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This episode is probably the most fucked up or strange thing I've ever done. I hope you guys like it. Its very weird and doesn't make any sense, but I put a little bit of time into it and it will be interesting to see the response. Its not really funny or....thought provoking or....I don't know. Its just there.


Its a little bit funny. Anyway just editting together now, nearly uploading.


From the mind of Michael Jamieson. Stolen from The Avalanches Frontier Psychatrist :p


Unscripted = boring. Although I do believe it was scripted. The bedroom light wasn't on when you left, yet it was when you returned. We saw noone going in your room because you pissed [sITTING DOWN?!] with the door open. You edited the environment. Disgraceful.

From the mind of Michael Jamieson. Stolen from The Avalanches Frontier Psychatrist :p


Unscripted = boring. Although I do believe it was scripted. The bedroom light wasn't on when you left, yet it was when you returned. We saw noone going in your room because you pissed [sITTING DOWN?!] with the door open. You edited the environment. Disgraceful.



I lied when I said Jamieson Reformed. That was just weird, in the bad category.


I thought it wasn't too bad. Probably your most ambitious thing you've done yet. I'd say it was a shame that the surreality and psuedo-mundane opening was quickly shafted in favour of the Kon-hat stuff, which by itself would've been curious enough but was too different to the tone of the first part.


But applause should be given for your consistant efforts!


Oh and incidentally, I'm not actually pissing. There is a camera break at the bathroom door, and from thus forward I had a glass of water in my hand. Poured that in between my crotch and then disposed of the glass in another camera break (when it switched from my eyes to the camera facing me)




Also I was naked for real. :)

Posted (edited)

I thought you were going for the diarrhoea effect, by dropping small stones into your toilet. (even though it would probably destroy your pipes)


Also, idea for you (and you only).

Mwahahahaaha they'll never know!

Edited by dwarf

I made friends with a bug that looked just like that once. I named him Bugsy and we waited for the train together. We didn't get off at the same stop though, he wanted to go further.

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