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Episode 11 HOLY FRAK talk about jumping up a gear!


When Hank and Marie watched Walts video I was wondering how he would end up in those "flashforwards" bits as he seemed to have Hanks balls tight in a vice now.

Jesse then figuring out what happened with the ciggerette just EXPLOSION!


Though I thought he would go right to Hank to make a deal, but with Jesse apparently burning Walts house... bloody hell can't wait for the next ep


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@dwarf gourami Despises Hank maybe but HATES Walt now.


Damn that was a good twist on why he didn't burn the house.


Given that we've seen two fastforward clips with Walt obviously on the run and been publicly outed it makes sense that Jessie had to have been the one to rat him out. (Assuming Todds uncle doesn't now get to Jessie first it seems)


All Hank needs is some sort of evidence which given the flashforwards he must be about to get.


ANyone any ideas what Jessie means by "where you really live?"




Wonder how they will eventually tie things up with those flash forward scenes we've seen. I thought with the 8 eps left they might do the first 4 showing how he ended up on the run and the final 4 dealing with his time on the run leading up to the end of whatever final plan he seems to be working on.


Thought at the end of this new ep Hank would have Walt on the run, but seems not yet. Wonder if maybe they'll keep it going right to the final ep and then just the final ep will will be showing what is going on in those flash forwards.


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No, I think Walt will get the better of Hank and Jesse for now, but he will lose everything in the process, including his family. My prediction is that Walt is on the run, not just from the DEA but from Uncle Jack - something will go south there, I think him calling for a favour will lead to him cooking again as part of the deal. Remember, the flash forward is from just under a year from now, when Walt is 52 so a lot could happen in that time. Why would he buy an automatic weapon to take care of "business" against the DEA? It's obvious that Walt will use Saul's guy to "disappear" to New England with his new identity, but it's so hard to predict what will happen!


As long as they don't smash cut to black, I'll be happy!


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Anyone watching the Talking Bad show on Netflix? Just watching the first episode and 'superfan' Julie Bowen (Claire from Modern Family) is actually fairly accurate with the way the final episodes have gone, and it's fun watching the producer Vince someoneorother trying not to give anything away


EDIT: I just watched episode 4 of talking bad and I have no idea if it's a joke or not but there could be a potential spoiker..? If it's true then it's a fairly big spoiler, but if it's a joke then... perhaps still a spoiler as it kinda removes one of the potential thingsthatarehappeninginthenext4episodes. I'd advise people to skip it if they want to remain untainted.

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I've just finished watching season 4, trying to catch up before the show ends, so I can talk about it.


LOVED the last episode. Just wow. My jaw dropped when I saw Gus's face after the explosion. The whole season was brilliant and Jesse continues to get hotter.


Anyway, I don't know what's currently happening in series 5. I imagine it's about Walt trying to hide himself from Hank.Surely Jesse will eventually figure out what Walt has done to him previously? It doesn't really matter how they choose to end it, as I can tell it will be good!



I'll be back in here again when I've caught up completely!

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EDIT: I just watched episode 4 of talking bad and I have no idea if it's a joke or not but there could be a potential spoiker..? If it's true then it's a fairly big spoiler, but if it's a joke then... perhaps still a spoiler as it kinda removes one of the potential thingsthatarehappeninginthenext4episodes. I'd advise people to skip it if they want to remain untainted.


You'll have to let us know what the spoiler was when the show is over.


Just watched the latest episode, looks like my predictions in my previous post were pretty close, but there's no way I could have forseen that ending!


How could they do this to us?? It's pretty obvious that this is the end of the road for Hank, Gomie and possibly Jesse. Only Marie knows what Hank is up to now and is the only one who knows about the true identity of Heisenberg. Hank will go missing, and Marie will go to Hank's boss which will lead to Walt being on the run. Seeing as Walt will be unable/unwilling to "pay" Uncle Jack after what he did, they will trash his house, possibly kill his family which leads us up to the M60 moment.



This is just fucking terrific TV!!

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How could they do this to us?? It's pretty obvious that this is the end of the road for Hank, Gomie and possibly Jesse. Only Marie knows what Hank is up to now and is the only one who knows about the true identity of Heisenberg. Hank will go missing, and Marie will go to Hank's boss which will lead to Walt being on the run. Seeing as Walt will be unable/unwilling to "pay" Uncle Jack after what he did, they will trash his house, possibly kill his family which leads us up to the M60 moment.


That's the most likely outcome. But I'm sure there will be some more surprises.




Walt on the phone with Jesse. The drive into the desert. The showdown.


I think I was clinically dead during those minutes. I didn't breath, my heart didn't beat.


The most intense scenes I have ever seen in any movie, series, game.


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At 36:30/46:00, Walt walks out from where he's hiding. At that point you know exactly where the story is going, it's never meant to be a surprise. But then they draw it out... and out... and out.... It's pretty much nine solid minutes of gut-wrenching suspense. I was constantly expecting one of the three just to get taken out in an instant from a distance. I was kinda surprised when they managed to get behind the truck under heavy fire and a bit disappointed when the only thing Hank took out was a headlight... but still. Fuck.


Honestly I really don't want Hank (or Gomez either) to die here because frankly Hank deserves to get Walt but damn... I don't see this ending well for them.


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I knew the guys would come anyway, they couldn't risk anything happening to their cooks. I think Walt should have just waited until they came and let them kill Hank. He couldn't stay alive and allow his family to live well. I do hope Hank dies, and Jessie too.

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Yeah I think the suspense was high, and walt on the phone driving out to the desert was tough to watch. I like how the 'flash-forwards' we've seen have kept us guessing all this time.


I think hank and gonzales (or whatever his name is) will die. Hank's phone call to his wife makes it fairly obvious that he's gonna go and she's going to be the only 'proof'.


The boys turning up was fairly obvious too -- they want the cook to happen and will hold this over walt. But I don't know if pinkman will die this episode - I think walt will convince the thugs to leave him, and maybe jesse will even help with the cook -- I mean how good would a one-last-cook episode be?


Walt's flash-forwards do show that he's not trying to be completely off the radar - that he's not America's Most Wanted at all.


The real question is why did on-the-run walt return to his house at all? Did he run out of money? Will he have a final 'thing' to do?


I think that most of the characters will die in the end. But I'm actually curious as to what they'll do with the ginger-guy-from-friday-night-lights and that-girl-with-the-euro-connections. Don't know why they've left it this late to push the idea of him fancying her.


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Wasn't it for the ricin capsule? But for who? And who is the M60 for?



-During the next episode Hank and Gomes will die.

-Jesse will be taken by the Nazi's and forced to cook.

-Walt refuses, in revenge, they burn down his house killing his family in the process.

-Walt survives (although everyone assumes him to be dead, hence the woman dropping her bags in the flashforward) and uses Saul to disappear leaving Jesse to be a meth cook slave. Flashforward shows he has a new ID and different states driving licence.

-Walt's conscious gets the better off him and he comes back with his M60 to rescue Jesse

-The ricin cigarette is for himself - he doesn't want to live without his family. His meth empire, which was founded to support his family after his death has ultimately caused him to lose everything and he can't live with that.

-Marie is the sole survivor from the family.

-Jesse survives



Edited by Charlie
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-During the next episode Hank and Gomes will die.

-Jesse will be taken by the Nazi's and forced to cook.

-Walt refuses, in revenge, they burn down his house killing his family in the process.

-Walt survives (although everyone assumes him to be dead, hence the woman dropping her bags in the flashforward) and uses Saul to disappear leaving Jesse to be a meth cook slave. Flashforward shows he has a new ID and different states driving licence.

-Walt's conscious gets the better off him and he comes back with his M60 to rescue Jesse

-The ricin cigarette is for himself - he doesn't want to live without his family. His meth empire, which was founded to support his family after his death has ultimately caused him to lose everything and he can't live with that.

-Marie is the sole survivor from the family.

-Jesse survives




That is all pretty good thinking there, and could very well be spot on.


For some reason I thought in the flashforward in ep1 of season 5 I thought I saw a wanted poster and assumed Walt was on the run from Hank but had decided he was gonna take Hank out for ruining his families future (maybe took teh money away). Just rewatched the flashforward in ep 1 and there is no hint of a wanted poster so no idea where I got that idea from :heh:


Chances are with Hank dead (assuming, but come on, he ain't getting out of that) Marie will prolly try to tell the story to people at the DEA but they prolly wont believe her?


The buring Walts house and killing his family idea (and seemingly him too) is good and a good explanation to his neighbours reaction on seeing him in the 2nd flashforward. I of course thought maybe she was scared knowing he was a wanted man?


But why would "Heisenburg" be graffiti'd inside his house? I thought that was suggesting more he was on teh run from teh DEA and his identity as Heisenburg was now public knowledge.... or it could just have been a hell of a coincidence ... or maybe Todd put it there :heh:


I'd like to think however that the Ricin isn't for himself. Even with his family gone I can't see Walt just poisioning himself (though you're reasoning is good), I'd like to think he has a plan for it.... maybe he'll try use the ricin first to take out Todds uncle and teh M60 is backup if he can't find a way to get it to his target. Or maybe it'll be a backup plan.


Maybe Walt goes in guns blazing but fails, Todds Uncle shoots and kills him be Walt dies with a smile on his face knowing he'll still have the last laugh as he somehow gets the uncle to drink/eat the ricin tablet.


I'd like to think both Walt and Jesse survive.... but at most it'll prolly be just one (Jesse maybe...assuming he survives the current gun fight), if any of the two survive that is


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Chances are with Hank dead (assuming, but come on, he ain't getting out of that) Marie will prolly try to tell the story to people at the DEA but they prolly wont believe her?



She will try to tell people but think about it this way. In my previous post/speculation Hank died in a gun fight, out in the desert, on top of a huge pile of money.


Walt's DVD gets released and what does it look like...?



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She will try to tell people but think about it this way. In my previous post/speculation Hank died in a gun fight, out in the desert, on top of a huge pile of money.


Walt's DVD gets released and what does it look like...?




hhmm.. I was thinking maybe the money wasn't found.... with Hank and Gomez dead, possibly Jesse, the Nazi guys won't know they money is there and neither will Marie... if Jesse survives and teh Nazi guys try to make him cook too.... maybe he might tell them bout the money but sure if that happens it'll be long gone before the DEA find Hank and Gomez's bodies.... if they ever find them


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