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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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I too was proven wrong by this not being a tech demo (and then floored all in one) - brilliant news.

Bring it on. I can imagine sitting in the fishing hole again whilst the rain pours down in 3D.


I can also imagine the advertising for this:


Will thou get the girl or go cross-eyed?

Edited by tapedeck
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Stop crushing my hopes and dreams! :(


In all seriousness, I can see them including a way to unfreeze Zora's Domain, or even adding Master Quest as a bonus. Those are the only things I'd think it would be reasonable to hope for.

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From IGN interview:


Aonuma: We've talked about remixing Ocarina of Time for a long time, saying "should we remake Ocarina of Time for Wii?" And, to be honest, I said no. I didn't want to just re-release it on a different platform -- I wanted to have a specific reason to remake Ocarina of Time. I didn't want to just make a port. And so I was waiting for something to come along that would not only help us to retell the story, but improve upon it. Making it different, more unique in its own way. Now, with 3D, we're able to take the environments of Hyrule and add depth -- giving them a more expansive feeling, a more immersive feeling. In addition to that, now that we have the 3D we can looking forward to new ways to implement 3D into the gameplay and make it fresh and new. And we also have the motion sensors that are built-in to the Nintendo 3DS. So we're looking at quite a few ways to make the gameplay more immersive, more natural, more accessible. So again, not just a port -- but a retelling of the tale using new technologies to reinvent it.
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The 3DS is going to be an instant wankfest for Nintendo fans... They could release the whole of their N64 and Gamecube back catalogue for it and most people would snap it all up. Plus it would mean an insane library in the notoriously difficult first year...


Then other companies will get in on it... Obviously we don't just want it to be a 3D virtual console (hmmm) but it's still going to be awesome.

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Seriously though, I don't know why'd anyone would expect more than a graphical update... Nintendo have enough games thier bringing to DS... and I'd rather they focused the majority of their efforts on the new games like Paper Mario etc...


: peace:Agreed!: peace:

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Hands -on:


We've just got hands on with a rolling preview of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time on 3DS - and it's good news, folks.


Our quick demo lasted merely two minutes, and featured Link on the back of his trusty steed. (Who was looking far more detailed than we ever remember, not least sparkling eyes, mane and hooves).


The setting faded in from black, with the recognisable music from the original classic game.


We rode our horse over rolling hills and lush greenery - and past imposing trees and a sky-tickling cliff face - until we reached a drawbridge (THE drawbridge). We rode through the arch and onto... well, we can't tell you. The screen faded back out again.


What we can inform you is that the visuals were masterful - with the greens and yellows of Zelda's world particularly vivid. The moon setting into the early evening was a treat - emanating ever-decreasing layers of illumination.


Edges were crisp and lighting effects were some of the best we've ever seen in a Nintendo game - not least the glare spots occasionally bleeding over the lens.


The 3D effects themselves were on a par with the Kojima MGS: Snake Eater game we reported on earlier today - with a rising sun and the background castle in particular giving the game real depth.


As if faded out, we were treated to the giddy image of the classic Zelda sword and shield - given more body and density than ever before.


We're in on a Q&A with Miyamoto-san and Iwata-san shortly. Stay tooned.



When Link begins riding away alongside the river, which in the original intro prompts the camera to begin moving towards the Kokiri Forest and the entrance to it, it instead follows Link to the drawbridge. From there, the camera peaks over the wall into Hyrule Castle Town Market, and then the Triforce on the wall shines out and then basically the "demo" ended.


The biggest difference is that Hyrule Castle Town Market is fully 3D--no more pre-rendered bgs. And yea, the demo deviates from the normal "intro" near the end, and the music shifted to the Zelda Theme rather than Ocarina's Theme. I'm curious if CVG actually "played" something or just saw the video. Faded to black probably to prevent the Ganondorf riding through flames cutscene, or the Koume and Kotake attacking Nabooru cutscene. :(

Edited by Dante
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Ya I was wondering about hyrule castle town. I didn't think they would leave the pre-rendered backgrounds in seen as majora's mask pretty much got rid of that in the sequel.


Unless goldeneye I imagine this will be a remake that fans will really enjoy! Also with the inclusion of the anologue stick and better graphics there is no reason this version shouldn't be better than the original.

Edited by mcj metroid
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I can see Majora's Mask working well, with Link being sucked away 'into' the screen, and jutting out when he applies a mask. Those particular scenes are really well-suited to the 3DS.


I think that would actually make me crap my pants. It'd be awesome. Great idea Tellyn, you should be Miyamoto's assistant!

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Hmm... wonder if the Triforce will make an appearance in this version?


Also, did that info say they rode over the drawbridge?!!


To be honest I think people went a bit to far with the triforce theory. To me the actual screenshot of Link approaching the triforce looks like it could just be a beta part of links nightmare at the beggining of the game that got removed. I remember IGN had the caption '' Look wev'e found it already'' Or something along the lines when the screenshot was first shown.

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Yeah but it could have possibly started out as young link dreaming he his Adult link at the begginning of the game (Plays through mini dungeon with two or three rooms, Link Approaches'/ gets Triforce, Wakes up realising it was a dream). But because of Spoilers they changed it. Probably not right at all but just another theory.


anyway on another topic i found this to help get in the mood


Edited by ssj
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Yeah but it could have possibly started out as young link dreaming he his Adult link at the begginning of the game (Plays through mini dungeon with two or three rooms, Link Approaches'/ gets Triforce, Wakes up realising it was a dream). But because of Spoilers they changed it. Probably not right at all but just another theory.


anyway on another topic i found this to help get in the mood



Will thou soar, or will though suck lol! Even if it doesnt say that I thought it did.

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To be honest I think people went a bit to far with the triforce theory. To me the actual screenshot of Link approaching the triforce looks like it could just be a beta part of links nightmare at the beggining of the game that got removed. I remember IGN had the caption '' Look wev'e found it already'' Or something along the lines when the screenshot was first shown.
Oh yeah it was a removed Beta part, there's a video out there that shows it...



Just wondered if from this part of the hands on...


From there, the camera peaks over the wall into Hyrule Castle Town Market, and then the Triforce on the wall shines out and then basically the "demo" ended.
They might be teasing us at them reincluding it, along with the other few changes they are making... but I doubt it.


And yeah, does this suggest we'll be able to take Epona on into the castle?...

until we reached a drawbridge (THE drawbridge). We rode through the arch and onto... well, we can't tell you. The screen faded back out again.

Wonder if they have anything new planned for Link and Epona in there?
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What excites me about this is not just that Ocarina of Time is a brilliant game, or that this looks better than the original, but the fact that we may now be in the era of full 3D Zeldas on handhelds controlled with the Slide Pad.


Spirit Tracks was one last entry for the Phantom Hourglass engine, and they did it proud, but imagine the possibilities from now on!

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But that's what this Ocarina of Time remake is - a console game. Don't you think it would be odd to take a backwards step from it and have the next Zelda as a 2.5D game like Spirit Tracks? For one thing, it'd use the touchscreen and thus not be in stereoscopic 3D.

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Games can still use the touchscreen and the 3D screen, Nintendogs + Cats shows just that. If you watched any demos you can see that they pet the bottom screen and the hand shows up on the top screen.


They remade Mario 64 but then never followed up with a 3D mario platformer on the DS. So maybe the trend will continue?

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Do you know, OoT has one of the stand out moments in video game history for me. i had a N64 when i was younger but could never affor games, so i nipped to global videos and they had this little section of N64 games for rent. So i pick up OoT and stick it in the machine when i get home.... I always remember the part in the Hyrule castle grounds sneaking around past the guards. The sun shining on the trees which cast shadows, the music, the nerves! Think i may actually have to pick this up when it comes out ^^

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