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Breaking Bad


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So this is a good TV show?


After being blown away by The Walking Dead, Mad Men and The Killing I should obviously give this a go.


Out of those four Breaking Bad is my favourite.


And yes its....god. Its godly. Its my favourite T.V. show.


Reasonably sombre episode but the ending was pretty fucking spectacular I must say.


Mike is immense. Just....literally you cannot fucking read him at all. What the hell is he thinking. He is such a god damn player.


Yeah Jesse. Damn. Its fucked up. Last season/was it? When he went into rehabilitation it was like okay cool, he is getting back on track. Now he has fallen from grace,.....and like.....his drug making and the way he talked about the speakers and sound system shows how intelligent he is, and the whole taking his mind off it shit, then deserted at the end and completely fucked, numbing himself.


Powerful as hell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've watched two episodes of Breaking Bad and wasn't in a great place at the time (drama, drama). Anyway, the show was waaaay too dark for what I was after then. From the first couple of episodes, the eBay handjob, the melting bathtub, the guy in the basement, the mid-teaching craziness. Does it continue to generate most of its attraction from being that dark, or should I give it another shot?

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  • 1 month later...

For me, the most shocking moment this season was when I watched episode six on my old (and very, very dark) CRT monitor and was convinced they'd killed off my favorite character because I could only barely see what was going on.


The last few episodes have been pretty awesome, though.



Going to start Season 3 this week! Can't wait!

Walt kills Jesse with Rosebud.


There, now you don't have to watch it. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sooo just finished it. Two-faced Gus was awesome! :P


Things left for the next, and reportedly last season?


Reports say 3 dead. It's fairly clear that ringabell dude is dead and Gus, but his kid may've survived - not that I think it's possible, but we didn't see a body and this is TV.


Mike! Recovering from his gunshot wound, how's he going to return? Gus was a source of income for him. He was clearly mentoring Pinkman - and Jesse was liking it, so maybe we'll see those two tag-team in teh next season?


Surveillance. We were regularly shown that the cookshop was being recorded. Several times throughout this season I thought recordings would play a part, but they haven't so far.


DEA. Gus may be dead, but as we know Hank is a one-man detective agency. If someone just suggested to him that Walt could be Heisenberg, he'd probably piece the puzzle together.


Saul. Runaway, or returnee due to the 'safety' without Gus around.


What about Gus's legion? He asked one dude to 'wait outside' and the doctor who patched him up after the trip to mexico are two of surely dozens of people on his payroll. Many will know of Walt and Jess.


IRS. Is Ted accidentally dead? Again, not made perfectly clear (unless I missed it...). Not sure they're out of the picture. If they still choose to investigate Ted's records, will we see the car wash called into question?


Aaaand car wash! Are we going to see a new meth lab form under there, or has Walt truly walked away from it?



Season starts with Walt and Walt Jr working in car wash. Mike rolls in and hints at Walt that it's not over. Or Jesse. Or Mike and Jesse.


Hank is back at work, Gomez decidedly apologetic for doubting him all this time.


Everybody dies at the end.



Aside from that, can't really think of how it'll go. What loose ends are left throughout the seasons?


ULTIMATELY s04 was fantastic. No wasted episode. This is the first time we've had a 'happy' end to a season and it's such a surreal feeling. No cliffhanger, just general "omg what next? But I truly can't decide what season is best. Mad cravings to watch it all again!


Oh! And cancer. The cancer isn't gone.


Oooh and Jesse's family... maybe...

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I can't believe Walt actually did poison the kid, that's genius!


Something big is going to happen next season. Isn't Gus some kind of big deal from Chile? The only reason Don Eladio kept him alive was because of 'who he is' so he has to have some kind of Chilean mafia ties or something... or was that explained and I missed it?


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Personally I think next season will be something along the lines of:


Walt's protracted exit from the drug world. Gus and his hardcore crew are all dead, the lab destroyed and so on but there's a tonne of stuff left over:


-Mike. He's always struck me as more of an employee than a committed gangster like Gus and Hector, but there'll be something to do with him when he returns from Mexico.


- The Cartel. Eladio's crew are dead, but from what Hank says towards the end of the series, Gus triggered a gang war for turf by executing them all. That could spill over the border.


- most of all, Hank. Walt may have dealt with the underworld for now but in doing so I think he'll have created too much noise and exposed the remains of Gus' network. Once the DEA catch on, it's only a matter of time.


Then there's the slight problem that Walt has either arranged or personally seen to the deaths of at least nine people I can name off the top of my head over the entire series and he more or less admitted so to his wife. So there's that. Oh and the poison.


That's a lot of loose ends. It's going to be incredible.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well finally caught up!!!! WOW! The ending of the last season was awesome!


Especially when:


When Gus walked out after been bombed and for a split second I was like no f**king way he survived!!!



Before I watched the show I was abit skeptical about whether the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle could pull this off convincingly but wow he is immense, fantastic casting. I become a little bit less convinced by Skylar this season as in didn't seem believable.


I would have been happy if the show ended on this note but clearly there is still some more scope and I'm pretty sure the show has to finish with Walt dieing.


Defintely gonna be some repurcussions from Chile RE Gus' death and reckon Jess will find out Walt poisoned the kid, btw the way they revealed that awesome



Now what am I going to watch :(

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Well finally caught up!!!! WOW! The ending of the last season was awesome!


Especially when:


When Gus walked out after been bombed and for a split second I was like no f**king way he survived!!!



Before I watched the show I was abit skeptical about whether the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle could pull this off convincingly but wow he is immense, fantastic casting. I become a little bit less convinced by Skylar this season as in didn't seem believable.


I would have been happy if the show ended on this note but clearly there is still some more scope and I'm pretty sure the show has to finish with Walt dieing.


Defintely gonna be some repurcussions from Chile RE Gus' death and reckon Jess will find out Walt poisoned the kid, btw the way they revealed that awesome



Now what am I going to watch :(


AMC's The Killing?


AMC's The Wire?


AMC's Dexter?

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