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The Amazing Spider-Man


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I was just thinking the same, also it hugs his ass far too much as if it were painted on :heh:


Now this is where we differ, because in that picture I was thinking "Christ that spider logo is way to thin and small" whereas you were staring at his tight ass and how it's been painted on? Get your mind out of the gutter.

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Sorry, to clarify, I don't like the look they've given Peter Parker (big twilight hair, hipster clothes). The actor is fine.


Hipster clothing? He has a long sleeve T and jeans. Its about as hipster as William Roache.

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I really hope we get more of the jokey Spider-Man. That was something they didnt get right in the other movies. Spider-Man should be cracking jokes quite a bit, usually when its inappropriate. It always felt like the other movies got a joke in maybe once or twice per movie and they were never particularly funny. This one is worrying me a bit as its just looking like hes spending a lot of time moping over his parents.

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Looks like we're getting another telling of the origins again then!... Yay!

Haven't we known that since the start? :heh:


I'm OK with it being a bit dark. Spider-man comics have never been overwhelmingly cheery between big battles tbf. And if it had the same atmosphere as the last trilogy, I would've just continued to resent the decision to reboot.

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