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Cheryl bottled it is what happened. Katie should never have stayed in, she's a dick and the song she was singing was practically begging to the judges to keep her in.


Seemed like she said to ask her later and she'd do the deadlock... but dermot didn't ask her.... was kinda awkward. EVeryone I was with was like WTF

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pathetic! Katie should have gone, she sucked she forgot her lines she said "sod it" I mean seriously. Cheryl should have voted last and sent it to deadlock if that was what was needed if it was 2-1. Of course its a fix though they want to keep the acts in that will only go so far and never win but keep the show entertaining to a point and then it becomes a real singing contest towards the end when they get rid of them all. I just hope Wagner wins and Simon Cowell has to work putting an album together with him! More chance of getting xmas number one if something dumb like that happens.

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I watched it and was not confused. Cheryl refused to vote, and said something like "ask me at the end and I'll take it to deadlock." After confirming with Cheryl that she was refusing to vote, Dermot said something like "I'll ask the remaining judges and we'll go with the majority vote." Clearly meaning that Cheryl was not gonna get to vote just to take it to deadlock. He said that before going to the last two judges.

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I watched it and was not confused. Cheryl refused to vote, and said something like "ask me at the end and I'll take it to deadlock." After confirming with Cheryl that she was refusing to vote, Dermot said something like "I'll ask the remaining judges and we'll go with the majority vote." Clearly meaning that Cheryl was not gonna get to vote just to take it to deadlock. He said that before going to the last two judges.


fact is he should have forced her to vote or like she said let the others vote and let it go to deadlock....if need be...the others might have all voted treyc and sent her home 3-0. I think the producers realised that Katie was bottom on public vote and whispering in dermots ear "ok vote best outta 3 for the majority"

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It makes sense to me that if you refuse to vote (could he have forced her?) then you don't get to chose to vote at the end.

Long term it matters not, as both had been in the bottom two a couple of times and would've continued to be. Katie'll be out soon enough.

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Conspiracy Theory Time -


Now this is more than likely complete bullshit but...


Apparently people are voting to keep Wagner in x-factor are doing it in order to Piss Simon Cowell off and are going to continue to vote in the thousands to get him to win.


Like Rage Against The Machine campaign last year, this time rather than get a different song top of the charts, it's a case of giving Mr Cowell the big middle finger by making the person on the show who deserves to win the least..... the winner.





I like Wagner, he's not a great singer, but he's just hilarious. Although it's pretty clear he doesn't really deserve to be there anymore.

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Why's it bullshit? I thought the reason people were voting for him was just for a bit of a laugh.


I'm saying the conspiracy is probably bullshit that thousands of people each week are voting to keep him in x-factor to spite Simon Cowell.



I think the reasons he's still in it and gone as far as he has is genuinely due to the fact that the British public like him and think he's a bit of a laugh, not to piss of Simon. Hence the conspiracy theory = bullshit comment.

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I'm saying the conspiracy is probably bullshit that thousands of people each week are voting to keep him in x-factor to spite Simon Cowell.



I think the reasons he's still in it and gone as far as he has is genuinely due to the fact that the British public like him and think he's a bit of a laugh, not to piss of Simon. Hence the conspiracy theory = bullshit comment.


I dunno think its a combination of the two. I voted for Jedward last year to keep them for that reason lol. Although I don't think it really pisses him off it keeps the viewers in.

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Wagner is fail. At least Jedward always had a really entertaining visual last year (and did seem like they could vaguely sing if pushed and wanted to be there).


I'm in two minds over last night. I liked Katie, but her last few performances haven't been impressive. I'm either thinking "Oh I love her voice!" or "This is awful." I just think she's incredibly stunning, and therefore should stay on. :p


TreyC was obviously better, but I did agree with the judges. In that she wasn't a media-friendly personality like everyone else is. She had no niche. Which was sad for her, but to her credit, she was one of thee few who seemed vaguely intelligent and not a simpering arse.


Mary's performance was disgusting.


Rebecca is the best I think. Followed by Matt Cardle (though he's a major yawnathon). But yeah...Rebecca's song from the Halloween one made me shiver. (As did Cher's but I'm unconvinced)


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Matt Cardle on Saturday was just something else, I agree with you Paj that he is some what boring, but just... unbelievable performance weekend just gone.


Between that and Cher on Halloween's in which Simon rightly said performance of the season, they've defiantly been the best 2 acts / songs so far this year.


Rebecca is incredible, But somewhat yawnathon for me, Like Matt she just stands there and sings (albeit beautifully) and doesn't really 'perform' like the others.

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Well i'll be honest... I'm not sad that Aiden is gone. Of course i'd rather Katie was out, But I didn't really see much to shout about with Aiden.


Wagner still in the show = Me :)


his comment's on Xtra factor after were great. "I Pray for the souls of the people who boo!" - well something along these lines.



To be fair, the weekend just gone, Elton John themed show wasn't that great for any of the contestants really.

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I think they're pushing it a bit. This is now controversy for controversys sake.


I mildly liked Katie at the start, but really...enough is enough. I didn't really like Aiden either, but apparently neither did the public..? Thought he was really popular.

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Matt and Cher were great for me but Aiden was terrible and deserved to go. I haven't liked one of his performances since the live shows (I did like his audition though) and I've always liked Katie. I thought Louie was a right twat though, putting it to deadlock like that since Aiden sang so out of tune and Katie didn't in the sing-offs. Also, he tortured Rocketman. Sure Katie didn't exactly sing her song great but at least it was in-tune. I also don't like his voice, he sounds like he's being violently shaken or something...


But yeah, glad Katie stayed. Why do people hate her? I still don't get it....


Oh and One Direction suck! As did the other three boybands that night, WTF was Robbie on?

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People don't know why they hate katie. They hate Katie because the media tells them to. People are sheep.

Katie isn't the best performer in the world but she was a lot better than Aiden.

Aiden was chronic from the beginning are people fucking kidding me ? Rocket man was SOME rape.


I think people don't like katie because she gets blamed for everything in the media, such as the gamu incident. The show made it look like Cheryl had to chose between her and gamu only.... Also the treyc incident. She did herself no favours by claiming she was dating Matt though, and then there's the whole record deal thing in the US.


I admit the record deal thing was a bit odd, but I'm pretty convinced Matt is a bit of a cunt. He comes from a middle class background don't bullshit us with this I WORK AS A PAINTER crap.


Because she's hated so much, I tend to take the opposite view.


Oh and One Direction suck! As did the other three boybands that night, WTF was Robbie on?


If one direction win the show. I'm coming over to english and killing you all :D

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As soon as Aiden sang Thriller in the way he did, I hated him. He absolutely destroyed that song.


THANK YOU! Oh my God, the amount of people I've heard say it was a fantastic version was unreal! I'm like "Bitch, he raped and murdered that song! WHAT?!".


But yeah, I didn't like Aiden as soon as he started pretending that he was an artist that can feel the pain and emotion of the lyrics and stuff like it was crippling him inside, even though he blatantly rehearses it as you see him do it in the VT before the performance! :mad:


But yeah, glad he's gone, Katie was better by miles. I'm not bothered who wins at all but it would be nice to see Matt win.

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1: Katie was awesome, the public are tits.

2: mary was awesome

3: Paije bored me to shit and made me laugh at the end.

4: cher was disappointing.

5: Matt was AWFUL ahaha. never try a "rock" voice again..

6: wagner... ouch :D

7: Rebecca was disappointing.. Yesterday did not need to be SLOWER than it was.

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