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What Do You Do When You Go For A Poo?


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Only when I have poo on my hands from scrunching and I'm afraid to touch the taps with my hands.


(Are you okay with touching taps by the way?)



Like others I scrunch. But I remix it with some folding at the end. Folding to begin with is just going to get shit all over your hands. Scrunching gets rid of the bulk, then folding to clean the arse hairs.


You just don't fold it as much the first time round in order to have a larger surface area.


Have we talked about this too much now?

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I just don't want my bare arse to touch a place where other people's bare arses have been. I've done it for as long as I remember.


Are you okay with touching door handles?


(Are you okay with touching taps by the way?)


So unless you rub your bare arse on these things I'm okay with touching them.

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I wouldn't see the big deal, tbh...


Wesley's talking about handles and taps because they can be touched before someone's had a chance to wash their hands. Especially at pubs where you see blokes just walking straight out of the loos after a piss without washing their hands. How do you open those doors? Does that not bother you at all?


A naked person is not by default dirty. Why pick on their buttocks? Their hands are up to a lot more dirty business, itching themselves, picking their nose, hunting for earwax, rejiggling their testicles, touching things like bannisters, door handles that have been touched by other people, stroking animals (who lick themselves!), coughing into their hand...

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I wouldn't see the big deal, tbh...


Wesley's talking about handles and taps because they can be touched before someone's had a chance to wash their hands. Especially at pubs where you see blokes just walking straight out of the loos after a piss without washing their hands. How do you open those doors? Does that not bother you at all?


A naked person is not by default dirty. Why pick on their buttocks? Their hands are up to a lot more dirty business, itching themselves, picking their nose, hunting for earwax, rejiggling their testicles, touching things like bannisters, door handles that have been touched by other people, stroking animals (who lick themselves!), coughing into their hand...


I knew what he was getting at but I'm saying that it's not the germs that bother me.


Would you rub your ass against your mother's? It doesn't matter how clean it is you still wouldn't do it. For me it's the same sort of thing with toilet seats.

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I knew what he was getting at but I'm saying that it's not the germs that bother me.


Would you rub your ass against your mother's? It doesn't matter how clean it is you still wouldn't do it. For me it's the same sort of thing with toilet seats.




That's an insane analogy.


You have issues.


Deep, deep, issues.

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If somebody sat on your settee naked would you then sit on it naked?


Because the back of the thighs are the place where ALL the germs come from.


You do realise that big hole in the middle is where the arse goes right? I can't help but think the way you do it so strangely is cause you were doing it wrong originally.

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To be fair to moogle, my brother is a hoverer. He asked me if I hover and said of course not don't be so stupid. :D


People out there do hover and I guess we have to live with it, I understand it in a sense. But generally I am too lazy to use any muscles to hover.

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I only ever "hover" if I'm using a public toilet and it's not exactly clean. Or like those festival toilets (the ones that you can't flush). But otherwise I just clean the seat before I sit on it. There's much nastier/dirtier/germ-infested things around than toilet seats.


Also I wipe the seat after I'm done too, just to be nice to the people who come after me. I haaaaaate it when people leave hair or urine or anything else on the toilet seat. D:


And Jim realised this morning that he's actually a scruncher too, after he proclaimed to me the day before he folded. Liarrrrr!

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I can't be bothered with hovering even over public toilets.

I can see why people do it at public bathrooms though. I just put toilet paper on the seat.


I don't get your reasoning though for hovering at home. Rubbing your backside against your Mother's backside is a completely different thing than both using the same toilet seat...unless you both go at the same time...

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How could Jim not realise if he was a folder or a scruncher?


I get the hovering for public toilets.


I've managed to train my body to avoid public bathrooms.


But at home I don't need to worry about pee and hairs on the toilet seat cause it's just me and my girlfriend.

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Was that a reply from my Eenuh was a dirty scruncher comment?


Well... it was just a comment as to how this thread is bringing out funny comments from people who either fold or scrunch.


And it's become an almost two camps situation.


I thought it was funny.


So I decided to make a comment to that effect.


But this went over your head.


And you took it serious.


A comment made in a thread about pooing.

I was talking to ReZ. You hadn't posted yet when I opened the page.

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