sights, and inhaled, ready to pull the trigger. The shot rang out throughout the town, as the squirrel fell to the floor.

Like I said, surprised he survived the previous night to be honest, and unfortunate that he couldn't give away the long haired man.


ReZ's ring again not appearing, I'm sure he has some elaborate explanation for that :P.

However, I think I may shift my voting priorities. I believe Paj is the shapeshifter, having altered other people's appearances to cause confusion, but chose the wrong time to alter his own: while Cube was watching. I think he may have been the woman wearing green. I say get rid of him first, this will minimize the confusion in following nights.


That said, I still want to hear what other people have to say, especially:


- Paj's response

- What everyone's got Diageo, although I think it's gotten irrelevant :D.

- I want to know from the Fish what his exact role and abilities are. Or at the very least how he fits in the last write-up.

- Coolness Bears response to his accusation

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ReZ's ring again not appearing, I'm sure he has some elaborate explanation for that :P.


I didn't do anything, as promised. It appears that no-one even targetted me though? :eek:


Also I still contest that Moogle was not being entirely truthful. I can think of one thing why he might have shown up evil, and it might explain why he didn't give up his partner (the one that could have saved a harmless and powerful neutral, but decided not to....) which is just ridiculous, as it only would have helped the town.


Anyway, I'm still convinced that I was changed to the red character. It seems too much of a coincidence that Moogle says he was removed from the write up AND that he was part of the Devil duo, so MAYBE when you investigate one of them you investigate the other AND maybe The Devil is evil and he has a win condition that says "God only wins if The Devil wins" or something and he is secretly evil. But even typing this myself I know it sounds ridiculous.


But I do know that A) Something hella fishy was going on and B) I can't see why The Devil didn't reveal himself to save a town investigator. Must be some information that was purposefully not revealed to us.


However the write up does suggest that the red character is a track/investigative type role...so....*shrugs*

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Is that Paj?


I targeted Smeagol, but it doesn't appear in the write-up. And he doesn't either.


Yes, its Paj. Phone decided that Pajamas was better.


Interesting info about Coolness. Could we have three Mafia members to choose from?

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The only doubt that you are evil was that you claimed people who targets you targets your target instead (which is fishy as you wrap yourself around them). The lynching of Moogle debunked your theory so therefore you are evil.


Of course, you don't sound like the most harmful mafia and based on the voting patterns I had someone else to investigate. So for now I'll:


Vote: Paj Meen Ah

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