Emerald Emblem Posted June 30, 2012 Posted June 30, 2012 Why can't a console Pokemon game be like this?
Sheikah Posted June 30, 2012 Posted June 30, 2012 (edited) Looks so awesome, definite purchase for me provided it's not something crazy like over £100. Doesn't look like it should be in that range though! Edit: $100 in the US...fuck. We all know how dollar to pound conversions go down... Edited June 30, 2012 by Sheikah
Ike Posted June 30, 2012 Posted June 30, 2012 What exactly is in the book? Is it the same as the DS one?
Sheikah Posted June 30, 2012 Posted June 30, 2012 Apparently: "This full-color book will contain a bestiary of all the creatures found in the game, while it will even offer in-depth item descriptions, spells and a history of the other world." I think with the DS you actually needed it in order to perform spells? Not sure here but looks awesome.
Ike Posted July 3, 2012 Posted July 3, 2012 (edited) DS version relied on it heavily on how to draw the spells, what they did and stuff like monster descriptions and weaknesses. Would be nice if they included that kind of stuff in the PS3 version, even if it's not necessary this time. Shopto has put up preorders. £69.85, they say the RRP is £79.99. Edit: Really wish Shopto didn't shop the total price for your preorders :P Edited July 3, 2012 by Ike
Hero-of-Time Posted July 4, 2012 Posted July 4, 2012 Ike said: Shopto has put up preorders. £69.85, they say the RRP is £79.99. Edit: Really wish Shopto didn't shop the total price for your preorders :P Thanks for the heads up. *preorders* Yeah, it can be quite the sight looking at how much you are going to spend in the next few months.
Ike Posted July 4, 2012 Posted July 4, 2012 Hero-of-Time said: Yeah, it can be quite the sight looking at how much you are going to spend in the next few months. Especially with 2 consoles preordered
Retro_Link Posted September 3, 2012 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) Amazon.co.uk Pre-order Bonus Quote Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch with Two Amazon-exclusive Familiars Pre-order Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch with us at Amazon.co.uk and you'll receive two Amazon-exclusive Familiars as a pre-order bonus. In Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, 'familiars' are creatures you send out to battle for you. They will evolve as the story progresses. The two familiars available with your pre-order of Ni No Kuni are: GRIFFY Able to spy its prey from great distances, the Griffy is known as the Hunter of the Skies. With its fearsome Phantom Fangs and its potent Petrifying Puff, this creature is not to be trifled with, especially when it evolves into its most lethal forms, the Griffurnace or the Griffigerator. FLUTTERBY This elegant flying creature delights all who are fortunate enough to catch it, but beware of its Gust Buster and its perilous Poison Pinch. The Flutterby evolves into either the midnight Flutterby or the midday Flutterby, depending on the path chosen by its owner. Edited September 3, 2012 by Retro_Link
Agent Gibbs Posted September 4, 2012 Posted September 4, 2012 uhhhh i hate pre-orders like this! i'm not changing from shopto now
Sheikah Posted September 4, 2012 Posted September 4, 2012 I changed. It's like a few pence more for the Wizard's edition from Amazon than ShopTo and you get additional stuff.
killer kirby Posted September 4, 2012 Posted September 4, 2012 I'll most likely get this game once it's in the BOMB bin on the 2nd week it's out.
Agent Gibbs Posted September 5, 2012 Posted September 5, 2012 Well i switched the pre-order, nice enough bonus, but i prefer the customer experience with shopto
Sheikah Posted September 5, 2012 Posted September 5, 2012 killer kirby said: I'll most likely get this game once it's in the BOMB bin on the 2nd week it's out. Good luck with that.
killer kirby Posted September 6, 2012 Posted September 6, 2012 Sheikah said: Good luck with that. All PS3 games I have gotten have been put into the bomb bin, oh should I mention I just bought Tales Of Graces f in a $15 bin? A week ago it was $99 The game will bomb just like it did in Japan
Guy Posted September 7, 2012 Posted September 7, 2012 killer kirby said: All PS3 games I have gotten have been put into the bomb bin, oh should I mention I just bought Tales Of Graces f in a $15 bin? A week ago it was $99 The game will bomb just like it did in Japan As Sheikah said, good luck with that plan. I'll be grabbing this on day one since these types of games have a habit of vanishing without a trace within days of being released. Dunno how it is in Australia though.
Emerald Emblem Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 (edited) Demo is up on the PS Store. Just installing it now, impressions later. EDIT: Impressions time. Positive from what I played, the demo gives you 2 scenario's to play, when you pick a scenario, you are given 20 minutes to get as far into it as possible before it returns you to the main menu. I played the forest scenario which sends us outside of a boss area, I took 2 attempts to beat it first time getting used to the combat, that said I barely scraped past the second try. So yes after that I did some grinding totally forgetting about the time limits, so I rushed to get back to the town and do the task there, but before I finished it time over. Combat is fairly simple, pick wether to fight yourself or send out a familiar to fight for you, you can swap out any time. Action based but turn based as well, when you issue a command you let your character do his work, but if you can cancel an action if say you are attacking something and it uses it's special, you can cancel your attack action to then defend. It feels a lot like Pokemon. Impressions over. Edited December 12, 2012 by Emerald Emblem
Daft Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 I'm not too sure what to think of the combat. I'm pretty sure I hated it. I'd love some real basic Golden Sun type turn based combat.
Ike Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 In my downloads queue. Not sure if I want to actually play it though.
Ike Posted January 5, 2013 Posted January 5, 2013 So GAME are doing a preoder bonus with the regular edition where you get the Wizard Companion book... in Japanese. Think they found a load of leftover books and just decided to give them to GAME?
Ike Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 Release delayed by a week. Namco Bandai are giving out a free DLC familiar so that's not too bad.
CooInTheZoo Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Here's IGN's video review for Ni No Kuni. Beyond excited for it now, what a great score http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/01/14/ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch-video-review
Guy Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 (edited) This being delayed means I can pick it up out of my February pay. Great news for poor people like me. Edited August 16, 2017 by Guy
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