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The Amazing Spider-Man


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I think that was Diageo's point. Hence the finger-less gloves. ;)



Oops, I just realised my boo-boo. This always happens when I post from guyPhone, neglecting to fully read/process stuff. Sorry, Diageo.


I was mostly testing to see if Spidey fans would emerge to teach me the truth about his wall-climbing abilities. I was right there, even if the explanations are garbage. Sticky goo? What happened to his cool movie finger hairs that creeped me the hell out?

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Meh. I think he's good-looking...i.e. I would.


I enjoyed the first Spider-Man, I think. I disliked the sequels/ they're faint in my memory.

I haven't heard much about this movie but I hope it does Spidey justice. A more stylised, fantasy style would be interesting. Rather than gritty realism.

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The original Spiderman movie was going to have an ending involving a giant web and the Twin Towers. Since 9-11meant for a script rewrite, did you think the ending of Spiderman 3 (Giant Web @ Construction site) was similar to what they wanted to do with Spiderman one ending?

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I enjoyed the first Spider-Man, I think. I disliked the sequels/ they're faint in my memory.

I haven't heard much about this movie but I hope it does Spidey justice. A more stylised, fantasy style would be interesting. Rather than gritty realism.


Spider-Man is quite fucking terrible really. Basically. Spider-Man 2 shits on it so so so so so fucking hard.




The original Spiderman movie was going to have an ending involving a giant web and the Twin Towers. Since 9-11meant for a script rewrite, did you think the ending of Spiderman 3 (Giant Web @ Construction site) was similar to what they wanted to do with Spiderman one ending?


The WTC scene was (AFAIA) simply a small scene in the movie and definitely not part of the ending. It was Spidey catching a falling helicopter in a web between the two towers. So it is unlikely that it influenced the third movie.


Also the scene was actually completed/done/filmed whatever, and simply cut out. (Again...as far as I am aware)

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I lulz at people in thread actually writing off the film because of his fucking hair.




But if you consider that maybe they really are aiming this at the twilight crowd, that someone sat around a table and thought "what should we make our Peter Parker look like to attract a wide audience? Ah... how about that Robert Pattinson... loads of teenage girls love him. And we could make him shoot sparkly web..."


Then it's a whole level of fear and cringeyness.


I'm certainly not writing anything off, I just have a new found trepidation.

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But if you consider that maybe they really are aiming this at the twilight crowd, that someone sat around a table and thought "what should we make our Peter Parker look like to attract a wide audience... ah... how about that Robert Pattinson...


Then it's a whole level of fear and cringeyness.


I'm certainly not writing anything off, I just have a new found trepidation.


It's ridiculous to be making links to Twilight, his hair wasn't too dissimilar to that before he began work on Spider-Man.

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