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This thread exists for your existential crisis... or does it?


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At least God has some vague scrap of evidence to support it (Jesus and miracles and whatnot).


I don't think that's evidence. Not in the least of bits.


Still, it's so fucking retarded to base your whole life around something based on nothing.


Maybe it came out wrong. I don't live my life in constant fear just because I believe that dead people can walk through minds.

To be honest I shouldn't really care. I mean, I and everyone else don't/doesn't know whether there is somebody sitting in my mind, controlling my every move.


I just think/believe that this is probable.


If you're gonna believe in one thing that isn't scientifically confirmed or supported, then why not believe in all things thats are unconfirmed or supported. Why go to this specific one instead of believing in fairies and ghosts and all that jazz?


I could ask, why believe in a specific god, or in specific ghosts?

Isn't it a matter of "taste". Or maybe educational background, or experience?


Edit: Just a side note: I love those kind of discussions. I really do. It's a shame that I don't know anyone who wants to talk about this... :(

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I could ask, why believe in a specific god, or in specific ghosts?

Isn't it a matter of "taste". Or maybe educational background, or experience?


To be fair I don't believe in any, so saying you believe in certain things because other people believe in other ridiculous things isn't really an argument.

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To be fair I don't believe in any, so saying you believe in certain things because other people believe in other ridiculous things isn't really an argument.


That is true, but I thought I was getting bashed for believing in what I've described, which is why I gave that "argument". :p


Of course, it cannot be used as an argument to say "my beliefs are 'better'" (that is really an immature way of saying this :D) or "that's why I believe in it".


I agree that this "mind walking" is probably one of the most ridiculous concepts ever, but as I said, it might be possible.

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That is true, but I thought I was getting bashed for believing in what I've described, which is why I gave that "argument". :p


Of course, it cannot be used as an argument to say "my beliefs are 'better'" (that is really an immature way of saying this :D) or "that's why I believe in it".


I agree that this "mind walking" is probably one of the most ridiculous concepts ever, but as I said, it might be possible.


You didn't really say why it might be possible. Besides finding the idea intriguing in that book.

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What worries me the most is the idea that after you die, you could still conscious, but you are unable to take any action. Consider this for a moment, then imagine the feeling of being closed into a coffin, seeing all your relatives for the last time, then either being put into a furnace, or into the ground. Any other fate would be more desirable IMO.

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I feel like that when i've spent a whole day doing sweet FA.


example being 2 Saturdays ago. Girlfriend was working so invite a friend over and all we did all day was play xbox despite glorious sunshine.


When he left it was still warm, and i just thought...


"I've wasted a really really nice day stuck inside playing xbox all day"


but then as mentioned by other people just think that despite wasting one day i've had alot of other really great days already, so one day being in playing xbox isnt a total waste, and i assume they'll be more hot saturdays to make up for the one i spent playing xbox.

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What worries me the most is the idea that after you die, you could still conscious, but you are unable to take any action. Consider this for a moment, then imagine the feeling of being closed into a coffin, seeing all your relatives for the last time, then either being put into a furnace, or into the ground. Any other fate would be more desirable IMO.


What if someone rips off your head? Would you be conscious in your head or your body? Or if they chopped your body into millions of little pieces and scattered them around the world, which one would be conscious?


Why would you think you will still be conscious after death.

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Everyone is scared of death, everyone, but I don't think about it. The only thing we can do is try to achieve what we want in life. If we focus on that, surely we're less likely to think about death?


Besides, I honestly think the Universe and reality are stranger than we can comprehend, so I wouldn't write off ghosts, other dimensions and such, just because you believe religion lies to you.


Regarding the thread, no, I don't worry about my existence. There are things I think about, though, that would cause many people to see me as insane - aliens, other dimensions and such. It's not that I totally believe in them as such (I'm not one of these people who believes in everything paranormal), I just like to discuss theories. There must be some big discoveries to come that would sound insane if you described them now. It's like the Earth being spherical and the Earth orbiting the Sun - people didn't believe either of those, and yet they're true.


Basically, don't worry, just do your best.

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When i have these thoughts, i just think of animals. Animals basically wander around on the grass in between food gathering, etc. They don't do a whole lot do they. That's nature.


I don't really worry about it too much. If i've spent the whole day indoors playing games then it doesn't really matter. Whether you value a day playing games, or a day walking around outside in the sun or whatever... it's all subjective. There are no objective guidelines saying playing games is less worthy than going out. It all depends on what YOU feel like doing.


I guess sometimes that's exactly what does depress me, that we're all just brought into this life with no direction, our actions not really having any consequence or meaning. It'd be nice if there was a clear point to existence, so we'd not be doomed to go around doubting ourselves and wondering if we're doing it right.

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Arguably, the only thing we need to think about is procreation, followed by essential things like eating and sleeping. Other than that, it doesn't really matter!


Exactly. I guess in terms of nature, the only way you could waste you life is by not procreating.

But then the world is overpopulated, so you'd actually be doing nature a favour by not procreating.

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Exactly. I guess in terms of nature, the only way you could waste you life is by not procreating.

But then the world is overpopulated, so you'd actually be doing nature a favour by not procreating.

I'd like to at least be spending my days getting some practice in!
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What worries me the most is the idea that after you die, you could still conscious, but you are unable to take any action. Consider this for a moment, then imagine the feeling of being closed into a coffin, seeing all your relatives for the last time, then either being put into a furnace, or into the ground. Any other fate would be more desirable IMO.


I've had this theory floating around my head for quite a while. I was thinking when you're dead, assuming your brain hasn't been pulverized, there's a chance that little intermittent electrical signals still jolt across your brain, meaning you'll be jumping in and out of consciousness until, eventually, the signals just fizzle out.


I got to this conclusion assuming that there'd still be some left over brain static or something. It's idea's like these that make me adamant I'm never gonna die. Imagine how shit scary it'd be if it was right. I never considered being able to view the outer world though, that makes it even scarier.

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I'm not sure I have these existential moments as such. Though I have started to become curious about death a lot recently. I've just sort of settled on this as the most likely outcome:


That aside, in the past sort of year or so I've started to appreciate my life a lot more. Quite often it will hit me just how lucky I am. I mean:


I am in good health, generally speaking.


My parents do alright for money, even if they have split up.


I have two sisters whom I get on with well.


The government takes care of my medical worries.


I've grown up with good friends and have an abundance of literature/music/film/games to choose from should I get bored.


Recently I got a job and even if it is MW, it's all disposable income for the time being.


I know that, should I become unemployed in the future, there will be some (meagre) benefits I can claim.


I feel I have been educated to at least a competent standard.


I can get drunk virtually whenever I like.


Basically, all the things a lot of people take for granted a lot of the time. It's an unremarkable life to be sure, one that millions of other people live, but there are billions of people who have it worse and I imagine most people throughout History have also had it worse, at least from a purely medical standpoint. Generally speaking, I feel fairly lucky.

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My belief is what seems extremely clear to me (and it's a somewhat nice thought compared to the 'permanent black' theories flying around).


You and I are composed of atoms that have derived from the universe. When a woman is pregnant, amino acids from the mother (which have mostly been derived from food) are used to form proteins in the baby, and most other cell components are derived from the mother too. Put simply, we are derived from this universe, will return to this universe, and parts of our body will form other beings again. That's a certainty. Sure, if part of us contributed to 'consciousness' of a being again, we wouldn't remember a thing. But our very building blocks will not always be in a state of 'pitch black', so to speak.

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Exactly. I guess in terms of nature, the only way you could waste you life is by not procreating.

But then the world is overpopulated, so you'd actually be doing nature a favour by not procreating.


I'd like to at least be spending my days getting some practice in!




I guess, being gay, I'm evolution's reject experiment. :p


Not at all. I did wonder if I'd accidentally offend gay people with the procreation comment. What I meant is that people who want to procreate have that to concern themselves with, and anyone who does not intend to procreate (for whatever reason) should just chill out and enjoy themselves. There's no "should" or "shouldn't" with breeding, it's entirely up to individuals (well, mating pairs!) Of course (as Ville suggests), there's a lot more humanity can aim for, such as art and science. It all depends on what the individual wants.


This is one reason I don't understand homophobes - it's totally and utterly illogical to me. I've tried to explain this to my homophobic aquaintances as well, but oh well, some people have to hate! That's a different matter though.


In short though, we must aim for what we want and accept there are many mysteries. We don't understand everything. We might have a "soul", spirits might be real or we might jump to another dimension! Who knows? And hopefully this will cheer people up: many futurologists seriously predict an "elixir of life", so we may end up living to 1000 anyway!

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Not at all. I did wonder if I'd accidentally offend gay people with the procreation comment. What I meant is that people who want to procreate have that to concern themselves with, and anyone who does not intend to procreate (for whatever reason) should just chill out and enjoy themselves. There's no "should" or "shouldn't" with breeding, it's entirely up to individuals (well, mating pairs!) Of course (as Ville suggests), there's a lot more humanity can aim for, such as art and science. It all depends on what the individual wants.


It's fine.


Having been told all my life "You're the only son, you have to carry on the family name!" I've had a long time to think about procreation.


To be honest, the whole premise that the point of existing is to reproduce so we can continue to exist makes no logical sense to me. It's like a sign that says "Beware of this sign".


This is one reason I don't understand homophobes - it's totally and utterly illogical to me.


In a lot of cases its succinctly explained by the fact people don't like what's alien to them.

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The only reason people are designed to make copies of themselves is because if we didn't, then we wouldn't actually be around.




Sorry, I couldn't resist...:p


I guess, being gay, I'm evolution's reject experiment. :p


Or Mother Nature's way of birth control :p

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