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Does anyone know what ports Minecraft uses?


When I login it just says "Cannot connect to Minecraft.net".


If I knew the ports it was using I could nicely ask the admins to allow them.


Is that because of ports or because the server is down? It's not uncommon for the Minecraft server to go down and no one is able to connect.

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Well I build the start of a train system tonight, a secret station in the temple and the first bits of track. My minecarts kept messing up though so no idea if it is going to work. I was thinking of building it just going out of the city to a new are we can build in.


I've stayed up far too late on this now, it's bedtime.

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09:47:51 clanforge_auto Server is dieing too often ( shutting it down )

09:47:51 clanforge_auto Failed to stop server ( missing process? )

09:47:50 clanforge_auto Failed to query server ( no process information )

09:46:37 clanforge_auto Server had issues ( no process info ) for 60 seconds ( Restarted 2 time(s) )


Mcoy is investigating. Mcoy does not know If work has been lost but Mcoy would like to advise that the server is "dieing" for the moment.

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Keep getting this when I login:


Minecraft has crashed!



Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.


If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to [email protected].

Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.




--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------

Generated 13.10.2010 14:13


Minecraft: Minecraft Alpha v1.1.2_01

OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1

Java: 1.6.0_22, Sun Microsystems Inc.

VM: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation


java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "28265


at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)

at gc.a(SourceFile:39)

at bh.a(SourceFile:69)

at bh.e(SourceFile:115)

at bh.d(SourceFile:103)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.i(SourceFile:953)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:589)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

--- END ERROR REPORT faab70b5 ----------





I tried re-downloading it, deleting the appdata, restarting the computer and turning off my firewall, nothing works...


EDIT: and now it works....

Edited by Mundi
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Looks like I may be giving this a purchase come Monday/Tuesday depending on when my money gets successfully transferred into my account. Hopefully it comes Monday as my want to play this continues to grow everytime I see it mentioned or see this thread.


Providing I get it next week, I'll probably set out on my own for a bit to get used to everything running on this laptop, test out a few structural concepts I have floating around and then may join in the online and bring some of said concepts there.


Question about playing it online: Do you still have to go out and collect all the materials like you do in single player or is it done differently? I ask because I've seen footage of people playing online with various materials that seem to be infinite, which would help me when/if I get the game considering just how big in scale some of my concepts are. If not, then I'll just have to dig, dig, dig until I can make enough glass to make it happen.

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So far I've started out by building a small, cosy, wooden cottage by a mountainside. I even planted my own little forest in the area, ensuring that I have enough wood. Since you all have so much glass, is there a beach nearby so I could get some windows?


I think if you come out of my tunnel so you are facing the pyramid then turn right and keep walking you should come to a beach.

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Mcoy would like to report that after days of volcanic activity the volcano at Neurope city has temporarily gone Into a state of calmness. Mcoy is not a geologist however this could be signs of the volcano dying out or perhaps a build up of lava activity underground.


Regardless several areas previously unaccessible have now been opened up, who knows what could be lying in these areas? ;)

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My tower is almost entirely complete! I also built a bridge across to the twin-- sorry, triplet towers. There is a cave system under my house that goes on forever, in which I found around 16 diamond. Win. It has been a goooooood day! Here are some pictures of the city as a whole that I snapped from my tower...



















Edited by Nintendohnut
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Damn, my efforts are going to look crap sat next to your towers and shizz.

Don't worry, I felt the same way, so I've decided to go in the opposite direction: I've moved out into nature and built myself a little, wooden cottage instead. :heh:


By the way, did anyone have the answer to my previous question? When Mcoy asked to have the town chest filled with sand, was that simply a plea for people to donate sand to it, or is it possible to magically conjure up resources? The latter seems a bit like cheating, doesn't it?

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