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X-Men: First Class


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I'm really not excited for this in the slightest. I think I've been totally put off this franchise by the bad movies... and the fact I know this film is all part of the same storyline... and ultimately leads to the terrible conclusion of the third film, which just lowers my interest.

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Saw this today, absolutely brilliant.

Had only watched one early teaser trailer and heard the hype on here before seeing it, and it was better than I ever expected it would be.

Answers so many questions. Emotional, action packed, stunning.


Gotta be my favourite superhero film ever.

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Woot, went to see this in the afternoon and fully enjoyed it. :D : peace: :awesome:


I didn't read up much info on it before hand either so was surpised too by some things, always helpful


Firstly was surprised by the reuse of the same opening scene as the first film with young Eric in the Nazi Camp. For a moment thought they put on the wrong film :heh:


Thought Fassbender was great as Magneto... though there were a few times his Irish accent came out which seemed a little odd.


Charles was an odd one though felt weird at the start seeing him as a ladies man and all that. I don't know if the comics ever dealt with Chrales at that age but I never imagined him like that, haha.


Still though by the end of the film it did seem to work.


The one thing I guess that I didn't like was the early killing of Darwin. Like WTF?

With his power it had so much potential for something epic in the fight scene at the end.

He didn't do anything. Just stick his head in a fish tank and take some hits with a baseball bat. He could have done so much at the end of the film such a wasted oppurtunity. It was like they just wanted to pick a reletively unknown/small character from the comics just to kill him. They could have done so much more with his character and power. I was half expecting him to return by the end like even though he was blown up from the inside his power found a way to reform him :heh:



Some continuity issues though that kinda bug me (I'm a nerd for continuity)... the main one of course being Emma Frost being in this and a different one in Origins: Wolverine... though we can ignore that I suppose.


Also the relationship between Charles and Mystique, they grew up together??? WTF?

Of course in the first 3 there was a connection between Charles and Magneto as that was a core to both characters so we saw and knew they had previous history. But there was never anything to suggest any major history between Charles and Mystique so why put it in this film? Though taking this film on its own merits it does kinda work within those confines. But considering the grew up as brother and sister according to this it then seems very odd to see no remenants of this if you go and rewatch the other films.


The ending too with Magneto freeing Emma and having Riptide and Azazel in his group seemed weird as obviously none of them appear in the "later" films.


And of course Havoc being there and no mention of him or even of Scott having a brother in the other films.


Though apparently they are planning on making this the first of a new trilogy so maybe by the end of the First Class 3 it'll make sense.


There's also the building of Cerebro under the Mansion which Magneto was meant to have helped with. I was expecting to see that in this film but it never happened.


And it goes out of continuity with Last Stand as from the opening scene of that with Charles and Eric finding/recruiting young Jean Grey. That must have happened before Magneto split from Charles yet it doesn't happen here. (Also can't remember was Charles walking in that scene in Last Stand?)


Unless in one of the next two First Class films they have them working together again :heh: Though I guess we can also ignore Last Stand? (I'd love it if they "remade" Last Stand and got Singer back on to direct :heh:)


Loved the Wolverine cameo too, didn't know he was gonna be it.

Didn't know Cerebro would be in it either, so when that scene started up and Charles started finding mutants I was then thinking we might see a quick glimps of him in that "mind search" thing (Spotted Storm in there, but don't know who the others were meant to be, if anyone?). But then when they went to meet Wolverine and he just told them to Fuck Off, that was epic. :D


No Stan Lee cameo either, surprising. I actually had to google it when I got home to make sure I didn't blink and miss it. But he isn't there... apparently he wasn't able to get to where to were filming, shame.


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The Charles/Mystique/Magneto triangle was pretty stunning. Mostly because I saw a part of myself in Mystique -- her radicalisation pretty similar to what I've gone through over the past year, with a centre-right good friend and an ultra-left best friend both giving me their advice. I loved how Magneto represents everything that I'm stunned by in life: No-compromise, belief in the potential of stunning people, queerness, militancy-out-of-necessity. Where Charles represents the less-things in my life: ultra-pacifism, LGBT heteronormativity, boringness etc etc. I clapped when Mystique finally revealed her naked body, finally born.


Of course it was set in Oxford University. Of course there were at the Turf Pub.


Hated how Moira Mactaggert was pointlessly not Scottish. And Banshee not Irish. Considering X-Men was always popular because of its multi-national membership.


Loved how the film teased on the edge of Havok being gay. Was this twink/jock hybrid, who touched his fellow male team-mates far too often. :p He was kinda hot. Surprising for me, because I rarely find "cute boys" that hot. And I loved the effect of his hula-hoop thing when he first used his power. Great at life.


Angel felt stunning. I loved how it was going to be the most racist moment of anything I've ever seen ever, but then Darwin was great, so it was fine. Hated Banshee's face, but it worked.


Emma Frost felt well done. I didn't really enjoy the CGI of her diamond, but one has to deal. I enjoy that she felt appropriately "Get the fuck out my way".


Hesus Christi / the demon / the teleporting one felt so unnecessary. Like... Nightcrawler's been done, and we're all bored.


Nicholas Hoult was surprisingly inoffensive.



The story was "meh" to the max. Like... so bored of shite American war things. Would have much preferred a battle on the astral plane or something. Hellfire Club was handled relatively badly too.


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It was a fantastic movie a real 8/10 and my favourite x-men movie to date.


As chair said why the hell wasn't Banshee Irish? Jesus picking a GINGE kid isn't fooling anyone.

Also it was at least 20 minutes too long. There's only so many times they could make the "you shouldn't have to hide from everyone, show your true self speech". You could also have a shot everytime a scene transitions starts on a ship.


Havok as a character felt unneeded. The movie was lacking comic relief too, this character felt like he could have provided that with his relationship with Hank but... nah


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Most of the things that Mokong highlights about continuity issues are things that I loved about the film and I wouldn't really change. Loved the Charles/Raven dynamic.

Unlike chair I did like how they fit it into world history with the nazis/cuban missile crisis.

Thinking about it, it makes more sense if this is the start of a new, alternate X Men timeline, rather than fitting in strictly as a prequel the original trilogy (Though obviously, I'm not complaining if they use actors from the original trilogy in these new films, like the cameo.)

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It was a fantastic movie a real 8/10 and my favourite x-men movie to date.


As chair said why the hell wasn't Banshee Irish? Jesus picking a GINGE kid isn't fooling anyone.

Also it was at least 20 minutes too long. There's only so many times they could make the "you shouldn't have to hide from everyone, show your true self speech". You could also have a shot everytime a scene transitions starts on a ship.


Havok as a character felt unneeded. The movie was lacking comic relief too, this character felt like he could have provided that with his relationship with Hank but... nah


I can't believe I forgot to mention this yesterday, haha.


When he said "I wanna be Banshee" I was like... BUT YOUR NOT IRISH :heh:

Guess with the red head they'd say he was Irish-American :heh:


All made slightly weird when Magneto gave a few slips of an Irish accent, haha.


Also I wasn't sure if Moira was Moira until a fair bit into film, for both lack of a Scottish accent and was Moira in the comics ever a CIA opperative? I just thought it was someone with the same last name. Like how they had Strykers dad in it. (Did that fit continuity? Wouldn't William have been both grown up and knee deep in starting up Weapon X by then?)


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Coincidentally, I was looking at the cover of one of the DVD'S yesterday and I thought that they picked horrible actors for Jean Grey, Cyclops and Rogue. I'm not judging them based on their acting talents, but they just don't look, to me, like they should. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.


Rogue in X1 is stunning. They turned a "fuck is this?" comicbook character into an engaging and believable film character.


Cylcops and Jean fit well. More realistic versions of their comic book counterparts.

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I love James Marsden and I love Anna Paquin, I think they both did stella. I like Phamker Hamsome, but....I could take or leave her performance as Phoenix tbh. I can imagine other people having given more "stunning" performances. Just uploading my epic video review and tiny minor trailer parody, who is excited?

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Just got back from seeing and I thought it was fantastic, easily the best X movie so far. Having gone into the film not expecting much and just disregarding the other films and comics I thought it made for great viewing.


Everyone laughed their backs off when...


Wolverine showed up.



Pure genius. :D


We think noticed a mistake near the end of the flick.


When Azazel is beating up Beast and Mystique shows up as Shaw she has copied him with his helmet. At that point in the film none of the X-Men had seen the helmet. Correct?


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We think noticed a mistake near the end of the flick.


When Azazel is beating up Beast and Mystique shows up as Shaw she has copied him with his helmet. At that point in the film none of the X-Men had seen the helmet. Correct?


Indeed I was thinking the same thing.


Though it may have been possible Frost told Eric about it and that's how he knew to use it?


I would say maybe Charles found out when he scanned Frosts mind... but he had no idea how Shaw blocked him at the end of it


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Saw it last night, brilliant film.


McAvoy and Fassbender were amazing (although Magneto going Irish towards the end was a bit weird ;) )


the nods to the future films were good as well

Hugh Jackman's appearance was unexpected and brilliant


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Saw it last night, brilliant film.


McAvoy and Fassbender were amazing (although Magneto going Irish towards the end was a bit weird ;) )


the nods to the future films were good as well

Hugh Jackman's appearance was unexpected and brilliant


indeed, whenever I tell someone I've seen the film I wanna go "oh and guess what"... but it's so awesome I force myself to suppress it so they get the full awesomeness of it when they first see it

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